Response to “What Constitution?” Comment

Ken Lane over at Knuckledraggin My Life Away added this comment to a post he made:

Our Constitution isn’t anything more than a museum piece to 90% of our politicians and at least 50% of our citizens.

Ken, you are so right. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that we’ve all been duped. Many decry the brainwashing of our children by public “educators” today. The sad fact is, we’ve all been brainwashed to a certain extent. Public education brainwashing began decades before any of us were born. John Dewey (1859-1952) is largely credited with championing the farce we now call “education”.

After the Rittenhouse verdict, “protesters” in Chicago called for communism to be implemented. Recently pResident Joe Biden all but proclaimed “democracy” a failure and autocracy as the solution. The left yearns for “revolution” while the right anticipates Civil War II. All of these attempt to reject our Constitution in favor of who knows what?

Consider the statement by Joe Biden. He starts out by asking “can Democracy function”? No matter what anyone says about what he says afterword, his premise is totally wrong! Why? Because our nation is NOT a “democracy”. It is a Constitutional Republic!

Time and time again, I have stated this important distinction. Why? Because the first attack on our Constitution is denying it even exists! Calling our system a “democracy” denies the truth. Our system is a representative republic deriving authority from our Constitution.

As citizens, we further this fraud every time we bemoan “the government”. Why? Because WE are the government! We are self-governing citizens who elect representatives to “take care of business” in our stead. They, in turn, hire employees to manage day to day tasks. All if this is paid for by us taxpayers. IF our representatives and/or our employees are not doing their jobs to our satisfaction, it is OUR responsibility to hold them accountable.

Why, then, do people protest in the streets? They do so because they are ignorant. They neither understand nor comprehend our system of government. Likewise, we citizens are ignorant because we have consistently allowed those we choose to represent us to ignore us.

We have allowed the “two party” system to battle for control of our nation. Both parties have the same goal. That goal is to expand the control and influence of their party. By allowing them to fight things out according to their “philosophical” differences, we have ceded control to the party bosses and those who own them. We’ve traded our constitutional republic, a “bottom up” system where self-governing citizens maintain control by holding our representatives accountable to a “top down” system where control lays in the hands of those who can afford to buy the politicians.

Our Constitution is far more than the document. It is not a mere tattered piece of paper languishing in the National Archives. It is us. It is WE the People. The Constitution is the law of the land because We the People declare it so. The Constitution acknowledges our God-given authority to govern ourselves.

We don’t need no stinking civil war. We don’t need no stinking “revolution”. We only need to stand up and claim our birthright – our right to rule and to hold those we’ve chosen accountable to represent our interests and to act accordingly.

A New Day Dawns Upon Our Republic

By the grace of God Almighty, I have been lifted from the despair of watching our nation crumble before our eyes as He grants us a reprieve.

This almost plays out like a Saturday matinee melodrama. The nation is tied to a log heading for the razor-sharp blade of a buzz saw. The whine of the saw fills our ears as we draw ever so close while the villain’s evil laugh rises above the drone. At the last second, our hero snatches the helpless waif from certain death and, once again, foils the villain’s evil plan. And just like in this exciting episode, the villain escapes so he may once again return with yet another dastardly plan.

Just like in the movies, the democrats have slunk off into a slimy hole where they are licking their wounds and planning their next attack. They aren’t going away boys and girls. The question is: where do we go from here?

Let’s start with an overview, shall we? Beginning with what actually happened on November 2, the citizens of Virginia spoke. I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the fact that our voice was not the only one but it was the loudest. The pundits will wrangle around this event in an attempt to figure out exactly what we said. They will miss the point. It is not what we said. It is what we did that is most noteworthy.

We came out en mass to reclaim our birthright – our representative, constitutional republic. As one commentator, Sean Hannity pointed out, it is only one step towards the redemption of our nation. But it was a very important step. I entirely agree with what Hannity had to say about what the Republicans need to focus on moving forward:

Liberty, freedom, capitalism, a constitutionally limited government should be in the forefront of our message. He had more to say on this. I believe the message should be simplified even more. Every message should pass this litmus test: does it promote liberty?

For me, liberty and freedom are interchangeable. If someone could clearly distinguish between the two, I’d be happy to listen. As for capitalism, I like to think more in terms of free markets – as it promoting the freedom to produce, buy, sell and trade our goods, including our own labor, as we see fit. Above all, I dream of a truly limited government. In fact, I would support constitutional amendments to better close some “loopholes” that have allowed the dreadful expansion of government.

These loopholes include the language in the “general welfare” clause. To date the term general welfare seems to have taken on the meaning of “congress can doing any damn thing they want”. Whether or not this clause was intended to allow the federal government to transfer wealth at will, among other things, it needs to stop. It has transfigured the concept of a limited government to a policy of unlimited government power. The other loophole that concerns me most is the “treaty clause”. As written it has been suggested the President, along with two-thirds of the Senate may enter into a treaty with a foreign nation overruling our constitution. No. Simply no. Again, I care not if this was the actual intent of the founders or an oversight but this is unacceptable. Our constitution is THE law of the land and shall not be superseded by any entity other than God Almighty Himself. There are procedures in place to make changes in our constitution. Any modification can be accomplished with those.

How can we go about this? We have already begun. Now we need to take what we’ve learned in recent years and apply these principles diligently. For the most part, I am pointing to the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement and the “Mama Bear” movement. This last refers to what I feel may be the most significant factor in the 2021 Victory in Virginia. The most prominent battle in this election focused on vocal parents at local school boards. Loudoun County in Virginia was the center of this scrap. It galvanized the Commonwealth by drawing attention to the push to included Critical Race Theory in Virginia curriculums. A lessor related topic was the inclusion of pornographic materials, aimed at our children in our school libraries. As things heated up the National School Board Association worked with the Biden Administration and Merrick Garland’s DOJ to essentially declare parents who voiced disagreement domestic terrorists. Bad idea.

In an effort to desensationalize the domestic terrorist debacle, Garland insists his memo to the FBI focused on “threats of violence” or some such nonsense. Why nonsense? First thing, as I’ve stated before in another post, any “violent” acts ensuing from these school board meetings are a local, rather than federal matter. The DOJ and the FBI have no jurisdiction. Period. If they want to cry “terrorism”, fine. We can fix that by severely limiting how they can legally define terrorism. Better yet, we can require a special act of Congress in order to involve any federal agency in a suspected terrorist situation. Whatever the “intentions” of Garland’s DOJ memo, the effect was clear and the blowback was intense.

Both the 2A Sanctuary movement and the Mama Bear movement clearly demonstrate we citizens still have muscle to flex. WE the PEOPLE DO have the power. Our authority as self-governing citizens forming a representative government was confirmed. This is OUR nation. WE have the final say in how we are governed. What we need to do now is keep pushing. Indeed, we need to push harder. We need to step up and declare our will to our representatives and our employees in government. WE pay the bills. They are in their respective positions to serve US.

My vision for how to move forward is to gather together county by county, both in person and online. From there we can associate with other like-minded counties in our respective states and nationally. Like the 2A movement we can support and encourage each other and share ideas. We can band together to influence our state and federal representatives.

I am encouraged already. One week ago I thought I was seeing the end of our nation. Today I face a ray of hope, a ray so strong I cannot look straight at it for fear of going blind. It is a wonderful, warm ray. Let us thank God Almighty for this reprieve. We can demonstrate our thankfulness by seizing this moment and reclaiming our birthright – our representative constitutional republic.


I was wrong!

HALLELUJAH – (Praise God!)

As I write this, Glenn Youngkin has been  declared the winner.  The question now is… will this stand?

Remember how I predicted a McAwful win. I stated the democrats will steal the election? Well, it ain’t over. Enter Fairfax County Virginia.

It is the most populous county in the Commonwealth. Even before election day, they were caught allowing illegal ballots to be counted.

Now we wait for the mail-in ballots to be tallied. This is not just in Fairfax but statewide. The current margin for Youngkin is slim, less than 100,000 votes. It looks to me like there is plenty of opportunity to turn the tide by stuffing some ballot boxes.

Here are some details:

Youngkin held a ten plus point margin well into election night. At one point he had a margin of  over 220,000 votes. That spread started slipping after the tally reached about 80%.  What happened? The massively populated, mostly democratic counties started pouring in vote tallies.

Years ago, at least one observer compared voting systems with modern lottery systems. One can “vote” for a lottery drawing right up until the numbers are drawn. Millions of “votes” are taken and instantly tallied and the winners of  those “votes” are instantly known.  The question is then raised – if a lottery system can be run so efficiently, why is our voting system so cumbersome?

There are a lot of reasons not to trust the way our votes are counted. This should not be. In a nation as modern and technically advanced as our, the integrity of our voting system should be unquestionable. But there is a deeper issue at hand.

Time and time again, I saw different pundits debate whether Virginia is a blue, deep blue or purple state. Really? Has any of them actually looked at the maps? You know  the maps  am talking about – those maps that show county by county voting.  Has anyone else notice the overwhelming RED areas of the maps, indicting republican votes? Many of those I saw last night approached 90% red votes!

This is an example of true democracy, i.e. mob rule, where the heavily populated, deeply liberal areas of the Commonwealth dictate how the rest of the state is to live.  It is bad enough to find oneself under their collective thumbs but then we have to watch them like hawks so they don’t cheat. In the very rural area where I live, those I’ve seen guarding the election are almost above reproach. This is not because they are inherently more honest as much as there is little room for cheating.  One person checks my ID, announces my name to another who crosses me off the role, indicating that, yes, I did show up to vote. Then I’m handed my form, fill it out and scan it.

This is a far cry from the descriptions I’ve heard of long lines of so-called voters, many who either cannot speak English or  even recite their date of birth or address, much less provide valid identification being allowed to vote. Do I exaggerate? Consider the article linked above were during this election season in Fairfax County, illegal ballots were given a pass by election officials.

While I am not proposing any improvements at this time, I would like to see a move towards a republic form of electing statewide officials that give both more and lesser populated a fair say in how things are run.

For example: two years ago, the second amendment sanctuary movement swept through the Commonwealth. Despite this overwhelming county by county effort to ensure acknowledgment of our God-given, U. S. Constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms, our “representatives” in Richmond thumbed their noses at us and enacted draconian, unconstitutional laws. Why? Because they could get away with it.  Such shenanigans’ need to stop.

Should some semblance of sanity prevail and the reins of the Commonwealth again end up in the hands of those who value freedom over government control, these wrongs should be righted. But we need to somehow ensure the bulk of the Commonwealth will no longer be overruled by a mob.

Pray for Our Nation Today – Then Vote in VA and NJ

Today is election day in Virginia and New Jersey. I urge my fellow citizens in both states to vote. I urge all citizens and all brethren in Christ no matter where you life to pray for our nation.

My own prayer is for God’s will for the states and our nation. However I have also prayed for a reprieve from the current attacks by the controllers by granting victories for freedom loving candidates.

In recent days, Glenn Youngkin as alluded to being  a man of God, first by stating he and his wife prayed before making the final decision to run for Governor. Yesterday he made the case for equality of all by stating we are all of the body of Christ.

Both statements give me hope and also pause for thought. I do hope Youngkin prayed more than once about running for office. Also, I would like to further explore his thoughts on the body of Christ. Surely his understanding runs deeper than what he said on the campaign trail. Then again, I do not know who is audience was either.

Newt Gingrich was asked about the margin needed for a Youngkin win last night. He said it would have to be very large or the democrats would steal the election. He is so right. For a Republican victory today, the vote will need to be overwhelming. Remember Biden “won” Virginia by ten points. Right.

Today our nation is at a crossroads. I do believe God Almighty will grant us relief from this siege, but we must turn to Him now! He has done far more with far less, because He is God.

I leave you with this from Matt Redman – Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble?

They can and will tremble today but not without you!


Virginia Election – My Prediction And…

Last Wednesday, I predicted a McAwful win, stating the fix is in. Since then Glenn Youngkin has surged in the polls and now leads by one poll by a whopping eight points. This is a stark turnaround from lagging Terry “Eddie Haskell” McAuliffe by five points and then drawing to a dead heat. The two were in this dead heat when I posted my prediction. Now what?

As much as I hate to say this, I’m standing by my prediction. McAwful will win. My prayer is I am wrong. I do SO want a win for the good guys tomorrow! So why am I not budging? There are a few reasons for this. I’ll tell you up front, it is painful.

First of all, I don’t trust the controllers and for good reason. They are anything but trustworthy. They are devious. They will stop at nothing to attain their agenda. They were relentless during the entire Trump administration. They never stopped crying foul long after they were exposed for doing exactly what they accused Trump of doing. Even nearly a year after Trump left office, they are still raging on about him.

Here in Virginia, McAwful has already employed a legal political operative to challenge this election even before election day! They are whining about the USPS failing to deliver 300,000 some odd mail-in ballots in time. I have no doubt they would continue to harp on this issue even if it the evidence showed it was their fault or if those ballots were actually inconsequential. “Never let the facts interfere with the issues” seems to be their creed.

In Fairfax County, it’s been reported the county has been accepting mail and absentee ballots without the required social security validation. As with most states, Virginia has some pretty good voting procedures in place. The problems start when these procedures are ignored en mass. This is exactly why I’ve held the fix was in. To assure a free and fair election, all the rules and procedures need to be adhered to. These days one can see corruption on a national scale nearly every day.

The Biden administration consistently ignores our Constitution and federal statutes but that’s not enough. Biden has openly defied Supreme Court ruling pronouncing his intention to do whatever he wants anyway on national television.

Back to the Virginia election, as I mentioned previously, despite a myriad of complaints and reports of election fraud in previous elections, to the best of my knowledge, not one of them has ever been investigated. What good is an “election commission” if they refuse to investigate and enforce election law? Instead they spend our tax dollars producing “good will” advertisements to convince us they are on the up and up. Personally, I’d say our money would be better spent informing Virginians on the results of any investigations into election fraud and how such incidents will be prevented in the future.

While I am far more hopeful of a Youngkin win tomorrow, I remain doubtful. Should my prediction prove true, it would be a dark day indeed for the commonwealth and our nation. Few things would bring me more joy than for me to be absolutely wrong about tomorrow’s outcome.

Virginia’s 2021 Gubernatorial Election – My Prediction

With less than a week to go, the airwaves are electrified with news of a heated race. I’ve hesitated to post my thoughts on how I expect it to turn out. Why? Mostly because the last thing I want to do is discourage anyone from voting. Even if McAwful was the ONLY candidate running – I would rush to the polls on election day and write in my vote for anyone else. I do not care how much or little my voice counts – I will have my say.

It doesn’t take a political genius to figure out I don’t like the Democrat. He was a crap governor the first time around, his lieutenant, now governor, is just as crappy and now this Democrap wants to be governor again? Please. Let me put it this way…

I would walk through a blizzard, barefoot for miles to cast my vote against this guy, even if he had no opponent and zero chance of losing the election. Now you might think I don’t much like the Republican Glenn Youngkin. Well, you are right. I don’t. For one thing he’s already promised to throw money at the school system. As far as I’m concerned, a better plan would be to extract the fat from the bloated middle management of every school system in the commonwealth. It is a case of too many chiefs and not enough Indians. There are other things about him I picked up along the way that gives me pause as to how good a governor he might be. That said, I already know what kind of governor his opponent would be and that is enough.

Now about my prediction. Before I get to that, I’ll clue you in on my “methodology”. It is not complicated but it tends to be highly accurate. How does it work? Well, I poke my head above the clouds from the smoke-filled rooms and look around. No crunching numbers here. So what do I see?

Before I get to that, lemme tell ya what I saw before. First lets venture back in time to the 2020 Presidential Election. No, I’m not going to regale you with my previous eagle-eyed insight. Instead, I’m going to point to the early evening of that election day when the winner of the vote was announced with just 3% of the returns counted. Of course that “winner” was Joe Biden. Three percent of the vote tallied. How did they do that? Can you say… “fix”. Now wait a minute.

That wasn’t the first time something like this happened. In 2016 Hillary Clinton won Virginia. While I am not sure when they called that race but what I can tell you a few things I remember. First of all Trump was quite a bit a head early on. Enough so where I thought he might actually win the Commonwealth. Then the votes started pouring in from Northern Virginia and it was all over. The problem was, there were multiple reports of election fraud also pouring in. Polls stayed open way past closing time. So-called “voters” who couldn’t show identification or gave the wrong name… all sorts of improprieties were reported. Granted it was nothing like what we saw in 2020 nationwide but it was bad enough where one might expect someone to at least investigate. Nope. Nothing. Not one word, ever I heard again.

Fast forward to 2021 again. This time let’s visit California. Remember Newsome’s recall election? Do you also remember how he declared victory the day before the election? He did not say he thought he would win. He outright declared himself the winner. How do you do that? It’s not hard when the fix is in.

So by now you’ve probably guessed what I will predict and you are probably right on the money. This will not keep me from casting my puny vote. It is all I’ve got and, as I said, I will have my say.

Now for anyone living here in Virginia, you may have noticed the ads playing for the election commission. Have you asked why? The election commission is the entity responsible for ensuring our votes are counted accurately, according to the letter of the law. That’s it. So why do they need to spend our hard-earned money trying to convince us they are the “good guys”? You know where I’m going with this.

The fact is I’m tired of seeing the talk about how Youngkin is even in the polls. I’m tired of listening to the “analysts” who insist McAwful has made too many mistakes, is running scared, and is in danger of losing this race. Get real. The fix is in. They might as well coronate McAwful now. Why not have Northam announce his own intentions the day after the election? That way we can rest assured who will be in charge for the next several years. They can tag team as they run the Commonwealth into the ground.

So here it is: McAwful will be our next governor. Go vote anyway. Make the bastard earn it.

P.S. There is another reason I am determined to vote no matter what. The reason? I hope and pray I am absolutely wrong! Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see McAwful crash and burn in defeat. I might have a better chance of winning the lottery without bothering to buy a ticket but here’s to a hope and a dream!

GOP Representatives DENIED Access to Political Prisoners

The good news is, the plight of the political prisoners being held is gaining attention. The bad news is, the stink thus far is not pungent enough to allow even representatives of Congress access to either verify or dismiss the claims of abuse.

What are they hiding?

On another note, below is a video of two Michigan residents who were arrested (this is old news):

The video says these men were released. I found no listing for  either Matthew Staley nor Shawn Floyd  on the Capitol Breach Cases page

Isn’t that interesting? Maybe their names will turn up in the MI case concerning the plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer. Even more interesting is whether they would be defendants or witnesses for the prosecution.

Capitol Cases – A List of Political Prisoners.

Note: If you look through all of these cases, you will seen not all of those charged are still detained. What is more interesting is browsing those who have been released

Consider ALBERTS, Christopher Michael  Here is what the record from the above link states:

Arrested on 1/7/21.

Initial appearance / detention hearing on 1/7/21. Defendant released.

Preliminary hearing held on 1/28/21.

What was he charged with?

Unlawful Possession of a Firearm on Capitol Grounds or Buildings; Unlawful Entry or Remaining on Restricted Grounds without Lawful Authoirty; (SIC) Carrying a Pistol without a License Outside Home or Place of Business; Possession of a Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device

[Bolding mine]

These are some of the most serious charges I’ve seen to date and yet he was released, while others, such as Joey Biggs, remains in custody. What is Mr. Biggs accused of?

Conspiracy; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and Aiding and Abetting; Destruction of Government Property and Aiding and Abetting; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds; Disorderly Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds

If you remember, I posted some of what Mr. Biggs had to say about is confinement on Tuesday. Yesterday, a group of GOP representatives attempted to see some of these prisoners. They were denied. I’ll post that story next.

Jan 6 Political Prisoners – We Cannot Stand for This!

Below you’ll find  a couple of articles detailing accounts of prisoners arrested for the Jan 6 “armed insurrection”. This is what the controllers call it, while all last summer these same people refused to denounce “peaceful protesters” who burned cities, burned federal buildings, shot and brutalized at will.
There are many more articles out there, I have just begun to collect them.
When did this become acceptable in America?

We cannot stand for this! Please share this post, share these links – whatever you can to get the word out. We citizens need to pull back the rug to reveal this stink!

Joe Biden – The New American Pope

By now if you haven’t seen the hoopla surrounding the latest smoke signals from the White House, go back to sleep. There’s no hope for you anyway. For the rest of us, well, I’m not sure if we should laugh, cry or simply say good-bye to our nation. I’m referring to the announcements concerning “misinformation” and the regime’s stated efforts to put things right, I suppose.

Jen Psaki - "Miss Information"In effect Jen Psaki says they are working with social media, specifically Facebook, but she may have singled out others, to put a stop to Covid-19 “misinformation”. Apparently they are also working with SMS (text messaging) providers to cull wrongthink from texts we send each other. Of course, I imagine the first thought most of us have is “What about our 1st Amendment?”, followed by “What is stopping them from putting the skids on other forms of wrongthink?”, and then, “Who do they think they are?”. It’s this last supposed thought I’ll address here, hence the title.

Think about it. Fair warning, I am not, nor have I ever been Catholic, so anything I state about Catholicism is stuff I’ve picked up over the years. Take it with a grain of salt. That said, I understand the Pope is held as infallible and that’s where I’m coming from. It stands, then, to reason that Joe Biden, along with his coronation as p-Resident is now essentially declaring himself our New American Pope.

His holiness has to be infallible, otherwise how can he, unilaterally, declare what is TRUTH and what is falsehood? Now, I’ve only ever understood that the Catholic Pope is the only man on earth deemed to speak pure unmistakable words. Even certain kings, who believe themselves God have not overtly done such. (Keep in mind, I have not studied the topic in depth so I may, well be mistaken here but you get the point.) Now that I think about it, is it possible Ol’ Joe expects he should rise to the prominence of a Pharaoh, Chinese, Japanese or Roman emperor? These all considered themselves gods.

Pope or emperor, it makes no difference to me. The end result is the same. We can now see the beginnings of an entity who expects the world to see himself as bigger than life itself. Far too big to be constrained by a mere constitution. Why should he be bound by the laws of men? Why does he need a congress? Is he (should I now be rendering the pronoun He or HE?) not above all of this? Speaking of pronouns, I find it a bit difficult to get a grip on them. As we all know, we peasants are rarely blessed with direct communication from the great one himself. Such trifles are relegated to others, such as his press secretary. However, as I understand it, all of these decrees emanate from the source. In light of this it may be time to speak of our p-Resident in the plural Victorian. This we can use they instead of “him” or “he” and Mr. p-Resident can refer to themselves as “we” and “us”. I’m pretty sure even the Catholic Pope refrains from this.

So there you have it. We need no longer concern ourselves with what or how to think. We have The One who will tells us all TRUTH and will benevolently correct us when we run afoul. All of this courtesy of Joe Biden, our New American Pope… or Pharaoh… or Emperor. My apologies for not being more specific. I’m sure they will soon be forthcoming with the proper acceptable forms of address along with guidance concerning the correct title we subjects are expected to use.

Update: on further reflection, I considered how this post meshes with my current views. In other words how does this fit in, seeing as how I advocate turning to God  Almighty to ask Him to restore our nation?

As noted above, historically, certain rulers have deified themselves. This is basically what is happening here. The controllers are elevating Joe Biden to a godlike status. The end result is the destruction of our nation is accelerating more and more each and every day. Remember that snowball?

I am not going to cite example after example. The controllers are attacking our republic on every level. How much longer to we have? I cannot say. How long before I am prohibited from saying?

Go to God now. Ask Him what He would have you do. Keep asking until you have an answer. Prayer is our first defense right now.

Answering The Constitutional Naysayers

Note: this is my reply to commenters on another blog who essentially dismissed our constitution and therefore our nation.

I, for one, am tired of this defeatism seemingly pervading even the conservatives posting online. Some seem to expect arm conflict. Some appear to lust for it. Yes, our constitution has been abused, trampled, even shredded. Yes we’ve seen our rights wiped out with the stroke of a pen time and time again. Wiped out… or so they think. I contend our rights are inalienable. By definition this means something that “can’t be transferred to someone else, taken away, or denied.” In practical terms, I have a right to breathe.  One can indeed deny said right and even cut off my oxygen supply and thus deprive me of my life.  Usurping my right to breath and cutting off my oxygen does not wipe out my right. In other words, my right still exists. In same sense, even a SCOTUS opinion denying one of my inalienable rights does not wipe it out.  Thus even our vaunted Supreme Court must bow to God Almighty who gave us these rights.

Now, for those of you who pooh pooh our constitution, I have a question. Have you surrendered then? In other words, will you simply forfeit your God given rights as enumerated in the founding document of this nation and therefore are you ready to bow to your betters who ARE your betters by their own mere proclamation?

What then? What do you propose? War or armed conflict by some other name? Or maybe you plan to vote your way out of this. Oh. Yeah. Voting is something done in some recognized form of government.

Allow me to suggest that unless and until a formal declaration of the abandonment of our constitution is made and a new form of government is officially installed, by whatever method, our Constitution is still the law of the land.

As such we are still self-governing citizens. The mess our nation is now in is NOT entirely the fault of those who usurped power and authority by fraud or device – fraud being feigning to “represent” a group of citizens while actually representing their handlers. It is NOT the fault of those “deep state” players installed in powers of so-called authority by the usurpers. Whose fault is it then?

If we can blame anyone we should first look inward to ourselves as citizens. WE have allowed this to happen by consistently giving to the nod, time and time again, to those who openly and brazenly abuse their fiduciary duties. Granted we have all been snowed, misled into believing lies such as “Our nation is a democracy”. Democracy, simply stated means mob rule. We are NOT ruled by a mob. Our founding document established a limited government granting limited authority by citizens who elect representatives to administer and preserve our republic. Few, if any, of us was taught this. However not being taught does not excuse us from our duty to learn and understand our responsibilities as citizens. I know I was not taught this. I did not pursue this knowledge until very late in life. I am as guilty as anyone of shirking my responsibilities as a citizen. Now that I’ve come to a better understanding myself, I feel duty-bound to help others understand these things.

Know this: those who have usurped power and authority fear us and rightly so. Otherwise they would have formally declared their absolute rule over us. Instead they inch towards such a declaration, gaining ground each day. Our power is NOT in our arms. Our power is in our voice – not the voice of one but the voice of the nation, comprised of free citizens in a constitutional republic. I am just one voice. Some may say “loudmouth”. So be it. No matter how loud I can be. If I can shout so every ear in the nation can hear me, I am only one voice. I am only one citizen. This is the difference between how our nation was designed and what it has become. The usurpers centralize their power. Their desire is to emanate authority from one place, our nation’s capitol. Our nation was designed to distribute power equally amongst all citizens. Thus I do not have any more power or authority than anyone. WE THE PEOPLE have power and even that power is limited by constitutional constraints. Once we realize our power and understand how to wield it, the usurpers have nothing.

For those of you who laugh and scorn our constitution, I say you are either defeated already or an active minion of the usurpers. For those who feel defeated, all is not lost. Not yet. For you minions… if your masters do indeed succeed, their victory will be a short and empty one. God Almighty will prevail.

False Hopes and Salvation

No one is coming to “save” us. Not Trump. Not DeSantis. No. One.

For me, this is not a call to arms but a call to God Almighty. He has already provided salvation from the wrath the come via His only begotten son, Jesus, the Messiah. Only God can restore our nation, but He will only do so if we citizens who claim Christ turn to our Heavenly Father, repent of our wickedness and ask for restoration. What other options do we have?

The much touted and yearned for “civil war”, should it come about, can only result in a devastated countryside with no clear winner. In fact, we all lose.

Or we can continue to bow to a political system owned and operated by those controllers who have enriched themselves by pilfering us citizens.

Does anyone else find it strange how those of us who call ourselves Christians look to men for carnal solutions? Consider the history of the Hebrews. When they turned from God to their various idols, they lost not just wars but everything. When they turned back to God, they were restored. Have we not patterned ourselves after them? We worship material things. We look to politics and government to meet our needs and/or care for others who have needs. Meanwhile we shirk our own duty to provide for those in need. Nor do we hold those who are supposed to represent us accountable. We have allowed them to define and dilute our God-given rights, in particular our right to self-govern via a constitutional republic. Our constitution limits what government is allowed to do and yet we citizens have all turned a blind eye to nearly every encroachment on those limitations. In doing so we’ve allowed this nation to be brought to the brink of total annihilation. The controllers are willing. Already they threaten destruction via missiles and bombs, including nuclear weaponry. Does this not, in itself, blatantly demonstrate their total lack of concern for our nation?

I am certain many will scoff at the idea of asking a Holy God to restore our nation. Let me ask you, do you believe an Almighty God unwilling or unable to restore our nation? Do you really believe our rights are God-given? If so, then how can mere men take them away? If God is for us, who can stand against us? Or do you simply not believe in God at all? I ask this not of unbelievers, but of those who say they believe in God and in particular my brethren in Christ.

Consider David. All of his nation feared the Philistines to the extent not one of their champions dared face Goliath. David was a mere shepherd boy. He was not a warrior. However he believed his God was bigger than Goliath, bigger than the entire Philistine army. His response? “How DARE they!” Indeed.

So I ask you. Do you believe? Do you believe our nation was established by Almighty God? Do you believe our rights, including our right to self-govern, are GOD given? Do you believe Almighty God is able to restore our nation and rebuke the enemies of God who have usurped power? Do you believe this same Almighty God is willing to do so? How might any of this come about unless we ask Him?

As for me, I know, I KNOW, God is willing. What I am uncertain of is whether anyone will join me in my petitions to Him.

Can Slo Mo Joe Biden Last Two Years?

Around the time Slo Mo Joe Biden assumed the office of the US Presidency, much speculation was bandied about concerning how long he would last. Many proclaimed Kamal Harris would be sworn in a few days or weeks following Biden’s assumption. That didn’t happen. However in recent days, some noted Harris, rather than traveling separately from ROTUS (Resident of the United States) as is customary for a VP, now travels with him. Many ask why? Good question.

The reasoning for two traveling separately is obvious. If something happens to one, the nation still has someone to act or react. The logic behind it is solid. Not so much for the current practice. This is what got me to thinking. If the powers that be really expected Slo Mo Joe’s residency to expire soon, the last thing even these idiots would want is to chance their chosen successor being somehow losing her place in line. Then again maybe they simply do not care who is number two, or number one for that matter as long as they maintain control. This makes a certain amount of sense to me. Now for the question prompting this essay.

Anyone paying attention is painfully aware the Joester is fading. He is an embarrassment. He always has been but things are getting progressively worse. So how long  will the controllers endure his tragic comedic act? Again, maybe they don’t care. They certainly do not care about this republic. That much is obvious. So what is their game plan?

First let’s revisit one bit of speculation. They don’t care. As long as they are in control all is well for them. This may be the most reasonable, if despicable, conclusion of all. However it occurred to me there could be another game plan based on the supposition the controllers prefer a Harris administration.

What if the controllers are vying for an extended Harris administration? Consider the 22nd Amendment to our Constitution:

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once.

Here is a possible scenario, they keep Slo Mo Joe on virtual life support for two years. Once that milestone is passed Harris can step in for the remainder of the two years. Now she is in place to be ‘elected’ twice while remaining withing the parameters of our Constitution.

So there you have it, not one but two possible explanations about what is  happening in the controller’s camp. The second is not at all precluded by the first so they could both be accurate. Unfortunately, being correct carries no reward but rather indicates we could be in for a long two years suffering through the Joester’s continuing stumbles and mumbles.

Note the one scenario I did not offer was one where ROTUS not only completes his residency and either runs, (or is wheeled) for a second term or defers to his VP who then takes up the mantle for possibly two terms. My reasoning here is I very much doubt Slo Mo Joe can last two years, much less four. Every president has aged severely during their terms. Just look at pictures at the beginning and end of each predecessor. All all of them I’ve seen, Trump actually fared best. Granted, it appears the Joester is taking things very easy but he appears to be devolving in front of our very eyes. Every time I see him speak I tend to count his fumbles, mumbles and stumbles while wondering what wonder drug the controllers may have pumped into him to give the illusion of cognizance.





RE: Growing evidence of a massive pattern of fraud in the USA

Ran across this article in my daily wanderings:

Growing evidence of a massive pattern of fraud in the USA

I first posted my initial response here:

The entire deep state is built on a fraudulent foundation. Look back, waaaaaay back, long before Lincoln back, but let’s start with the election of Lincoln. The newly forming Republican party’s primary goal was
‘internal improvements’. Today’s colloquially is infrastructure. The party was composed of money men. Here’s how it worked. The money men put politicians in office who would vote to spend public money on projects i.e. ‘internal improvements for the public good’. Once passed the money men would then be hired to carry out the ‘internal improvements’. Now one might say, whether such could ever be proven, everyone involved profited except the poor saps who paid for it all. That would be us. Granted, we do all benefit from roads, bridges, etc. however I daresay not nearly as much as a politician who enters the field relatively impoverished and ends their ‘public service’ career a multi-millionaire.

On another note concerning fraud, I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me how Slo Mo Joe was declared the winner in Virginia with only 3% of the vote counted. Shady stuff has been documented in other elections as well. This year for Governor our ‘choice’ is between party faithful Youngkin (R) and a repeat command performance by Terry McAwful (D). My guess is until one of the (D)s dies or does something really really really stupid (such as standing up to a party boss)they will now tag team the Governor’s office.

What I didn’t say is what I’ve been saying forever: politics  is poison. This is nothing new. It has always been poison.

Also, once again, the only way our nation will be restored is via the intervention of God Almighty. The only way God Almighty is likely to do this is if we, the Christian citizens of this nation, confess and repent of our wicked ways and ask Him to restore our nation. All other “options” will destroy our republic.