Adam Schiffty and His Laughably Liberal Whining About SCOTUS

So this post was scheduled for August 5 and somehow never made it to “print”. Late but not forgotten….

So here’s the headline and the article on The Gateway Pundit:

Adam Schiff Renews Call for Democrats to Pack U.S. Supreme Court With Liberal Justices

I do hope you didn’t expect this idiot to have an original idea or something. Why bring it up at all? Bear with me, especially if you are as tired as I am hearing about “packing the Supreme Court”. Ask yourself… what is the real reason behind this ridiculous concept?

Chances are you know the answer already, but look below the surface. Of course it is blatantly obvious they don’t like recent SCOTUS decisions and they want to turn the tide to favor their agenda. We all know they’ve never had a problem when decisions went their way. We all know they are the sorest of sore losers. If ever a politician threw a temper tantrum to make a three-year-old watch in awe, it is a liberal when something, anything, doesn’t go according to their wishes. And when they can’t win… they cheat.

Again, this is all well-documented. They lie and cheat at every turn. How many examples do you need?They cheat on legal matters. You only need to look at the record to verify this. Heck, they even cheat when it comes to Supreme Court rulings. Note the number of times Nobama, as well as Biden, simply decided to ignore decisions against them. They cheat at elections. The 2020 Presidential election is only the last example. Fact is, I am convinced they only lost the 2016 election because they were caught with their pants down (figuratively, thank GOD!) and underestimated the will of the PEOPLE to move away from politics as usual. The list goes on, and on, and on. Now that Trump has shored up the Supreme Court of the United States with justices who actually have some respect for our Constitution, they are collectively (how else?) whining and throwing fits about how unfair the rule of law is. And, of course, they want to change it by… packing the court! But… this is only the dirt on the surface. What lies beneath?

Before I dig into that, let me first say, I am not a huge fan of the Supreme Court myself. This doesn’t mean I feel our third branch of government should be done away with. Not at all. It is necessary. We need the Supreme Court. It is not so much the court itself I have a problem with. My problem is with attitude – OUR attitude when it comes to Supreme Court decisions. I liken it to when the Catholics choose a new Pope. The faithful hover around with an eye to the chimney, waiting for the puff of smoke indicating the church leaders have come to a decision. Then breathe a sigh of relief when the smoke emerges, wiping hand and saying “well, that’s that, all is well.” As citizens we do the same thing except certain segments are always unhappy with the ruling. Well, DUH! The whole reason any court case gets traction at all is because there are two opposing sides. So what’s the deal?

The “deal”, as I see it, is SCOTUS often gets things wrong. Let’s take, for example, one of the more recent decisions causing so much angst – Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. In this case, and I entirely agree as I understand it, the Court ruled that the federal government had no business telling anyone whether they could have an abortion or not. Now I’m sure it goes deeper than this but that is the gist. They overturned Roe vs Wade, likely one of the worst SUPREME COURT DECISIONS ever handed down. Most of the time, I tend to disagree when a court rules in favor of expanding constitutional limits on government and the courts tend to expand governments purview far more often than putting on the skids. Of course the liberals and usurpers always want more government because it means more control for their side.

All of the above is easy to see. We’ve come to accept it as “that’s the way things are”. These days the liberals have a problem with “the way things are” much as I’ve had for most of my life. What’s the difference? Like I said, they tend to cheat. In this case as in “packing the court”. Isn’t there another way? I’m glad you asked. Of course there is.

Like I said before, our tendency as a nation is to simply accept any SCOTUS ruling as the final word and move on. The problem with this is, SCOTUS does NOT have the final word! WE the PEOPLE do! The Constitution is not theirs to manipulate any way they so desire – the Constitution is OURS. It is our law of the land. Sure, as citizens, the Constitution belongs to Supreme Court justices also – but, as CITIZENS they have no more right or say than we do. In other words, it is the right of us citizens of this nation to OVERTURN SCOTUS.

Now, I’ll tell you up front, the politicians know this. Often, the court will rule on a singular point rather than a principle and the politicians have been known to rework certain legislation so it falls in line with a ruling. What the politicians are terrified to admit is, WE are in charge when it comes to the law of the land.

Let’s take Dobbs vs Jackson for our example. Once you see this, it will all be crystal clear as to why the usurpers want to pack the court. Like I said, SCOTUS said, our Constitution does not provide for federal meddling concerning abortions. Now, if the majority of us citizens disagree with this, WE the PEOPLE are fully within our rights to change this. How? By modifying our Constitution via an amendment. I hear you shaking your heads (and my wife claims I am hard of hearing), but the process is not easy for good reason. The last thing we need is what the liberals like to call “a living document”. (Thus suggesting the only other choice is to declare our Constitution dead.) It would be a nightmare if our nation’s decisions were all made by popular vote. This is the very reason we are a constitutional republic and NOT a “democracy”.

For this very reason, the globalist usurpers would rather “pack the court” because they know, they KNOW, the citizens of this nation are not likely to hand over control of their reproductive organs to the feds. So they want to cheat. This is their way because the only way they can win is by deception. Consider their own protests concerning Dobbs vs Jackson. Why, if you listen to them and believe their crap, then you’d be convinced any woman, ANY WOMAN, will soon be forced into illegal back alley clinics where unwanted pregnancies are terminated with coat hangers. Get real. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Research indicates most Americans are quite reasonable when it comes to the abortion issue. Many of us don’t approve of this as a method of birth control but few are opposed to those with limited choices or special circumstances. Personally, I do not feel a limited government has any say at all in such matters until such life becomes viable independently of the mother. Even then I think it is wise to tread carefully. That said, I do strongly object to the idea that abortions should be financed with tax dollars. In other words, if you want an abortion, that’s one thing but do not expect me to foot the bill, directly or indirectly.

So there you have it. Adam Shiffty and friends don’t like limiting government so their solution is to Shifft the odds in their favor by packing the court. It’s no surprise. Far be it for him and his like to accept the decision or vow to work hard to win the hearts of the PEOPLE to make changes.

Now, before I leave you, consider yet another potential SCOTUS ruling that could nuke our government’s stranglehold on our nation. Loper Bright Enterprises vs. Raimondo. (Red State Article)

Once again, this review contests an earlier SCOTUS ruling – the infamous Chevron Doctrine.

The way Red State puts it, this ruling was key allowing federal agencies to run rogue by devising regulations not authorized by Congress. You know, like the ATF suddenly deciding what gun parts can be bought and sold without their express permission? Below is the link to keep you updated.

SCOTUS Blog Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo

Again, my own desire would be to have the National Firearms Act and the Gun Control Act of 1968 specifically overturned, along with the rest of the ridiculous anti-2A laws, and for SCOTUS to make perfectly clear how the words “shall not be infringed” should be understood (to my satisfaction, of course). I’m sure this is too much to hope for but, barring a solid stand by us citizens, I can only dream.

Politics Is Dead (Part 1 of 2)

American politics has always been dominated by two parties. Until I was about thirteen when I showed my Mom the “error of her ways”, she always sided with the democrats. She contended the republicans catered to the rich whereas democrats looked out for the poor. This was in 1971. Even though I despised Richard Nixon – I thought his economic policies were crap and I loathed the idea of opening relations with China – I still felt the republican party was far more inclined to rein in spending than the tax and spend democrat party. It took me a long time to realize how utterly wrong I was and even longer to comprehend the joke our two-party system is on us citizens.

Today, right before our eyes, the vaunted American two-party system is dead – or nearly so. The most surprising aspect of this is who is killing it. What remains to be seen is what will take it’s place. In this two-part series I’ll lay it all on the line as I see it. Who is killing the system and why. More to the point – what they are determined to replace it with. Finally, I’ll offer up an alternative – a real choice that is not only possible but actually within our grasp.

Folks, politics isn’t simply dead. We’ve gotten so used to the smell of the rotting corpse of American politics, we are blind and desensitized to the decay and corruption left behind. Meanwhile, the politicians, laughing at us all the way to the bank, live in wonderlands of their own design in our federal and state capitols. They live lives of honor and privilege while their henchmen, government employees whose salaries are paid for with our own sweat and blood, extract every loose nickel from our pockets while prying free much of the remaining change we are desperately holding on to. They’ve brought to life Robin Hood’s Sheriff of Nottingham in the guise of federal bureaucrats. Meanwhile, they dine in the finest restaurants, live in the grandest houses, take junkets to exotic locations, all courtesy of grunts like you and me. Nancy Pelosi, during her last stint as Speaker of the House of Representatives, insisted her taxpayer provided plane be upgraded to a 747 so she could be ferried back to her San Francisco home district without stopping in flyover country to refuel. Oh, yeah, and, this daughter of a Baltimore politician, is somehow worth tens of millions of dollars. Go figure. And for the record, she’s never been charged with any wrongdoing, irrespective of the allegations of insider trading in the stock market, among others.

Let’s not forget Mitch McConnell who is also a multi-millionaire. Yet another politician with deep, profitable ties with China. Nor Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Obamas, or any of the rest of them. These days much is alleged about the Bidens and I absolutely believe a fair and thorough investigation would result in charges and jail time for all of the above. Do any of them look worried? The closest I’ve heard is when Hillary is said to have stated that if Trump won, “they” would all end up in jail. I don’t know whom the “they” she supposedly spoke of was exactly but I’ve no doubt the potential list is mind-boggling.

So how can I say “politics is dead” when everything appears to embrace the phrase “business as usual”? Remember that rotting corpse I spoke of? The game changed long ago. The more you look back with open eyes the more you will realize our “two-party system” is nothing but an illusion of smoke and mirrors. These days the reality is obvious if you care to see it. The gloves have come off and even the “politicians” are tired of the ruse. While they still wear the same “work clothes” every day, they no longer hide their true agenda. At least this is true of many democrats. The republicans continue to claw at the falsehood they are fighting for us because they have nothing else to offer. True, there are some politicians on both sides intent on shoring up the facade but more and more have “come out” for what they really want. Consider what the democrats advocate:

Green policies

Universal income

Universal health care

Cash Bail Reform

Disarming citizens

Open borders

All of these ideas are linked by a common thread. Each one moves us closer to shifting to a one-world government. Really? How can that be? Let’s look at these one by one with open eyes.

Green policies. Bad enough is the idea of forcing electric cars, stoves, and heating upon us all. To “reduce our carbon footprint”, proposals are now on the table to reduce farm production, power generation from all but solar and wind, and even reduce the world’s population. You heard right, they want to kill us off. You don’t really think any of those folks advocating “population reduction” are volunteering to go first… do you? Some have stated a desired reduction as much as 80%. You don’t get those numbers by attrition. Why? A smaller population is easier to control, silly. How much sense does it make to control such a reduced population via multiple governments? The globalists see themselves as an elite class destined to rule over their lessors and face it, the very term “globalists” is indicative of central control from a single entity. In other words, a one-world government. This “green movement” is a lightly veiled effort to cause economic hardship, even famine, among our citizens. Look back on the first Great Depression and what FDR was able to accomplish for the globalist agenda then.

Universal income is another devious plan to herd the poorest and least productive citizens into financial prisons where they can be controlled with ease. As a recent enrollee into Social Security, I already see the potential hook coming… get vaccinated or lose your benefits. I’ve got news for the bastards. Universal income has yet another hidden feature shared by all “government gimmies”, the more of our money the globalists spend the more they can stress our resources until they break.

This is also one of the main goals behind universal health care. Not only can they control a massive segment of our economy they can also begin systematic reduction of the population by picking and choosing who gets what health care. After all… we can only afford so much – right? This joke on us displays raw evidence whenever a globalist becomes ill. No expense is ever spared to save one of their own – as long as they are useful and in good standing.

On to the elimination of cash bail. Surely this is obvious. The goal is to keep criminals on the streets as much as possible. Granted our “criminal justice system” leaves much to be desired but installing revolving doors at police stations is not the solution. As crime rises, citizens demand protection in the form of, you guessed it, more government and more regulations. What, exactly, is the the most touted solution to violent crime?

Disarming citizens! Hello. Of course they can never call it that. Instead they want to “reduce gun violence” (because knife, and fist, and baseball bat violence are much more desirable ways to suffer and die) and “get guns off the street”. As with every other dialectic, they ignore the real issues while promoting so-called “solutions” that only exacerbate the problems. With every mass shooting, I’ve begun to call for bigger “No Guns Allowed” signs. That should stop ’em.

Then there’s the open borders agenda. They can’t hide this one. Nothing says “One World” better than the eradication of a national borders. This agenda item alone should speak volumes. While the term “open borders” speaks for itself, don’t forget ancillary issues such as “amnesty for so-called immigrants” (illegal aliens), “pathways for citizenship”, along with all the other means of either openly ignoring immigration and naturalization laws or simply ignoring the influx of illegal people and goods flooding our nation. It all adds to the strain of our resources as well as directly contributing to the death and destruction of our citizens and our nation.

The globalists have come out of the closet. They openly and proudly proclaim not only their hate of America but their intent to destroy our nation. They have routed our representatives and elected officials on every level, replacing them with their own sycophants. They’ve seized control of our electoral processes while laying siege to our legal system. Those they failed to control they are hobbling, if not eliminating via lawfare. They own the media. They own law enforcement. They own the courts. There are exceptions. Some voices still cry. Some law enforcement agencies resist. Some judges, including a majority in SCOTUS, still abide by our constitution to some extent. That said, the gloves are off. Politics is dead. The true battle is globalism vs our nation – our constitutional republic. It is the last bastion we citizens need to defend. Is it hopeless? Not at all. But as the globalists have shifted their attacks, we must shift our defenses. They’ve made a strategic error. Now if only we can capitalize on their blunder. To be continued…

Happy Independence Day 2023!

The true name of our July 4th borders on irony today. “Independence Day”, yeah, right. Our nation has become the exact opposite of independent. We are dependent on foreign oil. Our government is dependent on foreign cash to keep spending. More and more citizens are dependent on that spending to live their lives. Worse, those of us who are fiercely determined to remain independent are criticized, ostracized, and often targeted for legal and possibly lethal actions. Call me “Debbie Downer” but I’m calling it as I see it. Is it all really that bad? Well… yes. Yes it is. However down is not out. I do not believe we are done yet.

If you’ve been paying attention, you know I’ve long emphasized how our nation can be restored. Scoff if you will, but until and unless we turn to God Almighty, repent and ask for deliverance then all our hopes and dreams are likely to fade away. Can God save us? What!? Are you serious? If God cannot save us, He wouldn’t be worth worshiping now would He? Of course He can. WILL God save us? Now that is a question I cannot answer. What I can say is… salvation, at least as it pertains to our nation, is secondary. Primary is your salvation and the salvation of all of us called by God. The whole idea of sacrificing yourself to save the person next to you is somewhat silly, eternally speaking.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus the Messiah was already sacrificed for us. Offering Jesus innocent (sinless) blood for our sins was the whole idea.

Ephesians 5:2 and walk in love, even as Christ also loved you, and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for an odor of a sweet smell.

Hebrews 10:12 but he, when he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;

Jesus had his purpose, we have ours.

Romans 8:28 And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose.

29 For whom he foreknew, he also foreordained to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren:

30 and whom he foreordained, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

We were called “to be conformed to the image of his Son”, to be a living sacrifice…

Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service.

This is the essence of our duty to God. Thus, getting right with God should be first for each of us – not just once but continuously – every day. For me, this means several times a day because, well, I’m a slow learner, I suppose. I’m still a work in progress and I don’t see myself completed before Christ returns or my time on this earth expires. It’s not for lack of trying. But wait! There’s more…

While the idea is often attractive, I’m not a hermit. To that end, my actions among others also need to be in line with how God would have me act. Included in this is a duty to speak the truth when appropriate. By this I don’t mean to refrain from lying, but to speak words that exhort and comfort others, words that bless those around me, and to promote godly thoughts and ideas. Now this latter may cause shudders among some of you. We’ve all been around a “bible thumper” at one time or another. This is not at all what I mean.

Certainly there are times when it is appropriate to open up a bible and share what we know. There are also times when we need to take a stand as Christians. But there are also times when our words and actions simply demonstrate our beliefs. Here’s one example:

One day, a few years ago, I was heading to the office when I realized I needed water for my coffee machine. Our town water isn’t fit for drinking so bottled water is a must. I stopped by the store to grab some. At the checkout there was an older gentleman and his wife ahead of me with several items on the belt. As one might expect, there was only the one cashier. It was no big deal. I was the boss as well as the only worker so even if I was late, it made no difference. However the fellow ahead of me took one look and told the cashier to scan my bottle so I could be on my way. He wouldn’t accept payment and simply told me to have a blessed day. If you haven’t guessed, he made my day by that simple act. His simple kindness boldly stated his Christian walk.

Beyond these things is yet one more (at least) consideration. If you are a citizen of this United States for America, you have been blessed with one of the greatest gifts Almighty God has ever bestowed upon a nation – our Constitutional Republic. Our nation is comprised of self-governing citizens. True, a cadre of usurpers have seized power they’ve no right nor authority to claim but their hold is tenuous. Really. It is. Our founding document, our Constitution remains the law of the land and the rights enumerated within are deemed unalienable. Once we, as citizens, recognize this, we can take back what is rightfully and legally ours. It’s that simple and with God backing us up, who will stop us?

Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?

32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not also with him freely give us all things?

Today we recognize that day in 1776 when our forefathers signed the document declaring our independence from King George and England. Our Constitution had yet to be written, much less ratified, but this day they took a huge step towards receiving this wondrous gift from God Almighty. The road ahead was to be long, hard, and bloody. I cannot say what our road ahead has in store for us. I do not believe further bloodshed is necessary but this does not mean the usurpers will give up without resistance. Nor will the road be easy but, as our forefathers did, we need to decide to move forward and claim the liberty that we and our loved ones have been granted.

God bless and Happy Independence Day!

FIB’ers Infiltrating Christian Churches – Yawn.

This was a big headline on The Gateway Pundit:

“They’ve Already Infiltrated the Church and Wanted to Go Even Futher. I Wonder If This Is Just the Beginning” – FBN Host Sean Duffy Admits to Attending Latin Mass, Slams Chris Wray for His Criminal Assault on Christians

I’m sorry but so what? PLEASE don’t tell me you are really surprised by this Sean? Sorry, but WAY back when I was just a young man, I went to this annual camping event sponsored by a Christian ministry. It was attended by thousands of believers. I remember the head of the ministry, standing on state, berating the feds for snooping. He said something like “I know the FBI is here looking for guns and stuff. You won’t find any.” I don’t know what else he said but it wasn’t much. Of course we were shocked – this was over 40 years ago. I doubt if it was anything out of the ordinary even then for feds. Hoover, among others, sported a long history of trashing our Constitution.

So, no, I’m not shocked nor am I surprised. The fact is most Christian services are open to the public so there’s no need to sneak in. Expect to be welcomed in. No doubt someone might even take you aside and tell you about our “secret” plans to take over the world. We even have a name for it. We call it evangelism. We want to win the world to Christ one person at a time.

On the darker side of this picture is FIB director Chris Wray’s memo to agents warning of “dangerous ‘radical traditionalist Catholic ideology’”. Now look, I don’t agree with a significant amount of “Catholic ideology”. I just don’t. Depending on how you look at it, it may even be “dangerous”, but what is that “danger” anyway? Well… some of it could turn someone off from wanting to accept Christ. (I hear Catholics view communion as literally eating Christ’s body and drinking his blood – if this is true I find it a bit creepy myself, if not downright pagan.) Fact is, some of the most vehement anti-Christians I’ve met were raised Catholic. Then again, I’ve met plenty of others who have turned away from the Christian faith from other demoninations, a good number of them were the children of preachers.

Obviously there are other places to look for the real dangers to society rather than Christian churches and I’m not referring to school board meetings either. In fact, considering what I’ve gathered from January 6, et al, the FIBs are a greater danger to our nation than just about any other organization, at least those organizations they are “investigating”. The question is are they really investigating or are they recruiting? Either option is not likely to bear much fruit.

As Christians, we’ve got much bigger fish to fry and not just on Fridays. We need to hold fast to God’s matchless word and hold it forth. We need to bring “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5 WEB)

We need to turn to God, confess and repent our sins, and ask Him to restore our nation. We really don’t have time to wring our hands wondering what the government is doing. Instead, let us pray that the time they spend among us bears good fruit and brings them to Christ.

May our Heavenly Father bless you and keep you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The New and Improved Trump Follies – Indicting a Former President

UPDATE: As of this morning (Monday, March 20, 2023) it appears the planned arrest of former President Trump has at least been delayed.
Per The Gateway Pundit: BREAKING: IS THIS ALL A SCAM? Now It Looks Like President Trump Will Not Be Arrested Tuesday

The headlines are filled with the anticipation of the arrest of Donald J. Trump. Some eagerly look forward to see him lead down the walk of shame in handcuffs. Some are calling for him to be held without bail… presumably indefinitely. You know… like those J6 political prisoners who have to see their day in court. Do note my commentary here is presented as a citizen. While will absolutely comment on my perception of the legal issues involved, it should be noted I do not claim to be a lawyer nor admitted to any bar association and are not in any way legal advice. My comments offered from a layman’s perspective.

For the record, I do not know specifically what former President Trump is expected to be charged with in this debacle. I understand the charge or charges are classified as a misdemeanor. Thus is far less serious than a felony. Don’t get me wrong, misdemeanors are still crimes – or at least ostensibly so. Why am I hedging on this?

For one thing, just the title of this book by real-life lawer Henry A. Silvergate should give pause for thought. Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent. Do note I have not read this book nor will I profit should you buy it. The link is supplied simply for informational purposes. The premise of this book is any average citizen commits as many as three federal felonies every day simply by living one’s life. I’m citing this as an example of how rampant our legal system has become. Don’t be fooled. While this is in the federal level, do not think for a minute the states are lacking in legislative insanity, especially New York. As I grew up in that state, I can speak from experience.

For example: Citizens may not greet each other by “putting one’s thumb to the nose and wiggling the fingers”. Warning! The preceding link is to a pdf document entitled Strange State Laws. It was compiled by Forest Grove Elementary students in Pacific Grove CA. I found it both hilarious and somewhat scary. The things people we put in authority will do with their power. Yikes!

The bottom line here is, it is conceivable for Donald Trump, or any citizen to be charged with any number of violations. Another example from the document above is, if he jaywalked in New York, he couldn’t be charged with a crime unless he jaywalked diagonally. Would this be a simple appearance ticket or would he be held without bail.

Keep in mind, we are talking about a city that releases alleged armed robbers.

Fresh proof that New York’s “no bail” reforms aren’t about justice at all: A serial bank robber was released without bail on attempted robbery charges — only to go right back out and hit up two more banks.

This is from the same Manhattan District Attorney’s office that plans on arresting the former President of the United States. Let that sink in.

While I have yet to find documentation of the actual proposed charge, I did find this: It is believed that the Manhattan DA’s office is looking into charging the 45th president with falsifying business records to hide his reimbursement of Cohen for the Daniels payment. So, if I get this right, the charge is “falsifying business records”. In other words, he allegedly listed the payment but called it something other than “reimbursement for hush payments”. Huh. My favorite tax consultant tells me that a) it is highly unlikely Donald J. Trump personally “falsified” anything, and b) labeling any business expense one thing or another for tax purposes isn’t a big deal as long as the expense itself is legitimate. Drawing on my own accounting education, I seem to remember my instructor saying accounting wasn’t as much math as it is …. Then something entirely different comes to mind. Yes, I am a bit warped but what this says to me is “selective enforcement of the law”.

First of all, I’m not so sure that mislabeling a business expense is akin to breaking the law. Even if it is, does this mean the Manhattan DA intends to scrutinize the records of every business within his jurisdiction put a stop to this white collar crime wave entirely? I doubt it, AND, if he only goes after Donald J. Trump then he is selectively enforcing the law and that is a no no, as deemed by the Supreme Court of the United States.

The U.S. Supreme Court has held that selective prosecution occurs where the law enforcement officials or prosecutors have in pursuing a criminal case “directed so exclusively against a particular class of persons … with a mind so unequal and oppressive” that equal protection of the law has been negated by their efforts. (United States v. Armstrong, 517 U.S. 456, 116 S. Ct. 1480, 134 L. Ed. 2d 687 [1996], quoting Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 6 S. Ct. 1064, 30 L. Ed. 220 [1886])

Ouch. Now the question is, if I, a poorly educated citizen can figure this out, why can a high powered district attorney in one of our nation’s premier cities understand it? All I have is a computer and an internet connection, whereas Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, has that plus a degree in jurisprudence, a half billion-dollar budget, and an untold number of staff members – all with advanced degrees, computers, and internet connections – to dedicate to this issue. Could it be that at least one of these individuals may have come across this same principle in their studies and/or work experience and chooses to ignore it for political gain? NAH! Why, that would be outrageous. It would be like all of the anti-Trumpers calling for the Donald’s head while trying the hide the fact that they themselves are guilty of the same thing or something even worse. Speaking of worse crimes…

How come between Hunter Biden’s laptop and Anthony Weiner’s Laptop alone we’ve never heard a hint of an investigation even after many well-founded allegations of child pornography and worse on both? Not to mention classified documents. Or why does no one seem to be investigating those on Jeffery Epstein’s list of passengers on the so-called “Lolita Express”? Hear tell at least one of the young girls, now women, has come forward with potential testimony. Seems like lots of folks are hell bent on “getting” Donald Trump no matter what while gladly looking the other way from substantial evidence pointing to real crimes by others.

Sunday night Mark Levin had one of Trump’s attorneys one – the man defending Trump from these very allegations. One of the points he made was this prosecutor intended to use some new legal ideas in order to charge the former President. He further explained this was because this same avenue of prosecution was previously reviewed by the U.S. Attorney for the New York area. They declined to pursue legal action. In essence this Manhattan DA is apparently trying to invent a crime that does not exist. Huh. Seems very similar to what I just said – IF Trump had personally reimbursed repayment of Cohen’s outlays and personally called it “legal costs” rather than “hush money” or whatever, such would not be illegal. Call me on this if you can but I don’t think anyone has ever been arrested and convicted for paying someone to keep silent. If such a thing is accomplished withing the legal system it is called a “non-disclosure agreement”.

It’s said “the devil is in the details”. This story could not be more true to the phrase and that is what it is important to keep watch and speak out. This is not about Donald J. Trump. It never was. Nor were any of the Trump witch hunts performed by previous Congressional committees, the media, and other anti-Trump forces. While they all carried the “NO-TRUMP” banner, all of these acts were attacks on our nation, us citizens, and, ultimately, God Himself.

This latest one is a blatant attempt to sidestep our Constitution, in particular, where it states we all have equal protection under the law. Not to mention where our laws are to be enacted by representatives in legislative bodies and signed into law by the head of the administrative body instead of pulled out of thin air by some rogue law enforcement employee. Our nation is not a “make up the laws as we go along” country, but that is exactly what Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg seems to be doing by advancing new “legal theories”. One of these seems to be a variation on “he has to be guilty of something”. This is a direct contradiction of the preeminent basis for law in our nation: “Innocent until proven guilty”.

While this edict is ingrained in our national fabric, the threads of this principle runs much further.

As the preeminent English jurist William Blackstone wrote,”[B]etter that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent suffer.”74 This principle can also be found in religious texts and in the writings of the American Founders.75 Benjamin Franklin went further arguing “it is better a hundred guilty persons should escape than one innocent person should suffer.”76

This is known as Blackstone’s ratio but he was not alone in his thoughts, nor likely even the first to offer this. The echo of this principle rings in our ears today. None of this is to say Donald J. Trump is guilty of anything but rather, many have assumed his guilt time and time again only to come up empty trying to prove it. As his lawyer said, in essence, on Life, Liberty, and Levin last night, his detractors are determined to go to any lengths to find the man guilty of something.

Protests are planned for Tuesday. Anyone who has read this blog for any length of time knows I disdain protests. As self-governing citizens of our Constitutional Republic, protests are beneath us in most circumstances. Better to go above the heads of the usurpers and keep our nation in prayer.

Attacking Christian Values

Of course this is nothing new but according to Fox News (yes, I still skim their headlines regularly) this Arizona school board member wants to make it official.

Arizona school board member says district should reject hiring teachers with Christian values: ‘Not…safe’

Among other things she is concerned about Christian University’s stated beliefs – as in promoting Christian values. This begs the question – isn’t she then saying any values other than her own should be banned?

Of course this is yet another attack by the devil himself through one of his minions, whether she is aware of who she’s working for or not. What she fails to acknowledge is in our Constitutional Republic, citizens are free to promote their own values whether or not they agree with another’s.


After January 20, 2023 – Politics and Other Stuff and a Peek into the Future… Sort of

After January 20, 2023 – Politics and Other Stuff

In case you are wondering, I am not going to chime in much concerning the speculation of Joe Bobo stepping down from office amid this latest classical document scandal. As early as May of 2021 I wondered if he wouldn’t be ousted shortly after completing his second year in office. At the time, my reasoning was whoever was installed after him would potentially have ten years in office as they would be eligible to run for office twice since they stepped in after the two-year mark. Now I’m questioning my previous assertions.

For one thing, Harris is still VP. I can imagine her inaugural speech:

“Thank you for the opportunity being President at this opportune time because it provides me an opportunity to be President and so paves the way for opportunities for other women who are black and who now have more opportunities to be things like president and “cackle, cackle, cackle”.

No, I cannot see her behind the Chief’s desk in the Oval Office. It’s not so much as she comes across as an idiot, I mean, look at Joe, but the key factor is she is not as controllable as the current resident. Controllability is key here. It may be the one thing that pushes Bobo out of the White House. If he continues to become more and more erratic, then he may have to be replaced. Nobody seems to care if he wanders around in netherland as long as they can extract the occasional sound bite or two. Then there’s Harris.

There are those scary times when she almost seems to have a will of her own. In today’s presidential climate that just won’t do. Not to mention she is becoming increasingly famous for her temper. Now she wouldn’t be the first in that respect. Noboma, Nixon, and more recently, Bobo all have been known to lose their tempers. The first two managed to keep a lid on theirs in public. Bobo seems to be loaded with some random defective rounds so one never knows when he may misfire. It could be the handlers fear Harris could lose it in the wrong place and do some real (read irreparable) damage.

As the handlers have not replaced the number two spot, I tend to doubt if Joe is in any real danger of being replaced. His one true asset is what every sane person sees as his liability, i. e. his near total lack of cognizance. The advantage here is he seems almost totally unaware and therefore nearly completely malleable. What control freak would want to give that up? Why then, has this document scandal reared up?

Looking back, it almost seems this was all planned long beforehand and put into play on the day the FIBs raided Donald J. Trumps Mar-a-Lago home. That’s right, ALL of it. What if Trump wasn’t the actual target? True, the implications for damaging Trump was a gleeful bonus for the globalists but what if Biden, not Trump, was the ultimate patsy? Now if this is true then my entire speculation about Bobo NOT being replaced anytime soon goes out the window. Which is it?

I don’t know. I fully expect Harris to be tossed a la Spiro Agnew before Bobo goes down the road. IF she does end up under the media microscope, it would indicate to me she and “The Big Guy” are soon to be ousted. Is it possible the handlers have enough on her to force her to resign on demand? Possible? Yes. Maybe even likely. The investigation of Agnew came to light in February and he was gone by October – this was in 1973 when time passed on a more normal pace. I’ll never be convinced nobody knew Agnew was corrupt long before the investigation started. These days someone could be exposed one day and gone by the late news.

Now one might speculate if the handlers have enough on Harris to force her to resign at will then maybe they have enough to control her otherwise. I’m sure this is a valid consideration. She may be empty-headed but she’s not an empty shell and thus she may have just enough “x factor” to be cause for concern. All of these things may be exactly why Joe’s still in office. The handlers like the near total control of the puppet strings. They are loathe to give that up and there is no one on the horizon who would be so completely under their power. So they will keep him “Weekend-At-Bernie’s” style for as long as they can.

IF Bobo really does have dementia or is similarly afflicted, there will come a point where he is incapable of functioning at all. Before that comes to pass, he will deteriorate to where he will no longer be able to function in public. I’ve stayed away from most news in recent weeks so I’ve not been following his latest gaffs much. I’m dubious as to whether medical science can prop him up much longer.

Either way, I contend it is his controllability that will finally decide his fate in the White House, not the document fiasco. If I am mistaken here, he’ll be gone within two weeks.


Anyone stopping by recently is sure to notice I’ve mostly moved away from most political commentary, the above excepted. This may or may not be permanent. The fact is I love commenting on the politician spectrum. Even more, I enjoy writing about our Constitutional Republic – especially when it comes to the spiritual aspect – i.e. that our Republic is a God’s gift to us. Furthermore I am convinced our only hope, politically, is to reclaim our God-given birthright – our Constitutionally limited form of self-governance. WE ARE the government. Sadly, I no longer see this coming to pass.

Look – I can see a clear path to reclaiming our government. I’ve stated it outright. Maybe I haven’t communicated it well but it’s all right here in front of us. All we citizens really need to do is step up and take control of our individual counties. Bypass the party systems when possible using write-in votes for solid citizens. With write-in votes the entire electoral system is cut out. Why abandon the party system?

Our national problem really isn’t the government, at least not at the root. The root of our problem is the two-party system. A choice between corrupt Democrats and corrupt Republicans is a choice between two evils. And if one chooses between two evils, one still chooses evil.

This last House vote for Speaker demonstrates the issue dramatically. Ask yourself WHY 200 (+/-) REPUBLICANS voted for RINO McCarthy. Now look at the Senate and ask WHY 18 “REPUBLICAN” Senators voted for the omnibus spending bill. The reason is clear. These POLITICIANS are determined to protect the status quo. The LAST thing any of them want is to be accountable to their constituents – to US.

The truth is MOST Americans, Democrat or Republican, want the same things. We want to live our lives. We want to be safe and happy. We want a return to sanity. We want liberty. What we are offered on both sides of the political spectrum is hysteria and fear. The system is broken. NOT our Constitutional system but the POLITICAL TWO-PARTY system. That is it is broken as far as WE the People are concerned. For the politicians, it’s working like a fine-tuned machine. They keep getting themselves elected, growing government and increasing their personal wealth and power. The politicians don’t work for US they work for their handlers, those sneaky puppet masters hiding in luxurious back rooms of the nation… opulence WE pay for no less.

With all that, we won’t stand up. We won’t do what we need to do to stop the madness. I’ve all but given up. Most people either throw up their hands in surrender or just shake their heads saying, well THAT will never happen when presented with a solution. WE won’t rise to the occasion because YOU won’t rise. Don’t take it personally. Nobody else is either and really, it would only take a comparative handful.

To this end, I’m redirecting my focus. By accepting the fact that there will be no constitutional (read political) solution until the spiritual problem is addressed. God Almighty needs to step in. What will that take?

Know this for starters: God is already in control. Always. There is no “end arounding” Him. What we can do is repent and ask for deliverance and unless we meet Him “halfway”, He will continue to allow our nation to slideinto the mire. Our nation will not be restored without God’s Hand guiding it. And God will not restore a nation of citizens who’ve turned away from Him. So… revival.

Those of us who claim Christ as Lord and Savior need to turn to Christ Jesus and our Heavenly Father. It’s as simple as that. We need to diligently seek God and pray for deliverance. We need to speak the truth of God’s Word. We need to claim territory and establish beachheads.

Again the naysayers will shout “impossible!” “never happen!” but unlike the prospect of citizens rising up and claiming our birthright, this time there’s a difference.

Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Not only does God’s Word never return onto Him void, but any progress, ANY progress is a victory. So it doesn’t matter what “that other believer” does or does not do. All that matters is what YOU do. You cannot control anyone else. I cannot control anyone else. Thus I do what I can and if nobody else lifts a finger, well, God knows.

While I’m resigned to the idea that no matter what we do, our nation will implode, now and then I see a ray of hope. For instance not long ago, SCOTUS gutted the 50 year-old Lemon v. Kurtzman decision that drove God from public places in America. This was the standard by which nativity scenes were banned from government property, the Ten Commandments exiled from school classrooms, and Bibles were deemed more of a threat in a teacher’s hands than pornography.

This is bigger than overturning Roe vs. Wade yet it got almost zero press. Why? One decision, Roe vs Wade, lends itself to spectacular headlines as battle cries are echoed all over the land. “We Must Fight For Women’s Rights!”. Meanwhile the case bringing Lemon to a sour conclusion for the left, Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, frees citizens nationwide to openly and publicly declare their faith. The last thing the globalists want is for word to get out that the Word can now get out!

How did Kennedy v. Bremerton School District even make it to the Supreme Court? A high school football coach refused to allow the school to forbid him his God-given, Constitutionally guaranteed right pray after games on school grounds. While his story may not be on the epic level of Daniel vs King Darius, the end result could well turn the tide of our nation. Now ask yourself, how important is prayer really?

While I am encouraged by such things, I believe God is showing me a greater need – the need for each of us to personally step up. Coach Kennedy stepped up when he knelt in prayer. Imagine the impact if each of us added just one more prayer in our daily lives. If just one prayer moved a mountain, what if a teacher displayed the Ten Commandments in her classroom? Or one or more verses of scripture? Or placed her bible on her corner desk? What if our nation saw an explosion of such acts all across our country?

My recent posts highlight the world wide war of good vs evil. The outcome has already been decided. The God and Father of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus wins. As I’ve lived to the age where I begin to question how much time I have left on this earth, not to mention the signs of the times, my concern is not with dying but with making the most of whatever time I have left. Bluntly put, I only wish I’d realized this forty or so years ago. No matter. Now I see things in a different light. There is nothing more important than holding forth God’s truth. While this need not be scriptures, God’s Word has opened up to me in ways I’ve never seen before.

For me, the bottom line is simple. Yes, our Constitutional Republic is a gift from Almighty God. Yes, this concept is as important and our understanding of the underlying principles are crucial to our nation’s continued existence. But our Constitution, our Republic, is given to all citizens, Christian or not. Ours is not a Christian nation because God decreed it so. It is or can be a Christian nation only if our citizens overwhelmingly claim Christ. If we, as Christians, do not turn back to God, and hold forth God’s truth, our nation will fall to the globalists as Israel fell to Babylon.

To this end, while I expect, from time to time, to advocate local political activism as is our duty and responsibility under our Constitution, I believe God is leading me to expound more on the body of Christ, as a whole and as individual members. This is new to me. Not so much the subject matter, though I expect to learn much more in the near future, but more so the idea of “little ‘ol me” speaking for God. I’ve always been uncomfortable thinking, much less declaring such. I always considered such things presumptuous but God is showing me how I, too, am a member of the body of Christ and as such I have the honor and privilege of holding forth His Word.

Please pray for me.

Short Posting This Week – Meanwhile, in AZ

First, I haven’t posted this week due to personal issues. Writing anything has simply been hard going.


Meanwhile in AZ.. (Gateway Pundit article)

Katie Hobbs Sworn Into Office At Illegitimate Private Ceremony, Breaks Out In Laughter When Asked To Swear That She Will Support the Constitution

Why bring this up?

It’s bad enough the globalists ignore our Constitution.

It’s bad enough the globalists shred our Constitution with glee.

NOW they openly mock our Constitution.

Our Constitution is the basis for our  Constitutional Republic. Our Constitutional Republic is a gift from Almighty God. Thus these globalists not only mock the law of our land, they mock God Himself. Think about that.



Is Our Nation Lost?

One comment I read today concerns the Warnock-Walker Senate race in Georgia. The commenter stated if Warnock wins, it’s over for the republican party. Similar dissertations have popped up over other results. Right now the republican party is reeling and wringing their hands on how to become more relevant. Of course, they don’t use those words but isn’t relevance what it amounts to?

Let’s face it, most of today’s republicans can be likened to ghetto white boys. They dress what they think an inner-city gangbanger should wear, pound their ears with incessant hip hop, while trying their very best to act, um, cool? Whatever. Back in the old days, the stereotype was the nerd who wanted to be “popular”. Of course they’d always end up looking like idiots. Seems like some kids never learn. They “grow up” to be republicans – well, RINOs, really. You see, they want to be popular, you know, cool. These days that means going “green”, cheering for Zelensky, and virtue signaling at every opportunity. Of course, wearing the right labels and attending the right parties also earns points. And lets not forget about the most important task, the duty of every government official – ensuring our government continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Priorities, you know.

Meanwhile, here in the trenches, the citizens of our nation are lost. We are wandering. It is blatantly evident we cannot trust those in government – not our elected officials, nor those who ostensibly work for us. We can’t trust the electoral process. We can’t trust those leading our party – whoever that may be. The media lies. New evidence reveals some of the depth of those lies and where they come from. Did I mention we can’t trust those in government? I’ll clue you in… some of us were in class that day when it was revealed how all of a sudden it became legal for our government to lie to us citizens. I’m sure it’s all for our own good.

So is our nation also lost? This remains to be seen. That said, there’s less then two minutes on the clock in the forth quarter and the home team on their own one yard line and down by six touchdowns. Okay, maybe not six touchdowns but it’s not looking all that good. Then again, what if we’re looking at the wrong game? If the home team is 15-1-0 and seeded first in the playoffs, how much does this game matter? What if we stepped back a bit to consider the bigger picture?

This hurts, but what if our beloved nation, the United States of America, the greatest nation in the history of the world crumbled before our eyes? What then? If it all burned down today, what would rise from the ashes? Would we rebuild our Constitutional Republic? Or would something else take it’s place? Would the states survive? Would Texas want to be associated with New York? Would Tennessee cozy up to California? I’m not seeing it. What if the globalists declared victory? You know they would in a heartbeat – assuming all the globalists combined could find a heart among them. I have my doubts. Beyond that, what do the globalists want? It’s no secret. They want our borders to vanish so they can install a one-world government. Isn’t that what globalism is all about? Centralized control of everything? What happens to us patriots?

Sure it is a stark venture in thought but is it really beyond plausibility? I don’t think so. I’ve been saying for years now that the globalist agenda will eventually come about. Prophesy says so. If you cannot wrap your head around that idea, just look at basic demographics. The short view is people cluster. We humans tend to group together. It is our nature. As we gather into city centers, we tend to demand more government. This is indisputable. It always happens. Always. It is only a matter of time before we humans centralize ourselves into a world government. For this to happen, every nation worth two cents will be swallowed up by the central government. Again, it is simple logic. A central government cannot, will not stand competition. If it comes to war, so be it. Winner take all.

Again, we are back to square one. IS our nation lost… yet? Maybe, maybe not but we are at a critical crossroads. As I demonstrated earlier, there is no true opposition to the globalists. At least nothing of consequence. Lump all the conservatives together. Go ahead, toss in the Libertarians, the Constitution Party guys, and constitutionalists (no party affiliation) and whoever else and you still have a minority and a minuscule one at that. The globalists have successfully browbeaten our citizens into accepting enough of their drivel so what was once “far left” is now considered “moderate”. I’ll offer just one example. Suppose some serious public figure was to propose ditching Social Security? We would see howls of protest on both sides of the political spectrum. That figure would be considered a radical, if not entirely shunned. Once a radical Socialist program, SS is now sacred in political circles.

Can we ever find our way back as a nation? Personally I have my doubts. This doesn’t mean I am ready to write the good ol’ USA off entirely but I think it’s time to face facts. We are on the verge and things don’t look good for the home team. For those of us who can accept this possibility I can offer a ray of hope.

What is missing entirely from the postulation above? What have I not considered up until this point? Who is in control? How is this a game changer?

If it’s not obvious, let me be plain: GOD. We can talk politics all day long, but until we recognize that GOD is in total, complete control, all is for naught. By all means, GOD changes the game. Heck, GOD OWNS THE GAME. It is HIS playing field. HE set the rules. You know the adage, the house always wins, well we’re in GOD’s house.

Now with God in the picture, the game doesn’t just change, it becomes an entirely different game! Let’s call this game “good versus evil”. Right now it looks like evil has good on the ropes. It is an illusion. How about we take another gander at this game from God’s perspective?

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Ephesians 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Within these three verses we can pretty much figure out God’s end game. Ephesians indicates God’s no dummy. He knows not every one will believe. He knew this before it all began. Just the same, He gave everybody a chance. But wait! You say. What about those who were died before salvation became available? You mean, like David? Please. God’s got everything all figured out. If you can trust me on this one, trust Him. He is not just a “fair” God. He is a merciful and gracious God. I’ll take mercy and grace over fair any day. So let’s swing back on this whole “lost nation” thingy, huh?

We’ve all heard the tale and a lot of the jokes about Israel being so lost it took them forty years to trek about 435 miles, by most estimates about an eleven day journey. The joke I’ve heard most is Israel was lost because Moses refused to stop and ask for directions. How long would the journey taken had the people of this nation had turned to God and kept their eyes on Him? I’d say it’s possible we’d be talking about their amazing land speed record instead of forty years of wandering in the wilderness.

Now ask yourself… WHY is our nation lost? By now the answer should be obvious – we’ve turned away from God. In the battle of good vs evil, we are opting for evil. Huh. Go figure. What if we opted for good instead? What if we turned to God? Could our nation be saved? Restored even? I’d say possibly, but what if we’ve moved beyond that? What then?

In a worst-case scenario, our world would be on the fast track towards the end times. Once a world government is established we are all in for some spicy times. Tell me… what would you do if you woke up one morning with the realization that the wait was over? Those last days are upon us and we Christians are now enemy number one? What then?

In my own limited mind, I can think of two things. First – survival. I mean, I’m long past the point where death scares me but as long as I’m drawing breath, I’ll do what I can do keep drawing breath, so, survival. Second, rescue. By this I mean making every effort to give as many people as possible the chance to opt-in to eternity – whatever it takes. What else matters?

Now we’re not at this point yet. It may not come to that in my lifetime if I live to be 200. I just don’t know. What I do know is no matter whether our nation can be restored or not, God will remain in control and unless our nation, WE the People, turn back to Him, the globalists will continue to solidify their hold on us. Evil is winning, or so they think.

We can fight back but politics is not the answer. Certainly “civil war” is not the answer either. Once the nature of the battle we face is recognized, doesn’t it make sense to fight the spiritual war? I’ll get back to this in a moment. First how about we consider our circumstance in mortal terms.

Again I’ll contend that a physical war a la “Civil War I” is absolutely the worst scenario we can hope for. Nobody wins. Even if, lets call us “nationalists” wins, what do we have? A decimated nation, torn by war with dead yet to bury and either a government restored from our current Constitution or a new one formed from a revised Constitution. I’d say this is the “best case” scenario. It looks pretty bleak to me. Should the globalists win… hoo boy, we’re all in for fun.

So lets drop that notion for example. In the secular world what does this leave us if not a political solution. What political solution? What would a strong, Republican, majority bring to the table? For one thing, they’d be right back to battling the “other” party, whether it is comprised of democrats or whatever. Once again we will instantly be faced with a group whose primary objective has to be to grow the government. It is how power bases are formed. Additionally, it is all the politicians know how to do – grab and wield power via influence. Such is the goal. The tools, money (taxpayer money) and regulations, remain the same. Go ahead, change out “Republican” for “Conservative” or “Libertarian”, whatever. The formula for “getting things done” stays the same.

My own ideal political solution, one I highly doubt anyone else would sign on to would be effective but far too cumbersome and, as such, would soon fall back to the current status quo. In my ideal system, WE the People would rule at the county level. Thus the county seat would be the center of our political universe. All law enforcement would be under the primary jurisdiction of the county sheriff. More importantly, most government functions would be handled at the county level. State and Federal duties would be delegated when a majority of counties deemed it so. Subsequently state and federal representatives would answer to their constituents primarily via oversight committees comprised of representatives from each county. Additionally, each state and federal representative would be required to attend county, and in the case of larger population areas, city, board meetings on a regular basis. The oversight committees would take their direction from county residents who would meet, either in person or virtually, to make their preferences known. The board meetings would offer the opportunity for representatives to hear directly from their constituents and for constituents to have their voices heard.

Granted, my “ideal solution” is more of a work in progress than any sort of blueprint but the idea behind the concept is to find ways to decentralize government and our representation while allowing for a balance between access to our elected representatives and allowing them the breathing room to do the job we give them. Imagine being micromanaged by 500 people, then multiply that by 1000. That is about the average number of citizens in each congressional district. One of the most common complaints I hear from local representatives is they often cannot eat a meal in peace without being inundated with citizens with a word, a gripe, or some advice. Sure, it’s the nature of the job but they have lives too.

Summing up from my wanderings… if you take anything away from this post, I would hope it is the sense that the battle we face is spiritual, rather than political, in nature. As such we need to properly equip ourselves and fight accordingly. Every major issue facing us today has a spiritual base. The globalists are bent on denying evil even exists, much less God Himself.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

This is the sword that will win spiritual battles.

Ephesians 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

The good news is God has fully equipped us for this battle. He truly is our sufficiency in all things. Are you ready to take up “the whole armour of God”? Not the arms of the world that lead to destruction but the armament given to us by Almighty God to defeat the real foe in this war against evil.

Warnock’s Victory and My Response to a FnBook Friend.

By now you know the election was called for Warnock. As disturbing as many of us find this, it only takes a trowel to dig deep enough to uncover far more disturbing things about this. I’ll list a couple in no particular order.

First, we can gnash our teeth all we want about whether this election was stolen. The numerical difference with 95% tallied is 93,542 votes. How many votes would have to be stolen to reach that result? For the sake of argument, lets say 500,000. If such were true this would mean Walker actually won by over 400,000 votes. Okay. Fine. It would also mean that 1,300,000+ STILL VOTED FOR WARNOCK. If you don’t find this disturbing, why not?

We know what Warnock is. Strip off all the political rhetoric, and the pretty veneer. At his core, he is a globalist. His deepest desire is the same as all his comrades – to absolutely control the entire population (elites, excluded, of course.). At one point the globalists hid their agenda to some extent. No more. They openly parade their desires before us all.

Yet over 1.3 million people or more voted for his agenda. Either they know what he is and agree or they don’t have a clue. Either way, it is shameful… and disturbing.

Worse, in my mind, is Warnock purports to be a man of God. Now I have nothing against anyone of faith being in politics. In fact, as I am convinced our very nation is a gift from God Almighty, I believe every God fearing citizen should absolutely become involved in government at whatever level they are led to do so. It is our duty and responsibility. The problem with Warnock is he says he is a Christian. I won’t question his faith but I would remind him Jesus said “no man can serve two masters”. One of the tenants of globalism is to replace God with government. He will answer for his actions, this much is certain. What of the Christians who vote for him? What are they really voting for? I find this disturbing.

These same trends are mirrored across our nation. New York State has been a leader in this respect for decades or more. We can blame corrupt politicians. We can blame the democrat and/or the republican party. We can blame the media. When it comes down to brass tacks, we need to look to ourselves. What have WE done to shine a light on the truth?

At the heart of things, our nation is embroiled in a war between good and evil. It is indeed a spiritual war. If we are to stand a chance at winning this war we need the correct weapons of warfare and we need to know how to use them effectively. God has equipped us for spiritual warfare. You will find your armament listed in Ephesians 6 10-18, among other places.

Ephesians 6:10  Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13  Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14  Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15  And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16  Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18  Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Can we win this war? Yes. Absolutely. WILL we win this war? I don’t know. What I do know is if we join this spiritual battle, we increase our chances AND we will gain territory for God. If nothing else, we will be able to offer our fellow citizens the opportunity to accept Christ and/or join the fight.

What say you?

God bless

WHAT IS This Country Coming To?

For over two years now (longer actually), I’ve put up with all this crap about election fraud, shady elections, questionable election practices and the like. The past two years or so have been the worst because all of a sudden, it’s no longer “cool” to question election results… unless, of course, those results favor a republican nominee over a democrat. I’ve had it.

Like I said this garbage has be going on far longer than the past two years. My most pressing question is:

HOW Did We Get Here?

Or have we always been this complacent? Looking back, I envision more of a slippery slope. Maybe we’d see some sort of blip or a glitch now and then in this election or that one. What was done? Was the problem taken seriously? Was it resolved? Was the integrity of the election process examined with any issues addressed and corrected? I don’t know. Maybe these things never happened. They should have. Even if they did, somewhere along the line someone shrugged. Some problem was simply ignored or otherwise allowed to fester. Then other problems arose. More and more they slid under the radar. During this last election cycle, where the most glaring example is in Maricopa County, Arizona, issues, major issues of election integrity and an honest count, are in danger of being simply batted away like a pesky fly. If it persists, they’ll just kill the fly.

HOW Can We Let This Happen?

Where is the outrage? I liken this to my wife when she reconciles our checkbook. If she is off just one penny, she will work those figures like a dog worries a bone. I’ve seen her fret for days about the most insignificant (to me) discrepancy. Personally, I’d write off a few cents and be done with it. Not her. Only 100% agreement between the bank and her calculations are acceptable. THIS is the sort of attitude we need to have concerning our electoral process.

Discrepancies, murky questions, and shady dealings should never, EVER be associated with our electoral processes. Everything needs to be on the up and up and on full display for everyone to see. ALL questions should be dealt with, in public. The process should never need be questioned.

Over the past few years, we’ve seen a myriad of issues come up in multiple elections all over our nation. These range from dead people voting, to questionable individuals being allowed to vote without ID (right here in Virginia where ID is legally required to vote!), to scores of voting machine issues – including alleged flip/flopping actual votes, machines that conveniently jam or otherwise fail, districts counting more votes than they have registered voters, and more. Whether any of these issues have been properly addressed, and I’m certain some of them have NOT, is more often than not never publicized beyond the initial reports. Granted, news media thrives on conflict and dies on resolution but one would expect at least a hint that some of these issues are resolved. Instead, crickets.

Enough Is Enough!

Frankly, I’m pissed. My anger is not directed at the cheaters or at those whobenefit from cheating. It’s not directed at the courts who refuse to even look at these problems. It’s not directed at our elected officials who should see to it the issues are addressed properly and corrected. Nor am I angry with those charged with overseeing the processes and ensuring they are right and proper. No. I am mostly pissed at myself and my fellow citizens. WE are allowing this to happen. WE are ultimately responsible to see to it that OUR elections are squeaky clean and there is NO QUESTIONS about their integrity.

WHERE IS OUR OUTRAGE? When are WE going to INSIST our elections are done right? There is no excuse for us if all we do is throw up our hands in surrender. Right here. Right now is when we must take a stand. If any, ANY result is not “right”, then we need to DEMAND a strict accounting. The books need to balance. We cannot afford to be off one single penny, one single vote.

America First? Or GOD First?

There’s a lot of talk these days about hiring politicians who put America First. Depending on how they mean this, I’m all for it, but I also wonder… shouldn’t we really be putting GOD first? Hear me out.

Time and time again, I’ve advocated turning to God Almighty as a nation. My premise is our nation was founded by God Himself, blessed by God Himself and has risen to be the greatest nation this world has ever seen because God Almighty Himself has graciously allowed it. Why? Because for the first time in the history of the word, a nation has emerged on the basis if being ruled by its very citizens, one that sensibility guarantees each citizen equal rights under the law as the foundation of our being. We are NOT ruled by a monarch or an emperor. We are NOT ruled by a dictator. Nor are we subject to some communist scheme or ruled by a mob (i.e. a democracy). We are a Constitutional Republic, a shining light to other nations. Our nation was conceived by Christian men who risked everything to give birth to it. Now, as we decline in power, both economically and politically, as we are increasingly engulfed in corruption, we are faced with continuing on this path of assured self-annihilation, or repenting and turning back to God – asking Him to restore our nation to former glory.

I suspect my voice has fallen onto the ears of three distinct groups.

First, my brethren in Christ, most of whom look upon my words in puzzlement. Don’t they already pray to God? Daily? Repent? Of what? Surely we are seeking God already.

Second are those who already “have their religion”. Some of these claim Christ. Others worship other gods.

The third and final group scoff at the very idea. God who? They ask. Aren’t we in the modern world? You mean to say you still believe in those old fables? Well, yes, I do.

Hopefully there is yet another group – those of you who are not satisfied with the so-called “answers” above. Somewhere, maybe deep down, you know something isn’t right. Something is missing. I’m sure most of you identify with one of the above groups in some way but it’s not sitting well with you. It is you to whom I am reaching out. Hang in there. Maybe things will soon start to make sense… finally.

For starters, I’m sure you’ve come across the phrase “For God and country”. I can’t tell you where or when I heard it first. Even here something seems to be missing. In my mind this should include the word “family”. So I did some searching and what do you know?

It seems this phrase “God, family, and country” is attributed to Thomas Aquinas. He was a Roman Catholic priest and philosopher. As such he is also attributed “sainthood” but not being Catholic, I’ll circumvent that label. Still, many of his writings are remembered and studied today. Among them is the idea that the three pillars of traditional Western society are “God, family, and country”.

While I have yet to see where anyone else has said this, maybe it is just too obvious, but the order of this phrase is exactly correct. God first, family second, and country last but certainly not least. Thomas Aquinas is also known for defining many principles of “natural law”. I contend here and now, that God, family, and country are not only pillars of our civilization but also the principles on which our natural, God-given laws must stand on.

Thus God should and must come first. Why? Mostly because without God, we have nothing. Okay, let’s back up. What do we have WITH God?

For the moment set aside the concept of “sin”. For those who do not believe in God, the concept of sin is abstract at best. Rather, let us consider something all humans have sought since our beginning – life after death. For those of you who believe there is no such thing, well there you have it. Once you’ve used up whatever time you have, you’ll end up with nothing. Unless you’re wrong, but let’s not go there. I’m perfectly happy to let it go at that. You die and then… nothing. Isn’t that bad enough? Seriously, without God this is the best you can hope for.

Now WITH God in the picture, we have… eternal life. By my calculations, eternity is going to last a long, long time. Even better, in God’s world, eternity is also going to be a big upgrade to what we have now. What about the other side of that coin? You know, that eternal damnation bit with the fire and brimstone and all that? Well… what about it? I’ve heard stories. I’ve read scripture. Yes, I do believe some will end up there. Who and how, I’m not all that clear on. My own feeling, and it’s just that, a feeling, is only the very worst of the worst will end up there. (No, I don’t know about you mother-in-law.) I’m pretty sure all those devil spirits stand a good chance of job security, unpleasant as that may be. Forgiveness aside, there are a few humans I might not feel all that bad about if they ended up there. Even then, I’m not feeling very gleeful at the thought. I suspect a third option is possible. That option is simply death. Lights out forever. How about we revisit that eternal life thing?

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

1 John 5:11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

12 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Well, that doesn’t look all that hard now does it? We can obtain eternal life through Jesus Christ. The fact is, it is not hard at all. It was never meant to be. So what’s the catch?

Matthew 19:23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.

24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

25 When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?

Is that the catch? Whew! I’m not “rich” so I’m good right? In the passage above, wrath wasn’t the real issue. Jesus was talking to a young man who happened to be wealthy. Jesus told him to sell all he had and to follow him. The statement above falls into the “figure of speech” category. You see, that whole “eye of the needle” stuff was really a thing in those days. In some walled cities, in order for a camel to enter, they had to take off everything it was carrying as the entrance was too small for a loaded camel to get through. Whether this was by design or not, well that’s another topic. The idea here is, like that camel, you gotta lose your baggage before you can get in.

You can look at this a lot of ways but, today, I think it’s safe to say, you’ll need to give up that “well there’s many paths to God” thinking if you want eternal life via Jesus Christ. Last I heard, he wasn’t accepting coupons from other stores. Now if you’re thinking, “fine, I’ll just find a back door somewhere”, um, Houston, we’ve got a problem. Now I haven’t studied those “other paths”. I hopped on the Jesus track after I realized atheism was a dead end – literally. That said, I’m pretty sure they all pretty much think they are the only way to eternity. So, I ask you, how can they all be “right”? I guarantee you not one of them will tell you to accept Jesus as Lord. If they did, they’d have to also tell you:

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Um, yeah, there is that. Of course, you can always say Jesus was the liar, but if that is true than who is saying that and how do you know you can trust them? The thing is, I’m not seeing anyone stepping up to fill the gap if Jesus is tossed out. Nobody, nothing, even comes close. Islam? Funny thing about them, they acknowledge Jesus as a prophet and then deny him as well as his words. I have a hard time seeing how anyone can have it both ways. Can you see the problem here? I see the same issues popping up no matter where else you turn.

Now for the good news – God made it easy for us.

2 Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

God only gave Adam ONE commandment – do NOT eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That was it. Eve was to follow this too but only ADAM was specifically told “NO”. So the serpent, the devil, went to work on Eve who then convinced Adam it was okay to do the ONE thing God said NOT to do. The point here is, God also makes it easy for us to accept Jesus Christ as Lord. Why? Mostly because we’ve got a lot more to deal with than Adam had back then and unless He makes it easy, we’re going to mess it up. So he made it simple.

Really, that’s the whole starter pack. Sure there’s more, a lot more, but this is the ticket you need to get your slice of eternal life. Is there more to it than this? What do you mean by “it”? If by “it” you mean being set as far as eternal life is concerned, I’d say “yep, that’s it”. Now if you are wondering if you need to do more, well… the short answer is yes, but don’t worry, God has got your back. Let me elaborate just a bit.

Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

Whoa! What? Yeah. Let that sink in. God, the CREATOR of the Universe chose YOU before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blame before Him in love. Sink your teeth into that and chew on it again. Remember, God is BIG. He can create, He knows what’s going to happen down to every single detail, and He’s, well, God, so He can do what He wants… and HE CHOSE YOU. I can’t speak for anyone else but the thought still gives me chills. Trust me on this, there are lots of times I wonder why the Creator of the Universe would even want me, but He did and He does.

Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

Now consider the next verse in Ephesians:

Ephesians 1:5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will

This verse does require a bit of work to “get it” due to some common misconceptions and a rather inaccurate rendering.

First, let’s tackle the word “predestinated”. Without getting into a study of the Greek, according the Vine’s New Testament Dictionary, the word can be understood as “foreordained” or “predetermined”. In other words, while some might say everyone’s life is “set in stone”, so to speak, and thus our choices are already made for us, the very wording of this is contradictory. How can we have a “choice” if our actions are predetermined? Do keep in mind one of God’s principles is our own free will. Revisiting the Garden of Eden, Adam did not HAVE to listen to Eve and eat that fruit, but God knew ahead of time he would. If he’d refused, mankind would have taken another path and, chances are, you or I would never have been born.

Now about that word “adoption”. Ask any adopted child, the very term can be somewhat painful. Going back to the Greek, the word used here would have been better rendered “sonship”. We are children of God via birth.

1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Jesus first alluded to this when he spoke with Nicodemus in John 3. He was speaking of the “new birth” that did not become available until after he died and God raised him from the dead at Pentecost. From that day on, when we confess Jesus as Lord and believe God raised him from the dead, God creates that “incorruptible seed” in us, that earnest (token) of what we be blessed with when Christ returns.

1 Corinthians 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

And here we are right back to eternal life. Putting it all together, God, our Heavenly Father, in His foreknowledge, chose you to be holy and without blame before Him in love before the foundation of the world. He brought you here, today. Whether you accept these words or not, if you are His, He will continue to show you the truth until you are ready to accept Him as God Almighty and His only begotten son, Jesus, the Messiah (or Christ) as Lord and Savior. This is your ticket to ride.

As for my siblings in Christ who may still be wondering what you are doing here… it’s going to take all of us, both new and old, to reclaim our nation. We all need to turn to God and put God first in our lives. Certainly we were born into the greatest nation this world has every seen. We’ve been blessed beyond what anyone could expect. Many of my brothers and sisters in Christ seek God daily. What more can we do?

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

I’ve no doubt you have faith. Of course you believe that He IS, how could you not. But are you on board with the latter part of this verse? Do you believe He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him? Let me put it another way…

Do you really believe God can and will restore this nation just because we ask Him to? I’m not so sure who believes this. My own wife is often skeptical. Even I doubt if it will happen, but I don’t doubt God. Rather I wonder if we have not lost faith in God to deliver us. What faith?

James 1:6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

But there is more to it than just asking…

James 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

This last election cycle has demonstrated this principle perfectly. The polls, if anyone can believe them, strongly indicated a “Red Wave”, even a “Red Tsunami”. What we saw was a red ripple. What happened? We voted, didn’t we? Yes. We voted. By one account Republican’s outvoted Democrats by over 3 million citizens nationwide and still many key races were lost. Why? Two reasons.

First, I am completely and thoroughly convinced, the Democrats cheated. Whether you agree with this assessment or not (I’ll not belabor it), in any honest contest, any and all discrepancies would be completely examined and questionable tallies removed. It’s been pointed out multiple times since the 2020 election that if the Democrats were so confident that vote was honest, they would insist on audits to vindicate themselves. That never happened. Instead they fought tooth and nail at every level to obfuscate any questionable results. However this is entirely secondary.

Even worse is the realization that these elections were even close. Far too many citizens proudly vote for godless ideals – abortion on demand, racist policies, pro-criminal behavior, and so forth. Much of what the globalists desire is pure evil. Those voting for evil either embrace the evil or they are blinded. The very idea that more people could possibly vote for evil over Godly principles sickens me. These same citizens have effectively rejected God Himself. Even with this great shroud of darkness looming over our nation, there is a ray of light.

Remember Ephesians 1:4-5? How many of those voting for evil are lost souls? How many has God foreordained them to be His children? I do not know, but I am convinced there are more than a few. The even better news is WE need to reach them. All we need do is reach out. It is God’s place to call His children to Him. He will not let a single one fall into the devil’s hands – at least not for eternity.

I see the potential for a great revival in this land. God is not finished with this nation. This can happen whether or not God chooses to deliver it, however restoration will not happen if we continue to turn our backs to Him. In light of this, the only commitment that makes sense is to put God first in our lives. With this strategy, we cannot lose. What can you do?

Seek out God in your private life. Pray. Read scripture daily. Join or start a bible study. Seek out others to worship with. Turn away from sinful things. Speak the truth.

On this last, I am not advocating for anyone to quote biblical passages to individuals or groups as a means of “speaking the truth”. A quiet word injected in a conversation may be enough. If you commit yourself to listening to God, He will show you. He will direct your path.

Psalms 27:11 Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

God will lead you to those who need to hear.

Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?

17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

So many of us, Christians included, look for a Donald Trump or a Ron DeSantis to save our nation. They cannot. Surely God can put such men in place to do His work but our nation needs more. It is bigger than one governorship, or a single presidency. It is greater than Congress. Our nation is one comprised of self-governing citizens, a Constitutional Republic. If we are a nation under God then we will once again be that shining beacon to the world. By putting God first in our lives, we will ensure America is first among all other nations.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Do you believe?

CAN We Win on November 8th?

Most of us are anticipating the “Big Game” on Tuesday. It’s the Nationalists vs the Globalists in a heated contest. From the looks of things, the Nationalists are coming on strong. Many are predicting a blowout. Others warn it’s not a done deal. The Globalists are known to play dirty and there is every reason to believe they will pull out every sneaky play in their book. One thing we all can agree on – this one will be a nail biter.

Yawn. That’s right. Wake me when it’s over. Don’t get the wrong idea. I do believe this coming election may well be very crucial to the future of our nation. No matter which way it goes it will be decisive. Or will it? Let’s consider.

Suppose the worst happens, as far as us “Nationalists” are concerned. The blue team snatches a victory by keeping a majority in both houses. Even if all they do is keep on doing what they are doing now, we are in for one hell of a tempest. Our current path leads nowhere but down. Worse, the burgeoning diesel crisis could soon plummet our nation into depression territory. I’m not talking about running out of diesel. I am assured we are still producing it but we will see shortages. And since our nation literally runs on diesel fuel – from trains to trucks to tractors to heavy equipment and more – no aspect of our nation’s economy will be unaffected. And that is just one issue.

Even more dire is the fact that the globalists will seize upon a win, declaring it a mandate to double down. It won’t matter if they cheated to gain the advantage. They will not let go of it come hell or high water. And double down is just what they will do. Hunting down political adversaries, shutting down all semblance of free speech, even demanding more violence against dissenters will all be on the table. If the globalists win, we who oppose them will be in a fight for our very lives.

But what if we win? That’s a good thing… right? It depends. Really. One factor we need to consider is how big the win is. At this point I’m seeing a lot of speculation about impeachments. Every time I point out that unless there are enough potential votes in the Senate to convict, any impeachment efforts are a foolish waste of time. And the democrats are not likely to vote for a conviction even if the evidence is overwhelming. Here in Virginia, our two Senators, Warner and Kaine are solid blue. I cannot see Kaine voting against his party under any normal circumstances. Warner might possibly jump ship IF he was convinced it was the only way to salvage his political career. Such would be the case for any democrat Senators and none of them will even be up for election for another two years. That’s a lot of time to forget.

Besides that, gaining a “super majority” in the Senate is more pipe dream than possibility. I don’t see it happening. So what we’d be left with is a majority in both houses and there is no guarantee of this either but let’s dream a bit. Again, with a majority in the House, the republicans could impeach anyone within their constitutional reach, but, again, there’s no teeth to this act and I cannot see Joe Biden stepping down for that. I can see him pardoning anyone who happens to be impeached. Along with that, I’ll stand by my prediction that Joe will not last much past the two-year mark of his first term. How the handlers plan on dealing with Harris is beyond me. If I were in their position, I’d replace her first and then dump Bobo, but I digress.

What, exactly can an opposition majority do with a globalist president in the Oval Office? One thing they are not likely to do is override any vetoes. So anything they pass will have to be negotiated. And they can hold up funding so as to make life miserable for the leftist cause. The danger here is the left will be screaming bloody murder all the while. They know from experience, what they scream is far less crucial to their cause than how loudly and how often they scream it. Even defeated, they do not give up and they do not give up. My point is, what the nationalists can do is limited at this point, especially when the globalists control the administration. But it gets worse.

What’s worse? Winning will most likely give us a false sense of security. We’ll breathe a collective sigh of relief – hopefully it will be about the only “collective” thing we do – and go back to our day jobs. Meanwhile, the political machines keep rolling. Unless we keep applying pressure, supporting those who support our republic and shining the light on the globalists and their agenda, we will soon end up right back between a rock and a hard place. In short, we can expect little reward for our win and lots of trouble.

The Bigger Issue

As a nation we have a far bigger issue facing us. I’ve pointed this out before and I’ll keep on doing it until I crash into some brick wall. The problem is, somewhere in the neighborhood of half our nation buys into the globalist garbage enough to put them in power. This is not a “political” difference. It is not some intellectual contest. It runs much deeper than that. It goes to the core of our nation. It is spiritual in nature. The globalists’ “god” is government. Their god is a false god and they worship it in earnest. I’ve pointed this out before – their ultimate goal is complete and total rule over every aspect of every individual’s life. And they’ve conned nearly half of our citizens into believing in their utopia.

The only way to reclaim our nation is to reclaim our stature as sons of the God and Father of our Lord Christ Jesus. We need to turn back to God and ask Him for His help. We must stand strong on those principles we’ve been taught since our youth. We need to turn away from ungodly things and set our affections on things above.

Colossians 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

Do you turn to God daily? How many times? The apostle Paul encouraged us to pray without ceasing. Does your life reflect your commitment to Christ? Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying we all need to start living like monks. Speaking for myself, I see a whole lot of room for improvement in my own life. That said, I do endeavor to make those improvements on a daily basis. I’ve also gone down paths where I’ve spent days, weeks, and months pursuing things that would never bring me closer to God. Not all pursuits necessarily need to be “sinful” to draw us away from our relationship with God. I’ve even seen “church projects” that have lead honorable men away from a godly life. Often it is not the path itself but the perspective of the individual traveling it.

No matter what party ends up with a majority in either house, we can win or lose by the actions we take as citizens and believers. If we gain ground, great – lets make sure those we elect into offices are held accountable and that we diligently work towards bringing God back into our lives and our nation. If we lose ground we need to do much the same but it will be harder as the globalists will do all they can to eradicate anyone or anything in their way. They cannot defeat God but knowing this will not deter them.