One comment I read today concerns the Warnock-Walker Senate race in Georgia. The commenter stated if Warnock wins, it’s over for the republican party. Similar dissertations have popped up over other results. Right now the republican party is reeling and wringing their hands on how to become more relevant. Of course, they don’t use those words but isn’t relevance what it amounts to?
Let’s face it, most of today’s republicans can be likened to ghetto white boys. They dress what they think an inner-city gangbanger should wear, pound their ears with incessant hip hop, while trying their very best
to act, um, cool? Whatever. Back in the old days, the stereotype was the nerd who wanted to be “popular”. Of course they’d always end up looking like idiots. Seems like some kids never learn. They “grow up” to be republicans – well, RINOs, really. You see, they want to be popular, you know, cool. These days that means going “green”, cheering for Zelensky, and virtue signaling at every opportunity. Of course, wearing the right labels and attending the right parties also earns points. And lets not forget about the most important task, the duty of every government official – ensuring our government continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Priorities, you know.
Meanwhile, here in the trenches, the citizens of our nation are lost. We are wandering. It is blatantly evident we cannot trust those in government – not our elected officials, nor those who ostensibly work for us. We can’t trust the electoral process. We can’t trust those leading our party – whoever that may be. The media lies. New evidence reveals some of the depth of those lies and where they come from. Did I mention we can’t trust those in government? I’ll clue you in… some of us were in class that day when it was revealed how all of a sudden it became legal for our government to lie to us citizens. I’m sure it’s all for our own good.
So is our nation also lost? This remains to be seen. That said, there’s less then two minutes on the clock in the forth quarter and the home team on their own one yard line and down by six touchdowns. Okay, maybe not six touchdowns but it’s not looking all that good. Then again, what if we’re looking at the wrong game? If the home team is 15-1-0 and seeded first in the playoffs, how much does this game matter? What if we stepped back a bit to consider the bigger picture?
This hurts, but what if our beloved nation, the United States of America, the greatest nation in the history of the world crumbled before our eyes? What then? If it all burned down today, what would rise from the ashes? Would we rebuild our Constitutional Republic? Or would something else take it’s place? Would the states survive? Would Texas want to be associated with New York? Would Tennessee cozy up to California? I’m not seeing it. What if the globalists declared victory? You know they would in a heartbeat – assuming all the globalists combined could find a heart among them. I have my doubts. Beyond that, what do the globalists want? It’s no secret. They want our borders to vanish so they can install a one-world government. Isn’t that what globalism is all about? Centralized control of everything? What happens to us patriots?
Sure it is a stark venture in thought but is it really beyond plausibility? I don’t think so. I’ve been saying for years now that the globalist agenda will eventually come about. Prophesy says so. If you cannot wrap your head around that idea, just look at basic demographics. The short view is people cluster. We humans tend to group together. It is our nature. As we gather into city centers, we tend to demand more government. This is indisputable. It always happens. Always. It is only a matter of time before we humans centralize ourselves into a world government. For this to happen, every nation worth two cents will be swallowed up by the central government. Again, it is simple logic. A central government cannot, will not stand competition. If it comes to war, so be it. Winner take all.
Again, we are back to square one. IS our nation lost… yet? Maybe, maybe not but we are at a critical crossroads. As I demonstrated earlier, there is no true opposition to the globalists. At least nothing of consequence. Lump all the conservatives together. Go ahead, toss in the Libertarians, the Constitution Party guys, and constitutionalists (no party affiliation) and whoever else and you still have a minority and a minuscule one at that. The globalists have successfully browbeaten our citizens into accepting enough of their drivel so what was once “far left” is now considered “moderate”. I’ll offer just one example. Suppose some serious public figure was to propose ditching Social Security? We would see howls of protest on both sides of the political spectrum. That figure would be considered a radical, if not entirely shunned. Once a radical Socialist program, SS is now sacred in political circles.
Can we ever find our way back as a nation? Personally I have my doubts. This doesn’t mean I am ready to write the good ol’ USA off entirely but I think it’s time to face facts. We are on the verge and things don’t look good for the home team. For those of us who can accept this possibility I can offer a ray of hope.
What is missing entirely from the postulation above? What have I not considered up until this point? Who is in control? How is this a game changer?
If it’s not obvious, let me be plain: GOD. We can talk politics all day long, but until we recognize that GOD is in total, complete control, all is for naught. By all means, GOD changes the game. Heck, GOD OWNS THE GAME. It is HIS playing field. HE set the rules. You know the adage, the house always wins, well we’re in GOD’s house.
Now with God in the picture, t
he game doesn’t just change, it becomes an entirely different game! Let’s call this game “good versus evil”. Right now it looks like evil has good on the ropes. It is an illusion. How about we take another gander at this game from God’s perspective?
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Ephesians 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
Within these three verses we can pretty much figure out God’s end game. Ephesians indicates God’s no dummy. He knows not every one will believe. He knew this before it all began. Just the same, He gave everybody a chance. But wait! You say. What about those who were died before salvation became available? You mean, like David? Please. God’s got everything all figured out. If you can trust me on this one, trust Him. He is not just a “fair” God. He is a merciful and gracious God. I’ll take mercy and grace over fair any day. So let’s swing back on this whole “lost nation” thingy, huh?
We’ve all heard the tale and a lot of the jokes about Israel being so lost it took them forty years to trek about 435 miles, by most estimates about an eleven day journey. The joke I’ve heard most is Israel was lost because Moses refused to stop and ask for directions. How long would the journey taken had the people of this nation had turned to God and kept their eyes on Him? I’d say it’s possible we’d be talking about their amazing land speed record instead of forty years of wandering in the wilderness.
Now ask yourself… WHY is our nation lost? By now the answer should be obvious – we’ve turned away from God. In the battle of good vs evil, we are opting for evil. Huh. Go figure. What if we opted for good instead? What if we turned to God? Could our nation be saved? Restored even? I’d say possibly, but what if we’ve moved beyond that? What then?
In a worst-case scenario, our world would be on the fast track towards the end times. Once a world government is established we are all in for some spicy times. Tell me… what would you do if you woke up one morning with the realization that the wait was over? Those last days are upon us and we Christians are now enemy number one? What then?
In my own limited mind, I can think of two things. First – survival. I mean, I’m long past the point where death scares me but as long as I’m drawing breath, I’ll do what I can do keep drawing breath, so, survival. Second, rescue. By this I mean making every effort to give as many people as possible the chance to opt-in to eternity – whatever it takes. What else matters?
Now we’re not at this point yet. It may not come to that in my lifetime if I live to be 200. I just don’t know. What I do know is no matter whether our nation can be restored or not, God will remain in control and unless our nation, WE the People, turn back to Him, the globalists will continue to solidify their hold on us. Evil is winning, or so they think.
We can fight back but politics is not the answer. Certainly “civil war” is not the answer either. Once the nature of the battle we face is recognized, doesn’t it make sense to fight the spiritual war? I’ll get back to this in a moment. First how about we consider our circumstance in mortal terms.
Again I’ll contend that a physical war a la “Civil War I” is absolutely the worst scenario we can hope for. Nobody wins. Even if, lets call us “nationalists” wins, what do we have? A decimated nation, torn by war with dead yet to bury and either a government restored from our current Constitution or a new one formed from a revised Constitution. I’d say this is the “best case” scenario. It looks pretty bleak to me. Should the globalists win… hoo boy, we’re all in for fun.
So lets drop that notion for example. In the secular world what does this leave us if not a political solution. What political solution? What would a strong, Republican, majority bring to the table? For one thing, they’d be right back to battling the “other” party, whether it is comprised of democrats or whatever. Once again we will instantly be faced with a group whose primary objective has to be to grow the government. It is how power bases are formed. Additionally, it is all the politicians know how to do – grab and wield power via influence. Such is the goal. The tools, money (taxpayer money) and regulations, remain the same. Go ahead, change out “Republican” for “Conservative” or “Libertarian”, whatever. The formula for “getting things done” stays the same.
My own ideal political solution, one I highly doubt anyone else would sign on to would be effective but far too cumbersome and, as such, would soon fall back to the current status quo. In my ideal system, WE the People would rule at the county level. Thus the county seat would be the center of our political universe. All law enforcement would be under the primary jurisdiction of the county sheriff. More importantly, most government functions would be handled at the county level. State and Federal duties would be delegated when a majority of counties deemed it so. Subsequently state and federal representatives would answer to their constituents primarily via oversight committees comprised of representatives from each county. Additionally, each state and federal representative would be required to attend county, and in the case of larger population areas, city, board meetings on a regular basis. The oversight committees would take their direction from county residents who would meet, either in person or virtually, to make their preferences known. The board meetings would offer the opportunity for representatives to hear directly from their constituents and for constituents to have their voices heard.
Granted, my “ideal solution” is more of a work in progress than any sort of blueprint but the idea behind the concept is to find ways to decentralize government and our representation while allowing for a balance between access to our elected representatives and allowing them the breathing room to do the job we give them. Imagine being micromanaged by 500 people, then multiply that by 1000. That is about the average number of citizens in each congressional district. One of the most common complaints I hear from local representatives is they often cannot eat a meal in peace without being inundated with citizens with a word, a gripe, or some advice. Sure, it’s the nature of the job but they have lives too.
Summing up from my wanderings… if you take anything away from this post, I would hope it is the sense that the battle we face is spiritual, rather than political, in nature. As such we need to properly equip ourselves and fight accordingly. Every major issue facing us today has a spiritual base. The globalists are bent on denying evil even exists, much less God Himself.
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
This is the sword that will win spiritual battles.
Ephesians 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
The good news is God has fully equipped us for this battle. He truly is our sufficiency in all things. Are you ready to take up “the whole armour of God”? Not the arms of the world that lead to destruction but the armament given to us by Almighty God to defeat the real foe in this war against evil.