Chinese Wuhan Virus Update – Tuesday April 7

Wrong again – big time.  There was no update yesterday as I was working on other things. Even without my day job, I cannot seem to gain enough time!

Sunday I displayed the daily death chart and wrote about patterns. The problem is I cannot seem to count to four. My bad. All I can say is blindspots are like that – at least for me. I am glad to see I can still root them out from time to time. Meanwhile…

Anyone looking at the graph and my so-called analysis might easily see the run up to a peak was four days, not three as I was saying. Now that pattern is broken as the last run up before the decline actually was three days. Is this a big deal? Probably not. In fact, I very well could be looking at the wrong thing or even obsessing over numbers that will mean nothing in the long run. So be it.

What really got me started and startled was the relatively massive jump from March 30 to 31. The daily toll went from 558 to 912 or close to doubling. This is what got me on the penny roll. Okay, bad pun. Thank fully the doubling has not occurred again. Hopefully it will not.

If you look at daily new cases – there was a marked decline from April 4th to April 5th of nearly 9,000 cases. April 6th was up almost 5,000 cases from the 5th but still below the high on Saturday. Could this be the start of a decline in new cases? If so this could be either good or bad news depending on how you look at it. For me, the jury is still out. How could a decline of cases be bad?

What do you think will happen once we confirm we are over the hump? Won’t we all breathe a sigh of relief? Won’t we all relax and think about getting back to “normal”? Seems reasonable to me. And that could be a problem if we all relax to the point of rebooting the infectious cycle. Hence my own consternation.

As a nation, we NEED to get back to work. We NEED to move forward economically. How long can we live like we are now? Already the circumstantial factors of this virus has taken a much larger toll than the virus itself.

The way things stand now, we’ve dug ourselves a massive hole. Unemployment is raging. Our economy is suffering. We’ve allowed our employees to run wild with the national credit card. Now they want to max out one or two new ones. Already, the controllers have mortgaged our future. We cannot stand for this.

Remember the saying “I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees”? This is the very real danger we face. It is much worse than any virus. We must all ask ourselves – what is the true price of this pandemic? I am not willing to sacrifice my freedom for “safety”.

God bless,




Wuhan Update – The Good News Is – I Was Wrong

Yesterday I predicted 8,000 deaths by today. Thankfully the numbers came in far short of this to just over 7,000. I’ve never been happier to admit I was wrong in my calculations. Praise God! The bad news is deaths did see the largest increase ever from 969 on April 1 to 1321 – a 36% increase. Yes, I could argue Saturday is just beginning but, full disclosure here, I was thinking and talking about the days the numbers were reported, not the actual day someone died. So I was indeed wrong about this. Chalk that up to my being a lousy statistician. Even at this, the numbers are not promising a downward trend quite yet. If wishes could come true, I’d also wish I was wrong about something else – the controllers penchant for control.

Also in today’s news is the fully disturbing story of facial recognition companies rolling out thermal imaging capabilities with their products. These cannot only detect people with ease but also determine if they are “running hot” i.e. have a fever – not to mention what weapons they may be carrying. This last effectively negates any guise of “concealed carry”. Yes, certainly concealed from the public’s eye but any “official” thug with the right hardware can make it difficult for any citizen at will. Maybe this is a good thing. How?

Just as this current pandemic has stripped away any pretense of the controllers lust for absolute control, this technology draws back the curtain on what it all really means. It hands over to anyone “in authority” near complete control of citizens. In other words, this is the ultimate demonstration of where our society is headed if WE, the CITIZENS, allow it. In addition it focuses attention on the real issue here: What any law-abiding citizen carries is NOBODY’S BUSINESS! It is just not. You can whine and cry about all the “what-ifs” you want but until someone DOES SOMETHING ILLEGAL, there is no crime. The fact is if a badged thug stops a citizen because s/he carries something “suspicious” – THAT is a crime against the citizen. Can you see this? “Carrying something suspicious” is NOT a crime! Detaining a citizen without a reasonable articulable suspicion the citizen committed an actual crime – IS a crime!

Let’s set aside all the arguments about citizens carrying in “prohibited” areas for the moment because this is NOT where things are going. Where things ARE going is complete and total surveillance of as many citizens as technology will allow. Already some companies are proposing mounting this technology on drones – as if this already hasn’t been done. What is to stop “authorities” from mounting equipment on vehicles to scan homes as they drive down the streets? How long will it take for “authorities” to begin raiding homes one by one until all threats to their power are eradicated? My question is not “how far will they go” but rather “when will WE say enough!”.

Will we citizens take the lessons this pandemic offers and force the changes necessary to right this nation or will we succumb to further destruction of our Constitutional Republic? If we refuse to learn from this, what will it take? It seems the next step down the road we are headed crosses the line into to total subservience. WE have to authority, the ONLY authority to stop this cold. For this to happen, WE have to step up, take up our stewardship and assert our God-given authority to self-govern.

It is up to us.

God bless,


Wuhan Virus FUD – (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt)

What ever else is happening in the world today – FUD, fear, uncertainty and doubt has to be topping the list. This virus is not only infecting people but every aspect of our lives – even if you never, ever come in contact with the bug itself. Consider my own circumstances, if you will.

My wife and I decided to pack it in and stay home as of Wednesday. While we have our concerns and, yes, even fears – as our eldest son, 23, was potentially exposed. His bride works in the health care field. Neither tested positive. While he is young and relatively healthy, he has lung issues already so we do have cause for concern. As I am now past 60, my age alone needs to be taken into consideration, though I am a fairly healthy over 60 by the grace of God. Even so, after reviewing the data, we decided the risk of infection is greater than the reward of a couple weeks pay.

Overall, I tend to ignore the media and the horror parade. These days we are bombarded with so much negative news, a recent story predicting a rise in suicides is not surprising. The economy all over the world has tanked. Unemployment is hitting historical levels. Food and other supplies are unstable. Guns and ammunition is vanishing from the shelve. Many governors have ordered or at least implored citizens to stay home. Congress finally acted only to extract an unprecedented sum from citizens while promising to throw us all a bone. Meanwhile the media rages hysterically – pumping out fearful propaganda while refusing to air daily briefings from the White House, citing the plethora of “misinformation” coming from the administration. While even I must admit, the MSM are THE experts on misinformation, their claim is naturally suspect. It reminds me of the old line… “everything you know is wrong, but you know that.”

Most of those I’ve talked to express doubts. The biggest doubt is whether this Wuhan, Corona, Covid19, Chinese virus is a “thing” or not. Is it real? Is it made up? I’m pointing out that this does not matter any more. This entire pandemic has taken on a life of its own. Now the virus is secondary, even as the numbers of infected and dead rise, the aftermath promises to be devastating. In other words, the crud is now overwhelmed by the FUD. The only thing we can do at this point is take whatever precautions we can and ride it out.
This morning, the numbers actually show a hint of promise. While the number of deaths tripled in just six days – from 2,000 reported on March 29 to 6,000 as of this morning – April 4, the rate of increase seems to be slowing. Mind you, I am not a statistician. I have not “done the math” so my assessment is approximate. The next day or two should tell. If the trend continues, expect the number of deaths to reach 8,000 by tomorrow – Saturday. If this is less, it could indicate a downward trend instead. While this would be good news, much damage is done already.

Now is the time to put aside our fears and shore up our resolve. Take precautions for sure. The actions we are taking here are more for the sake of prudence. I see no need to go out and mingle. While I abhor social distancing “orders” in themselves, I will not allow my pride or my personal objection to the tone of those in government to overcome common sense. The fact is, when the commonwealth closed down schools a couple of weeks ago, I was rather disgusted at their apparent knee-jerk reaction. Thought and hindsight brought me to the realization that closing down the petri dish network aka the public school system was actually the very best thing they could do.

Who knows how long this siege will last? All we know for sure is the longer this goes on the farther we will sink economically. For now our priority will be to continue to prepare to weather this storm. Continue? You say. Yes. We are awful at gardening but, we will try once again. We will look for other chinks in our preparations and fill those in as we can. As of now there are still some things we can do so whatever we can do we will.

Understand, the globalists will continue to try to leverage this to usurp more power. Do not think they will allow the logical argument this pandemic demonstrates for decentralization. Their solution is always, always, always more government, more control in their hands. We cannot allow this. Not only is logic on our side but opportunity also. Once the world starts moving again, we should step up and assume control. No, I am not talking about marching on capitols but rather meeting our neighbors locally – at county seats and village halls and sending a strong message to our employees in government – no more! It is time to scale back this monstrosity you call “government”. You WILL either begin to represent US or you CAN and WILL be replaced. The lobbyists, the handlers and the controllers have got to go. We need to replace them with citizens from our own ranks and charge those citizens with the arduous task of dismantling the beast. They cannot be expected to do this alone so we cannot expect to send them off with a pat and turn our backs. We are stewards of our nation and WE must step up!

God bless,


Wuhan Virus – The Big Picture

File this under wild and crazy speculation if you will but DO consider the following:

First and foremost, I do not think I am alone in suspecting there is more… much more going on than what the uppity-ups are calling a pandemic. IS it really a pandemic in the first place? One definition of the word “pandemic” itself is: “(of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.” Speculation aside, let us stipulate this qualifies as such and move on.

Notice the qualifying term – prevalent. Nothing here says “deadly” nor even dangerous. Nor does this definition require a certain number. It merely has to be “prevalent”. Prevalent is defined as “predominant”, meaning “having or exerting control or power.” Why go through all of this?

From almost day one the Siamese twins of the media and the politicians have bombarded us with fear. While shoving actual facts under the rug they’ve done all they can to ramp up panic. If you or I had done anything like this even on a minuscule scale – we’d be facing charges of inciting a riot. They’ve attacked the President on every level. EVERY. LEVEL. Chuck Shumer lead an attack weeks ago when he berated the President for closing the borders to China too early. Yeah Chuckie – you OWN it! Consider the complaints of the political correctness of his team. Consider the lie they spreads about the WH pandemic response office being “dissolved”. The open attack I saw at a WH press conference included the suggestion President Trump personally pulled the plug inferring some dubious motive. The group was in fact reorganized and moved. Yes at least one disgruntled Nobamaite lost her job. Cry me a river. They attacked the President when he challenged the WHO mortality rate – on excellent logic, if you ask me. They attacked him when he stated researchers may have found a cure. Again, the evidence is mounting he is absolutely correct on this. But all of this runs far deeper than the fear. Why would they want to create a panic?

It is a blatant power grab. This is happening on so many levels it is frightening to see just how far the controllers will take it. Their gloves are off so they can wrap their sticky fingers around every possible liberty we have. California, New York, New Jersey, Washington, Virginia and the list keeps growing. It is not just the feds and the states either. Local dictators are emerging usurping authority even they rarely dreamed of possessing – shutting down businesses, restricting free trade, free movement and on and on. Governor Ralphie of Virginia has “ordered” citizens to stay at least six feet away from each other. Seriously? Ordered? Ralphie – go stick your head back up your ass and don’t come out until all this is over. Oh! And get out of my life. Actually, I don’t care about Ralphie because I tend to ignore pompous idiots anyway. If he leads anyone – its that crowd. Back to the topic at hand… we have not dug deep enough.

Entire states are shutting down. People – citizens are losing work, even their jobs, production is tanking. Our economy is being flushed down the toilet. The markets are in a panic. Some predicted this fiasco could lead to a global depression. This is not all that far fetched. What would the end result be? Most likely even more draconian government control. Take a history lesson from the Great Depression. Communist Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt entrenched government into our lives so deeply we still reel from the effects. Is this pandemic some sort of conspiracy to invoke global control? Heck, I don’t know. Conspiracy or not, remember their motto… “never let a crisis go to waste”.

Consider the nature of the controllers. They are bullies at heart. They can and will seize upon fear to reach their intended goals. They have already done as much. They will take advantage of any opportunity to further their agenda. Again, they have done so already… many times. They will position themselves and even arrange circumstances to gain more power and control. How do I know this? Again, they have done it, time and time again. They do not stop. They are addicted to their lust for power. As addicts, they will stop at nothing to get their fix. You need not take my word for this – simply look at their records. If they are terrible at anything, it is hiding their tracks. Or maybe they just don’t care anymore, deciding instead to go all out “in your face”. Either way all you have to do is visit a couple of “newsy” websites, go to an active forum or flip through a couple of channels on the TV. This last I am not sure about because I watch very little TV. The last hour or so I spent saw the talking heads droning on and on about the virus situation. It was so bad the commercials were almost a relief. The point is you do not have to look very hard to find examples of political critters scrambling to seize any scrap of power they can lay hands on.

Consider again the components of what we are seeing. A virus spreading somewhat rapidly across the world. Okay. As of this morning the world-wide toll is 421,792 confirmed cases resulting in 18,883 deaths. In the U.S. The numbers are 54,893 confirmed cases with 783 deaths. Finally, Fox News is displaying a graphic with actual numbers.

Since math can be hard for some to picture shall we take the easy way out?

We can do 10% by simply moving the decimal and all we need is a ballpark so…

10% of 421,792 is about 42,179 – half of that or 5% is about 21,090 – so far world-wide – deaths are less than this – not quite 5%. In comparison, the Swine Flu (H1N1) sported a fatality rate of about 4%. Some say as low as 1%. For the benefit of those who would fear monger these stats, I’ll remind you the experts cannot agree on any specific numbers even 10 years after. For this reason the actual numbers are quite likely to be far lower than the highest known figures. Why? Because what nobody knows is how many unreported cases there were or how many deaths were attributed to something else. The number of deaths is surely to be more accurate because, well, people tend to examine dead bodies to uncover the cause of death. The exceptions would likely be those who died far from civilization and those folks are very unlikely to contract such a virus simply because they were out of reach. Social distancing at its best.

The U.S. Figures are even less. Let’s move the decimal two places for a quick calc: Of the 54,893 1% would be 549 (rounded up). We’ve seen 783 deaths – not double the 1% so less than 2% have died from this so far. These are from confirmed cases and again, we do not know how many unconfirmed cases exist. Swine Flu was considered a pandemic also. So all this begs the question: why the panic?

What we are seeing on local, national and international levels is far greater fear mongering and power grabbing than actual danger from this pandemic. It all looks like a badly hacked propaganda campaign than an actual threat. The entire scenario is beginning to stink. As we can now see the scenes from ground level, lets say we lift ourselves up for a perspective from higher up.

Once again, I will suggest there is indeed a battle raging. We are seeing the human component. Beyond our vision, the battle is spiritual. Evil forces – the god of this world is gathering his minions to further his plan to oppress those humans he does not yet control. Sound farfetched? Would you prefer some conspiracy theory? Don’t get me wrong… I have no doubt conspirators exist – men and women huddling behind closed doors devising means to do evil. For proof of that you need look no further than our own House of Representatives. Actually you’ll find rats scurrying all over our nation’s and state capitols. This is nothing new, nor are such things limited to government offices. What I am getting at here is all of these pockets of evil, while not acting in concert, certainly embrace the same source of evil whether they know and/or acknowledge it or not.

Recently I posted a podcast featuring the Biblical prophet Daniel. The scripture included a detail few repeat on how the angel in the account told Daniel how he was delayed by The Prince of Persia who withstood him 21 days before the Archangel Michael intervened. This account reveals how very real spiritual battles take place beyond our ability to see. For those of you who refuse to believe without seeing – have you never had a cold? Were you able to watch your body battle the invading virus? Tell me again how impossible it is for a spiritual world to exist because you cannot view it.

One excellent fictional account about spiritual warfare is the book “This Present Darkness” by Frank Peretti. Mind you, a novel is essentially an extended parable, while a parable is essentially an extended figure of speech. Figures of speech are valid literary tools used to expound on truths so they may be more easily understood. It paints a vivid mind picture to better express a thought. For example one could say “the ground is dry”. Simple enough and entirely factual. If one were to say “the ground is thirsty”, it would not be factually true but the imagery such a statement evokes gets the point across powerfully. This same concept applies to fiction.


While figures of speech abound in scripture, I am convinced the record in Daniel is factual rather than figurative – at least as far as the spiritual battle is concerned. Daniel’s dreams and the subsequent interpretations provide excellent contrasts between figurative and literal accounts and well worth studying.

With this in mind, look again at the events of today. Men and women in positions of influence and power – howbeit much of the power is usurped – are spreading fear and uncertainty, causing panic and issuing unconstitutional proclamations. Some are calling for greater government control while one former UK minister advocates the formation of an emergency “temporary” world government to deal with this pandemic. It would be far easier to find Waldo than any good in this scenario.

Note, the brass ring – the golden ring, really – for globalists is a world government. While they vie for their utopian dreamscape as their ultimate goal – they seize upon every opportunity to gain ground towards their prize. “Never let a crisis go to waste”. How is this very thought not the embodiment of evil? While I understand a one-world government must eventually happen, I have no plans to stand idly by, wringing my hands and watch these events unfold unchallenged.

How do mere mortals fight spiritual battles? Obviously we do not normally go head to head with spiritual beings. Our part as Christians is laid out in Ephesians.

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

These last days, whether they be few or many, should be spent holding forth the truth. We need to shed light wherever darkness creeps in. Light dispels darkness – this is is a physical and spiritual truth. Philippians states we are to shine as lights.

Philippians 2:14 Do all things without murmurings and disputings:

15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Hence the big picture is this: evil abounds in this world as men and women work tirelessly for the forces of darkness. We are the children of light and we must dispel darkness by holding forth the truth. The battle is spiritual so we much utilize those spiritual tools given unto us by Almighty God. In these darkened days there is no greater need fulfill or deed we can do.

God bless,


Why Citizens Need to STOP Rogue Government

This just in from Maryland…

Pro-Gun Software Developer Was Asleep at Home When Police Killed Him in Firearms Bust, Family Says

A later story from The American Conservative includes a sketchy narrative from the Montgomery County Police. Nothing in what they have to say for themselves in any way justifies taking this young man’s life.  This is government gone wild – not the Feds, not a state government but on a county level. Granted the county’s actions will be blessed by both state and federal “authorities”. It cannot and will not have my blessing… ever. It should not have yours either if you have any sense of right and wrong.

This needs to stop and by “this” I do not mean JUST rubber-stamped death squads invading the homes of citizens. I mean the rampant disregard for ALL of our God-given rights. Over decades we citizens have turned the other cheek while government entities at all levels chip away at what was once sacred and is still sacred. Yes. Sacred.

When God Almighty bestows a Holy Gift upon a person – that gift is sacred. Our rights are gifts from a Holy Almighty God. They are sacred. They need to be held as such. No man, no court of law has any authority whatsoever to soil what God Almighty has so generously endowed us with. We, not “they” are responsible for what God gave us. WE are the stewards of these gifts and WE must hold those who would abuse them accountable.

The abuse must stop and stop now. No more politics. No more wiggle room. It stops. Read the Bill of Rights – the first ten amendments to our constitution. We can start with those. Every single item listed here must enjoy strict adherence. If we err, let is err in favor of the citizen rather than any government entity.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment III

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Amendment VII

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Our birthright as citizens of this nation is our constitutional republic – the authority and power to rule is in our hands. We need to step up and take ownership. Then we need to hold those entrusted with representing us and those employed by us accountable. We need to, as a nation of citizens, put a stop to those representatives and employees ignoring our God-given rights. This is our place. This is our nation. This is our responsibility.

God bless,

Andy Havens

Wuhan -“Corona Virus – Seriously…

That’s right. Call me racist, xenophobic whatever. Meanwhile I’ll call a spade a spade and the Wuhan virus, the Wuhan Virus.

Could The Wuhan Virus Spirit in Globalism?

Already there are theories postulating about the Wuhan Virus as a vehicle for Globalist expansion. Some even suggest or outright charge the whole “pandemic” is a Globalist venture. True? Heck, I don’t know. Does it really matter? In a way it would help to know but in the end, the Globalists will use this as a means to expand their reach if possible. How can I say that with such confidence?

“Never let a crisis go to waste” – Rahm Emanuel. We all know him as a Nobama crony but this one statement will likely be his legacy as it shines like a diamond in the sky as a Globalist mantra.

Of course the Globalist answer to everything is Globalism, This is merely an extension of the well-worn “progressive” concept as their answer to everything was more government. Just one more “program” and the world will be perfect. This is the falsehood promised again and again. Okay, so maybe nobody promised perfection, per se, but certainly “internal improvements”, “progressive”, “socialism”, “communism” and “globalism” are all bricks in the path to some man-made “utopia” where everything is centrally controlled.

Already, Bernie Sanders has called for the nationalization of health care in the face of this “crisis”. No surprise there, “The Bern” has long advocated nationalizing just about everything but his own wealth. He is not alone in this. Other globalists – because, again, let’s face it, the end-all, be-all of government control is a single central government, run, of course, by our betters – okay so other globalists are also taking the opportunity to seize control of anything not nailed down and many things that are nailed down.

Never let a crisis go to waste.

Doug “Uncola” Lynn at The Burning Platform put it another way…

They Should Have Called it CONTROLavirus

…. When the “threat” is over, however, they never give us our freedoms back. Ron Paul “The Coronavirus Hoax”

Over at you’ll find a similar perspective…

Panic Will End but Tyranny Will Not  By

And John Whitehead at The Rutherford Institute offers this:

Detect, Deter and Annihilate: How the Police State Will Deal with a Coronavirus Outbreak

Meanwhile 90MilesfromTyranny posted this:


Is the WUHAN virus real? I don’t know. What IS real is the concerted effort by media and government entities to spread fear and panic faster than any virus.

Real or not we can weather this storm. When the tempest passes we need to deal with the aftermath. No matter how many die from this, no matter what happens to the economy, regardless of any other factor – the controllers will do everything in their power to garner more power – to gain more control. THIS is the real danger of the WUHAN virus!

God bless,


Once Is Not Enough

In December, I penned an open letter in support of a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution up for a vote by the Lunenburg County Board of Supervisors. They did indeed pass said resolution and I commend them for this. Also deserving commendation is all of those citizens who showed up in support at that meeting. While it was a landmark event – I realize now it was not enough.

While many of us look at the events of the past few weeks in wonder and satisfaction, a dark cloud hangs over the commonwealth. Indeed, maps demonstrating the 2A sanctuary movement success are impressive when one considers what they represent. However subsequent events should serve as a dire warning. We are in no way on a certain path to reclaiming our liberty!

This past Friday, the Virginia Legislature voted to send several bills to the Governor for his signature. By the time you read this, chances are some, if not all will be signed into law. Some are deemed “good”, i.e. not harmful for gun owners. Others clearly rob citizens of our God-given rights in one way or another. For me, the most heinous of these is what is known as the “Red Flag” law. This law circumvents due process and God-given, constitutionally enumerated guarantees in several ways. In short, the controllers in Richmond are not only ignoring the will of the people but literally defying us.

Yes, the citizens of Virginia sent a strong message to the political creatures harbored in Richmond. The message was clear: “Do NOT pass unconstitutional gun laws”! The politicians puffed up. Some openly scoffed. They continued to threaten – some threats were even directed at the brave Sheriffs who took the strongest stand for liberty. In the end the controllers toned down their ambitious grab for control. In other words – they moved the bar back a few inches after moving it forward several feet. Against the stated will of the people of Virginia – they still seized more control.

I’ll say this again – our efforts – admirable as they were – were not enough. This should come as no surprise if you think about it. Consider how our commonwealth, our nation, has moved from the principles of liberty towards a police state. Some will contend we already live in a police state and their arguments are hard to counter. It is not just the current efforts to control us as citizens we should be paying attention to but the constant attack on our liberties by those who consider themselves our leaders instead of our representatives. What can we do about it? We can show up. We did it once. We need to do it again… and again and again. If we want to regain our liberty – restore our birthright – we need to become vigilant. To this end I urge all citizens to attend the next Board of Supervisors meeting – to make such attendance a habit. Do not stop there – if you live in a village or a town – show up there also. You need not “do” anything else at this point. You can if you want but all I am calling for is participation. The first goal should be to put our representatives on notice – we citizens are finished with the status quo. We will make our wishes known and we will hold you accountable.

To this end I also urge our representatives at the state and federal level to also attend local meetings. I understand Tommy Wright was at the 2A Lunenburg meeting at least. This is an excellent example of how a representative should act. Besides, he not only represents us in Richmond, he, too is a citizen.

The next Lunenburg BOS meeting will be at the Lunenburg Courthouse Mar 12 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Charlotte County is a bit different: their next regular meeting will be March 9 1:30 pm Meetings of the Board are held in the Board Room of the County Administration Office, 250 LeGrande Avenue, Suite A, Charlotte Court House, Virginia, 23923.

However they are changing how they operate:

Beginning in February 2020, regular meetings of the Board will be held on the second Monday of each month. Regular meetings will alternate between afternoon and evening meetings. ”

Also they are holding a public hearing on the county budget on March 9, 2020 at 6:00 PM.

The Charlotte County Board makes it clear they “are committed” “to allowing” citizens to speak and have set forth their policy for such. As I have no say in Charlotte County matters, I’ll refrain from commenting.

In conclusion, our Second Amendment Sanctuary movement was a good start towards reclaiming our birthright and our liberty but it should only be viewed as a beginning. Not only has Richmond largely ignored us, likely in hopes we will go away now that we’ve had our say, but attacks on our rights and liberties continue at every level. Do we want to be able to defend ourselves? Do we want to put a stop to the endless government intrusions on our liberties and our very lives? Do we want to be able to worship God (or not) as we see fit? Do we wish exercise our right to free speech – even at public meetings held by our representatives? If so we need to step up and take back the power granted by God Almighty and secured by our forefathers. I’ll see some of you on March 12th.

Tell Me Now – How This Is Not Treason?

Virginia’s House of Delgates and Senate passed more gun legislation. This is treasonous and should be dealt with as such. Treason? REALLY?! Yes. Really. Here is the definition of treason:


1) the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

2) the action of betraying someone or something

Gun laws – ALL gun laws IMHO – are strictly unconstitutional. As far as I am concerned there is NO wiggle room! How can I say this? I say it because I’ve read the Second Amendment to our constitution over and over again. For good measure I read Virginia’s Bill of Rights also. Both say the same thing: “shall not be infringed”. I’ve dealt with the word “infringed” before but here it is again:

infringe: act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.

Thus ANY attempt to limit or undermine our right to keep and bear arms – any encroachment – violates both constitutions. Intentionally violating either constitution is an attempt to overthrow our constitutional republic. It also betrays the trust of the citizens they are charged to serve. Such is treason.

Am I going too far? No. Our governments, both Federal and State are, in every sense of the word governments of the people, by the people and for the people. Denying this reality is to admit the constitution is no longer the law of this land. Careful controllers! The constitution is the ONLY thing protecting you! No other law is recognized by the citizens of our nation. Denying the constitution is to invite either anarchy or dictatorship. You do not want to go down either road.

These attempts to disarm the law-abiding citizenry by force i.e. declaring non-compliance with their unlawful acts a felony subject to a loss of property, liberty and possibly life itself is a thinly veiled attempt to convert the citizens of this nation into subjects of the controlling elite. Already they disdain the masses. We are “deplorable”. We are “stupid”. Time and time again we are told to heed our “betters” in one way or another. For goodness sakes Michael “Big Daddy” Bloomberg tried to legislate soda pop out of existence because he didn’t think citizens should have it! He seems to think because he has more money than most of us, he is entitled to dictate any aspect of our lives as he so chooses. Oh, yeah, and he is one of the controllers most determined to disarm citizens. What does this tell you?

Overstepping the limits of our constitution is flat out treason… an attempt to undermine and/or overthrow the law of the land – pure and simple.

Are we a commonwealth of the people, by the people and for the people? If so the people have spoken loud and clear concerning our God-given right to keep and bear arms. We descended en masse upon our county seats to insist on passage of Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolutions. We drew the line. How has Richmond responded?

They are passing unconstitutional gun laws anyway. They are spitting in the faces of the citizens and in the face of God Almighty Himself! As these laws declare law-abiding citizens felons for non-compliance – such legislation is an act of war against the citizens of this commonwealth.

Per The Code of Virginian AND the Code of the United States – such is treasonous.

Code of Virginia

§ 18.2-481. Treason defined; how proved and punished.

Treason shall consist only in:

        1. Levying war against the Commonwealth;

Such treason, if proved by the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or by confession in court, shall be punishable as a Class 2 felony.

Code 1950, § 18.1-418; 1960, c. 358; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

The overt act of treason is the passage of unconstitutional laws WE THE PEOPLE of THE COMMONWEALTH have expressly forbidden. Such action by us should never have been necessary. The law of the land is clear. Two witnesses? Millions are witnesses this public display of rebellion. Yes, it is the politicians in Richmond who are openly and brazenly rebelling against the absolute and declared will of the people AND against the constitution itself. This is a blatant act of treason!

Have I gone to far? NO! THEY have gone too far! The “Commonwealth” is NOT the state – the “Commonwealth”consists of the people residing within these borders here. WE are “The Commonwealth” and WE have spoken!

I and my fellow citizens have acted peaceably – lawfully partitioning our representatives – those elected, and by oath of affirmation sworn to uphold the constitution of this commonwealth and this nation. The response from the controllers? Give up your legally acquired property or face arrest and jail! Oh and we’ll just confiscate your property because we made it illegal you know. The Governor has even made motions to increase prison space to accommodate this new class of “felons”.

We are not felons. In fact, as a whole, we are among the most law-abiding citizens in the nation. Should Richmond proceed with these acts of war and follow through with enforcement of these unconstitutional laws – we will be prisoners of war.

So what is the answer?

I am calling upon the elected in Richmond to cease and desist all efforts to restrict our God-given, constitutionally guaranteed rights – especially our right to keep and bear arms. Do NOT go there. Should you insist, I will ask my fellow citizens to join me in seeking arrest and trial for each of you for treason.

Again, I am seeking a peaceful resolution to these issues. I am not alone. Thousands descended upon Richmond on January 20, 2020. Many citizens were armed as per their God-given legal right. Only one arrest was made and that from someone apparently protesting the rally itself. Every 2A Sanctuary vote jam-packed with citizens – many likely exercising their right to bear arms – was peaceful. As citizens, we have consistently advocated for the preservation and restoration of our God-given rights lawfully and peacefully. It is those who are supposedly representing us who foment armed conflict utilizing law enforcement paid for by our tax dollars. It is from their ranks we’ve even been threatened with action by the National Guard. How could such an action NOT be an act of war against peaceful citizens?

Should my pleas for a return to constitutional sanity be ignored; should those charged with enforcing the law of the land against treasonous acts look the other way, I see no other recourse than to invoke Section 3 of the Virginia Bill of Rights:

Section 3. Government instituted for common benefit.

That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety, and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration; and, whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.

That’s right. Read it for yourself. The remedy, severe as it is, is written in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia. We have the power. We have the right. As stated in the section above this right is “indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible”. Once again, there is no wiggle room.

Now, Governor Ralphie and company… the ball is in your court. What are you gonna do?

God bless,


P. S. Here is a list of Virginia gun-related laws passed by the House and the Senate yesterday. Courtesy of the VCDL (Virginia Citizens Defense League)

Note not all of these are strictly “gun” laws nor are they all necessarily unconstitutional. In my mind the worst offender is the “Red Flag Law” as it dispenses with so many G0d-given rights – it is singularly abominable.

HB 9 – lost/stolen firearms must be reported in 48 hours – time to report increased from 24 to 48 hours.
SB 14 – bans possession of bump stocks.  Binary triggers, trigger cranks, etc. are not affected.
SB 35 – allows locates to create their own gun laws.  Restricted as to where localities can control guns:  government buildings, parks, recreation and community centers, permitted events and surrounding roads.
SB 173 – allows CHP holders to have a stun-weapon in their vehicle while on K-12 school grounds.
SB 240 – Red Flag law – additional protections for search warrants and wrongful accusations were added.
HB 264 – Eliminates online training and possibly NRA instructors – language eliminating training from NRA instructors was removed from final bill. Bill now only eliminates online training to get a CHP.
SB 268 – No sales tax on gun safes less than $1,500.
HB 421 – allows locates to create their own gun laws. Restricted as to where localities can control guns:  government buildings, parks, recreation and community centers, permitted events and surrounding roads.
HB 1004 – protective orders take away gun rights while in effect.
HB 1080 – only those authorized by state law can carry on K-12 grounds.  Conservators of the Peace cannot carry on school grounds under this bill.
HB 1083 – class 1 misdemeanor for younger than 14-years-old getting access to a loaded firearm in a reckless manner.  Only change to current law is raising the penalty from a Class 3 misdemeanor to a Class 1 misdemeanor.

War Is A Racket – General Smedley Butler

Previously I wrote about President Eisenhower’s final address to the nation where he warns about “The Military Industrial Complex”. He wasn’t alone, nor the first.

Two-time Medal of Honor winner General Smedley Butler wrote the book. Literally. It was called “War is a Racket”. His book, published in 1935, predated President Eisenhower’s revelation by more than 20 years.

Both were men of war. Both achieved high ranks in the US military. Both saw how the politicians have corrupted an honorable profession for personal gain.

This is one more reason we citizens need to reclaim our birthright and take back the reins of government. You can find General Butler’s book here:

The article leading to this post is here:

Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Why No Retired Generals Oppose America’s Forever Wars


Forgiving Student Loans = $200 Billion College Bailout

The new crop of politicians are all about forgiving student loans in an attempt to garner college-age votes.

What all of this amounts to is making taxpayers foot the bill for college communist indoctrination. Isn’t that cozy? Communist politicians using our money to brainwash our children.

It is not enough to throw BILLIONS of dollars for “research” at colleges or for any of the other myriad… and sneaky ways the politicians dole out our hard-earned cash to promote their communist programs. They crush our kids under mountains of debt and then swoop in as their “saviors” before they are flattened by the weight. All the time saying “See how wonderful government is? WE care for you.” Before skipping out and leaving us with the bill!

I do feel for the kids. I do. That said, the colleges themselves should be held accountable for selling these young men and women a bill of goods and worthless degrees. I say the colleges can either pay off these debts themselves or allow the students to return to their respective alma maters for a truly marketable degree – free of charge. By this I mean the college can provide the classes, the food and housing for those students saddled with a useless sheepskin.

Here is the zero hedge article that got me going.


Trump Cannot Save Us!

This is a hard pill to swallow but deep down you know I am correct. The very first time I was able to vote for a President, I proudly cast my vote for Ronald Reagan. While he was far from a perfect president, he was the best that ever held office. Some may say Trump is better, but this is not about some pissing contest. Either way, just as Ronald Reagan could not save our nation, Donald Trump cannot save us either.

The truth is only Almighty God can save us. He has already offered us salvation through His Son Jesus the Messiah. That said, I am not talking about salvation from the wrath to come at this point. I am talking about deliverance – deliverance from the e

vil that has descended upon our nation. Darkness has enveloped our nation. Like a black poisonous fog it has seeped into nearly every aspect of our lives. It is choking us all – destroying our nation – destroying our people. Unless God delivers our nation from this plague – our nation will fall to the adversary.

None of this is news to our Heavenly Father. You must know this. You also know He knows how this turns out. We do not. Will you throw up your hands and say “I can do nothing about this!” and give up? If this is the path you choose, I can do nothing about it. What I can do is lay out a path. This is the path I will follow until and unless I feel led to turn another way. While I cannot say if this path leads to deliverance, I am convinced if I walk it alone it will likely lead nowhere. If some walk with me, this path may lead us out of the darkness. As more walk with me, the more certain the path will lead us all to a better place. How many? I do not know. God would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah if Abraham could find just ten righteous men there.

With all of that I am convinced if we turn to our Heavenly Father and ask for deliverance – He WILL deliver us from this darkness. What makes me so certain? These answers have been in front of us all along. Scripture says so.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Anyone who has been around for a while has seen this. Yes, it was written to and for the Hebrews but this does not at all mean it is no longer relevant. I absolutely believe our Heavenly Father will certainly do for us, His children as He promised to do for His chosen people. We, too, are chosen!

There is more to all of this than meets the eye. Recently, I came to the realization our very nation – our constitutional republic – is a gift from Almighty God. This is our birthright. No other nation has been granted the opportunity for self-government as we have. Who else has the God-given freedoms and liberties enumerated in our Bill of Rights documented as ours are? There is no nation such as ours – gifted from birth the right to a limited government of the people, by the people and for the people. We have squandered these gifts. We have taken them for granted. We have allowed evil persons to usurp and seize what rightfully belongs for us.

We can point fingers all day long but the truth is we are culpable. We are complicit. We allowed this to happen and have done little, if anything, to stop it. Now we face the consequences of our sins. Sins? Really? Are we not good people? Do we not go to church? Do we not vote? Are our sins not covered by that precious blood of Jesus the Messiah?

As I stated in the beginning, we are saved from the wrath that is to come, but this does not mean we will never see the consequences of our actions… or our inaction. Those consequences are all around us. Our liberty, our freedoms are taken from us every day by those who are supposed to be representing us, working for us. We PAY them to steal our freedom! This is the height of bad stewardship. Before we can hold government responsible for the wrongs thrust upon us – we must accept responsibility for our own sins.

As citizens of this nation, we have failed miserably. WE have dropped the ball. We have dropped so many balls we are up to our necks in dropped balls – such that they are about to smother us as we sit idly and whine about why we can no longer move from here to there due to the plethora of balls impeding our way. How so? You may ask.

First and foremost we have allowed the continual expansion of government. On every level, government has grown far beyond limits set by their respective constitutions. We sat and watched as our “representatives” promulgate more and more regulations – imposing on every aspect of our lives. While some throw up hands in frustration, that is often the limit of any response. When government oversteps even those laws that should apply to them – we allow those in government to “police” themselves, more often than not allowing them to grant blanket passes even for blatant and overt crimes against the people of this nation.

Consider Hillary Clinton, Lois Lerner, Andrew McCabe – the list is nearly endless. Notice how just these three span over seven years. These are just the tip of the iceberg! How many have seen one day in court for the charges levied against them? Where is the outrage? Where is the accountability? Are you aware of the congressional slush fund used to pay off sexual harassment charges in D.C.? Yes, politicians – OUR REPRESENTATIVES – use OUR MONEY to pay for their personal indiscretions – quietly, of course, so as not to disrupt their political careers. If you were not aware of this… WHY not? It is our responsibility as stewards to hold those trusted with our nation’s business accountable.

These are just two examples where our own laziness and lackadaisical attitude has allowed our nation to become the mess it is. WE have to stand up and say “NO MORE!” We have to take back the reigns from those who have held them for far too long – whether we handed them off or they took them by deception – it does not matter. What matters is WE need to step up and take charge. How can we do this? Can we vote our way out out of this mess?

You will not like the answer because it is yes… and no. First, there are no “easy answers”. We got ourselves into this mess by taking the easy way out. We can no longer afford this. Many will scoff at this but voting is an inherent part of the process but it is only part. Waiting for election days will get us nowhere. Neither will simply participating in the election process. The fact is, no matter how slimey and distasteful they are, politicians will always be among us. They are like a fungus with no known retardant. It just keeps coming back and growing on any available surface.

The real answer rests in true decentralization of government and active participation by us citizens. Without these two elements, our nation is lost forever. The “great experiment” will prove to be a bust. This is also how we can regain the power we’ve lost. It is not difficult but it will take commitment and persistence. Much can happen quickly but nothing will happen overnight. You can forget about instant gratification for the most part. Here’s what we need to do:

Follow the example of the 2A sanctuary movement here in Virginia. Descend upon our local county seats. First and foremost – just show up! This alone will make national headlines. Our very presence in huge numbers will shake the politicians to their bones. It will send a message: “We are determined to take back our nation.” This will not only affect those on the county level – it will ripple through to the state and federal level. The earth will tremble beneath their feet. Then what?

Then we start talking. I will tell you right now, most county board members will not welcome us. They will insist we are not “on the agenda”. They will whine about those who want to speak and limit how many can talk and how long. How do I know this? I’ve seen it before. These board members are used to having things their way. They get a “packet” before each meeting telling them exactly what to expect. They’ll show up, have their meeting, maybe trade a few words or jokes with other members and go home. Typically, their goal is to get in, get done and go home. The last thing they want is to drag stuff out and ruin their plans. This is on the local level. Imagine how the people’s business must impose upon the lives of the important politicians at the state and federal level. That’s right – THEY are important because, you know, they hold an office – don’tchaknow?

More than talking to the politicians, we need to talk to each other at these meetings. Find some common ground, set some common goals. If the locals won’t allow “non-agenda” items, find out how to add things to the agenda. Remember they work for US – not the other way around.

After a few meetings, yes this thing cannot be a “one and done” thing, as a matter of fact it needs to be an ongoing thing, it will become clear what the business at hand should be. For example, right after President Trump was found “not guilty” at his impeachment trial, I heard rumblings about another impeachment. I do not know about you but I’ve had enough of this. I do not care whether you think he has done anything worthy of removal from office – it should be clear to us all it will not happen! Stop wasting taxpayer time and money on this nonsense and move on! I should think if a large number of counties in this nation passed resolutions saying just that – even the House of Representatives might just listen. The fact is every day our state and federal governments are pursuing some idiocy they have no business sticking their noses in. For a while it may seem like we are playing whack a mole but eventually, things will calm down.

The point here is if we do nothing we will be lost. If we all just get up and vote, we will be lost. If we get busy and participate in the election process and vote – we will STILL be lost. At the very least we need to activate on the county level AND do all of the above. This will start us on the right path. Is this a path you should take? I cannot tell you. I am only one man. My suggestion is you take your questions to God Himself. He is always there and He will guide you if you ask. While you’re there, if you don’t mind, put in a word for me.