Addendum to Two Conservatives – One Jew – One Christian – Two Opposing Views

There was yet another aspect I did not bring up when I published the original post.

Add to that yet another seeming unrelated word I’d heard earlier in the day from Joyce Myer and wow. Just wow.

Let’s begin with Joyce Meyer. In a broadcast we recorded and watched on Sunday, she mentioned something in an aside that stuck with me.

In her message, she referred to Jacob who stole Esau’s blessing. What she said was in effect, “in those days, blessings were taken very seriously.” That thought got me thinking.

If you haven’t heard, I take God’s Word and God’s WORDS very seriously, always. In fact I am convinced one of the greatest gifts God gave man was the ability to communicate via words. Check it out for yourself. In Genesis, 1:1 God created the heavens and the earth. From then on, God mostly spoke things into being. “And God said, let there be light” (Gen 1:2) and so on.

Fast forward to Lance:

Once again on Sunday’s Firewall, Lance again refers to his seven mountain analogy.  For me, something clicked. A verse came to mind.

Mark 11:23-24 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say untothis mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
24  Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

I put “this mountain” in bold because that was what stood out for me. Could”this mountain” apply to one of Lance’s seven mountains? What if “this mountain” was not “government” but the false power structure – the houses of cards – devoid of any true authority – build up by the statist usurpers?

For me this seems to be something bigger, greater than simple speculation. I see this and several other “mountains” as vulnerable  constructs occupied by our enemies – enemies of the One True Living God.

What IF we believers could invoke the Power of Two to bring these false mountains down? Consider.

The Power of Two – What God Revealed to Me

At the risk of appearing as if I’m something more than I am, a simple believer in God, I do believe God has revealed something marvelous to me – The Power of Two. Right off, I will tell you this information is available to anyone able to open a bible. Even then I wouldn’t limit anyone to just this but there it is.

This “revelation” first dawned on my after pondering Lance Wallnau’s episode of Firewall on March 24, 2024 on Real America’s Voice. He pointed out the concept of the “microchurch”. He referenced Matthew 18:20.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

From there Lance explained that two believers gathered in Jesus’ name can be considered a church – a microchurch if you will. Immediately my mind went to work, coming up with other examples where this concept of “two” applies. The very verse preceding Matthew 18:20 for example:

Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

In fact it was when I remembered this verse when my mind reeled. Whoa! What?! How powerful is that? Think about it. Then I started remembering other instances involving the number two.

Jesus sent out the twelve disciples – two by two.

Mark 6:7 And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits;

Then he sent out the seventy:

Luke 10:1 After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come.

2 Corinthians 13:1 states “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” Early on in my walk I was taught the principle that something stated twice in scripture indicates it is confirmed.

The number (or word) “two” appears 835 times in the KJV in 703 verses. While not all of them confirm this concept of “the power of two”, many of them do in one way or another, starting out with two humans – man and woman – in the book of Genesis. Breathe easy, I’m not going to do a word study here, that was just FYI.

Beyond the “Power of Two”…

Take another look at the verses in Matthew 18. The “two” refers to believers. Those believers are joined by our Heavenly Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus the Messiah. Add the power of God to anything and the dial goes off the carts. In other words…


Yeah, that means two to the infinite power. This concept is confirmed time and time again in scripture.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things in him that strengtheneth me.(ASV or American Standard Version) [Editor’s note: the KVJ inaccurately substitutes “Christ” for “him”]

Romans 8:36 Even as it is written, “For your sake we are killed all day long. We were accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

37 No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Scripture also tells us God will never leave us nor forsake us. Putting all of the above together, if we look for our Heavenly Father to team each of us up with another believer, both believers gather in Jesus’ name and agree on any godly request, our Heavenly Father will honor said request. We don’t need armies or armaments, our shield, our buckler, our power is God Almighty Himself.

Search the scriptures. See for yourself if what I say is true. Go to God in prayer then go forth according to His leading.

NOT Forgotten! Two J6 Political Prisoners Highlighted

Today I found two separate and very different stories about two J6 political prisoners. While their experiences are different, what they have in common is they both have lost their liberty and their lives are forever changed.

Once again I will point out – my grievance is not about their guilt or innocence but about the total disregard for their rights as citizens under our Constitution.

Patrick Byrne Answers Trump’s Call To Support J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel When All Organizations Refused

A Day in the Life

It matters not whether you agree with what they did or are accused of doing.

It matters not whether they broke the law or not.

No one deserves this treatment.  As Americans we have protested and marched against the inhumane treatment  hapless souls in other countries. We have railed against poor treatment of animals. And yet we look away, or worse, cheer, how these J6 political prisoners are being treated day in, day out for years now. For what? For some misguided “sense” of patriotism? Since when do we suspend proper treatment of the accused?  For SHAME!

This shame is doubled for those of you schooled in law and DOUBLE THAT SHAME for any politician schooled in law. And for you in our judiciary? If all you can do is look the other way or worse, throw up your hands declaring, you cannot do anything – you should resign immediately. You are a disgrace to our justice system.


The Death of Our Constitution – NOT!

In my previous post I took great exception Mark Levin’s declaration that our nation is “post constitutional” and law of the land is no more. While I absolutely believe Lance Wallnau’s unintended rebuttal was absolutely brilliant, as well as far better than I can do, I still have an itch to scratch.

For anyone who accepts the truth of God’s sovereignty, Lance’s position is easy to see. But what about everyone else? As I stated before, even my own wife, whom I know is a godly woman, is not clearly seeing this. She is being blinded by circumstance.

To this end, I’ll offer a more secular argument.

Suppose a man committed a murder. There were witnesses. There was a smoking gun. It was, unequivocally, unarguably, and unquestionably murder. However the police declined to arrest or charge him.

The people cried out. They insisted the district attorney investigate. The DA also declined to prosecute.

Again an uproar ensued. One brave soul presented the case to a Grand Jury. The Grand Jury declined to indict.

Finally, the people appealed directly to the courts. Surely a court of law would review the start evidence and insist on justice! But, no, the court tossed the case out.

Ignore the details and the reasons for this case. They are not relevant. Instead focus on the facts as presented. All of our systems for justice in this case failed, despite everyone outside the systems agreeing to the guilt of the murderer. Let me ask you…

Does the fact that all these systems failed mean that murder is now legal? Are the laws against murder now null and void? Then how can anyone say the same about our constitution?

This the reality. It is said “ignorance of the law is no excuse”. That axiom certainly applies here. Nor does ignoring the law – in particular the law of our land, our constitution – an excuse to disregard it.

Our constitution stands strong. The real question is – will YOU stand up for our constitution?

Two Conservatives – One Jew – One Christian – Two Opposing Views

Yesterday (Sunday) was a watershed. Actually I could count 2 Christians and 2 Jews if I wanted to complicate things but let’s do keep them simple.

In one corner, we have Mark Levin. In the other corner – Lance Wallnau. It would be hard to imagine two more diametrically opposed viewpoints. I’ll begin with Levin, whom I saw last and work up to Wallnau.

While I’m guessing you can find a replay on Levin’s broadcast on Fox – or one of the products, I’ve nothing to link to.

Levin was joined Lawyer David Schoen. Together they declared and bemoaned the End of Our Constitutional Republic. I was shocked. Then I was livid. Mark, how DARE you! Your pronouncement makes me wonder just how deeply the claws of the statists are embedded in your soul. Have you been turned? Are you a schill for the globalists?

Many times I have said, our republic is not over until someone stands up and announces the end of our republic. I did not expect it to come from “our” side. Surely many have worried that bone, mostly from the conservative end but hearing it from someone hailed to be a stalwart of right thinking – it’s disgusting.

Worse, my wife agreed with him. Earlier this week her co-worker said as much. The general consensus, the hopeless defeatism is what I’ve been battling for far too long. The not-so-subtle shrug of the shoulders, the raising of the hands, and the words passing the lips – “what can we do?”. I disagree. Entirely.

Enter Lance Wallnau. His last show on RAV was a video of an appearance in a Minneapolis church. He was on fire. Even better he was inspiring. For some reason Real America’s Voice breaks up the replay into four segments. All four are below – about an hour total. I doubt if you can watch just one.

Lance began by retelling the story of former Georgia Senator Mike Crotts being raised from the dead because his assignment on this earth was not finished. Indeed, at the time it had literally just started! It was prophesied that Crotts was to leave his business career and go into politics and he was campaigning for his first office when he dropped dead – for 29 minutes no less – of a heart attack. He was literally raised from the dead and promptly lost his first election. Eventually, he did become a State Senator but the message he received was his “assignment was not finished”.

In hindsight, I now see Lance Wallnau’s program as a further prophetic message for our nation. In short, the United States of America is not dead yet! We have an assignment and it is not finished. Wallnau clearly stated this during his message but I “just happened” to see it before watching Mark Levin declare the death of our nation. Wow. Take a look. I’ll be back.





What is the difference between these two perspectives? One, Mark Levin, is looking at the human side – the secular, while Lance Wallnau is looking to God Almighty. What a difference!

Reaching back to my wife and others (her co-worker is not the only culprit here) they, too, are looking at our circumstances. All they can see is how powerful the opposition has grown and how they seem to have everything under control. What they fail to see is God. Nothing is happening today that God does not allow. Nothing. Just as David refused to allow himself to be intimidated by Goliath who dared to defy Almighty God, we Christians, we, the very children of the One True God, need to turn to our Heavenly Father and place our trust, our very lives, in His hands. But that’s not all…

As Lance pointed out – as long as we have breath on this earth, we are here for a reason also. We all have assignments. For myself, I can tell you outright, sometimes posting to this blog seems entirely inadequate. I cannot help feeling I am to do more but I do not know what. What is your assignment? I cannot tell you as I do not know. All I can do is urge you to seek out God for yourself and ask Him to reveal what He has in store for you.

While I may not always be confident I am doing God’s Will to the best of my ability, what I AM confident in is God Himself. I am only human. I am entirely capable of screwing up a one-car funeral but God is, well GOD, and HE does not, can not screw up. My trust is in Him.

If you haven’t already, watch the videos above. Seek out God’s Will for you. We are not finished yet!

Oddly Enough – I Saw This First on MSN News

Seriously, my wife upgraded all her computers to Win11 (YUCK!) for her biz. As I help out during her busy season I find myself starting at the screen of one from time to time. Win11 has a “feature” that pops out a bunch of crap I don’t wanna see, including MSN headlines. (No, I haven’t taken the time to put a stop to that. Call me lazy.) Anyway, yesterday I saw this headline:

Republican’s Constitutional Amendment Would Change How Americans Eat

from a story in Newsweek.  This headline could be taken in several ways but I clicked to see how Rep Thomas Massie, one of the more outspoken conservative voices in the House introduced this legislation. I immediately figured it was a hit piece on Massey. Not so fast.

This morning I was reminded of this story in a meme from 90 Miles From Tyranny:

Okay. Fine. I get the gist but I gotta ask WHY? Why is a constitutional amendment necessary? The way I see things, what the Feds are doing are already unconstitutional. They are already limited to goods that cross state lines. Granted this limitation is ignored as is nearly every other limit in our founding document. The problem is not a failure of our Constitution but our failure to properly enforce it.

Besides this, the chances of such an amendment surviving the grueling process of ratification are slim to none. Nice try Thomas but your effort will only land you another 15 minutes in the spotlight.

Why not introduce some legislation to scale back those laws that are currently raping our liberties. Do you need a list?

Happy St. Patrick’s Day – How Long Will THIS Last on FnBook?

I posted this at 7AM

My guess is the idiots on FnBook who scrutinize any and every post to determine whether it conforms the The Masters’ agenda will nix it quick.

If I were a betting man…

Just a note here I won’t be wearin’ the green today. Why not?

Because I am not Catholic!

While St. Pat’s Day is generally accepted as an “Irish” holiday it is really an Irish Catholic holiday because us protestants (meaning here any of the brethren in Christ who is NOT Catholic) don’t worship “saints”.)

If I were to wear any color, it would be orange – the color of the protestants.

Just sayin’

Have a great day and please try not to take twice as long to walk to the pub as you needed to walk to the pub.

Meanwhile a heads up on the whole TicTok controversy thingy:

Here’s one story:

U.S. House Rams Through Bill to Ban TikTok

While I’m not sure if it says so in the story linked below, somewhere, I read this bill includes the so-called “authority” to ban any social media organization that “interferes with an election” or some such.

Mark my words – even that is just the beginning of something even more evil.

Contrarians and Joining the Republican Party

Wouldn’t ya know it? Last night I was supposed to attend the monthly local republican meeting where they were going to vote on my membership application. I begged off. While the reason I gave is accurate – f’n DST has screwed up everything. My wife wouldn’t be home in time to take care of the critters and the meet landed smack dab where it would cause a problem. You see, we lock the chickens up at night for safety. They don’t like to go  in too much before dark. These days that means 7PM. The meet was set to begin at 6:30. Yeah. But there was yet more to the story. My angst.

Almost from the moment I handed my application in, I felt that twinge. You know the one – where you can’t help feeling you are making a big mistake. For the past couple of days, I’ve wrestled with the question:

Do I really want to join the party? Why?

Then this morning, I came across this article from Ammoland:

Firearms Training – Learn to Embrace the Contrarian Mindset

It helped. It really did because at heart I am also a contrarian. I must say this Keith Hanson explains it very well.  The bottom line is I’ve never, ever, been willing to accept “conventional wisdom” at face value. As such I tend to piss everybody off.

If you’ve read much here, you know I despise party politics and I foresee forever advocating the total dismantling of our vaunted “two-party system” as well as political parties entirely.

Let’s start with just some of the “Republican Party’s” own rhetoric. The Virginia Republican Party states they support freedom and a limited government. Great. So do I. What I’d like to know is what, exactly has the Republican Party actually done to  promote freedom and limit government. I’ll wait. Actually, no, I won’t. It’s obvious, but I’ll state it plainly so even an avowed party person can understand (maybe).


Sorry for shouting but too often this principle falls on deaf ears.

To this end any political party serves this common goal above and beyond serving party members and thus, every political party does not, CAN not serve those who make up the party. So why join?

This is what I’ve been asking myself.  In part, my reasoning is those who are part of the party at the very least have taken an active interest in forwarding similar ideals. I’ve no doubt the rank and file believe deeply in the principles stated by the official party propaganda. However they, all of us really, have been blinded to the facts:

They ain’t working for us, they never have.

Sad but true. So, in part, I want to be a part of this group because we share common interests and I’d like to forward some of my contrarian views. (Thanks Keith!) Who else am I going to reach? I don’t know what it will take for anyone else to take action so I’ll try work according to Newton’s law first of motion:

      1. An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

My point? Active party members are, well, active. That sets them apart from those dedicated to pissing and moaning. Those bodies are already in motion and already heading in the same general direction.

So that’s the latest there. I have about three weeks to reconsider, however Keith’s contrarian article hit the nail on the head for me as it both provided an answer as to why I’m struggling with this as well as reframing my perspective so I can move forward without feeling hypocritical.

Wild and Crazy Speculation? Not Mine!

Again from 90 Miles from Tyranny…

WEF Insider: Imminent ‘False Flag’ Cyber Attack Will Disrupt 2024 Election

In the words of  Ronald Reagan – “Here we go again.”

The question we should all be asking is is this more fear mongering or is it something we should prepare for and if so, how?

Consider past speculations along these lines:

Clinton will not give up the White House (Nobody predicted Hillary would try to take it with her)

Nobama would declare martial law rather than leave office.

Trump would declare marital law rather than leave office.

And so on and so forth. I don’t remember any such speculations about the Bushes but I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to them. By the time Ron Reagan left office, I’d shut my ears to the ongoing speculations about him. I quit that after watching Tip O’Neal declaring Reagan would gut/shut down/nuke Socialist Security. It was the one time I was hoping the old democrat fart was right.

So… this “false flag cyber attack”…. you do realize this isn’t the first time someone has warned of a cyber attack. These warnings range from one or more nukes exploding over the US to create an EMP to physical attacks on the electric grid to an actual “cyber” attack involving worms or viruses attacking key computer components controlling various aspects of our nation. Of the three, this last seems the most difficult to pull off because it would take some massive coordination to affect more than one system and a partial attack, like the ones experienced in recent years have amounted to little more than significant disruptions of our daily lives.

Possible? Yes. Probable? Meh. Okay so I’ll go so far as to admit something similar to past inconveniences could very well occur. I would not be surprised if two or more concurrent attacks took place.

If I were planning such shenanigans, I’d consider targeting the electric grids in some major rural areas on election day. Why? Because I’d want to cut off as many Trump votes as possible. Shutting down populous areas would return just the opposite. This is not to say the statists couldn’t work with that but then again, I’m not evil mastermind. Heck, I’m not even a mastermind.

Other possibilities is Virus X and a general shutdown of the nation by whatever means possible. As far as any desperate and uncaring statists are concerned, I would discount nothing, including the use of nuclear weapons other than for an EMP. Bombing just about any US target would likely cause more than enough disruption to bring our nation to a standstill. The only real downside is what could happen once we realize we would survive this too.

The Bottom Line

Make note but live your life. As with all the rest of the “disaster predictions” they will either happen or they won’t. Either way, you and I cannot stop them. Instead stay prepared as always. Other than the Covid scam, I’ve endured blackouts due to storms, massive snowstorms (the worst two in March!), and various other issues. I’m sure you’ve weathered much the same. Sure, things would be different if the SHTF for an extended period of time but who’s to say those who’ve bunkered themselves against such a possibility will be any better off? For me, I’ve been down similar roads only to find my map is outdated and/or useless. While I’m not foolish enough to live on the edge of uncertainty, neither will I rush to the other extreme and cocoon myself. My trust is in God Almighty, not men, not horses (Proverbs 21:31), not storehouses full of goods.

Fly BidenAir

This from 90 Miles:

Before we get all upset at poor Slo Mo Joe just remember – he’s clueless. Biden is obviously an animatronics experiment gone very, very wrong.

Remember Cujo? Same idea, different execution.

Speaking of “bad dogs” – is anyone else wondering howcome Biden keeps getting these vicious dogs? Is it like an abused woman who keeps making bad choices? Or is there something more sinister going on here – such as whoever is hand-picking these pets? We may never know.

Finally there’s this meme:

Let be go on record right now. I take strong exception to the implications here. As far as I’m concerned, Walter is and always has been smarter and more likeable than Slo Mo Joe ever was. Never mind what “brains” Walter sports are made of wood or paper mache or something. I must say the physical resemblance is remarkable indeed.


Mix N Match News For March 7, 2024

Perusing the internet this AM, I came across several thought provoking stories and memes

First up:

I missed the news story on this but after a search I found a couple including this one in The Gateway Pundit.  How did I miss this. The meme suggests we call our congresscritters. May you have better success with this than I’ve had. While there are several things I like about Bob Good – his office has ignored my earlier messages and he has done little for these political prisoners other than agree with my angst when we talked face to face. Then there’s my Virginia “representatives” in the US Senate. Warner is MIA and Tim “Odie” Kaine only hears the voice of his Masters – whoever they may be. He does not answer to us citizens.

Contrast these fools with NC’s Lt. Governor and now candidate for Governor Mark Robinson.  On my very, very short list of politicians I would like to meet – Mark Robinson is at the top. This is only because I’ve heard him speak on our 2A rights and I am drawn to his passion and his conviction. In the story linked here, you’ll find the details about him winning the NC primary for the Governor’s race. Oh, and the other thing I really like about him? He’s a citizen, NOT a “politician”. I hope he continues on  that path.

Here we have a story in the Epoch-times about Attorney General Garland’s speech at a church in Selma, AL on Sunday. According to the headline, he says voter ID laws are unnecessary. My question to him is – who asked you? Besides that I not only disagree entirely with this premise but I question his ability to do his job, or any government work at all, seeing as he as so little common sense, much less his lack of understanding of, okay, I’ll say it, just about everything pertaining to legal issues. I almost think I could kick his ass in any legal debate without ever cracking a law book. Goodness I hope I am wrong, very wrong about that!

A mostly unrelated meme:

I can’t help wondering whether these votes would be counted at all or if the “republican” envelopes will simply be trashed and the “democrat” envelopes automatically be added to the “d” column.

There there’s Fani Willis and the testimony about her visiting the Biden White House and Meeting Kamala Harris prior to Trump’s RICO indictment. Wait? What?!! For those of you clueless statists scouring this blog for ways to make trouble, RICO is the the law used to break up organized crime. One could thus conclude that the act of two unrelated elected officials collaborating to illegally prosecute a US citizen is, in itself, a violation of RICO statutes. How ironic.

An now for a message from our meme gallery:

Sorry to say, some actors in Virginia have joined in on this nonsense. Now that SCOTUS has ruled 9-0 stating unequivocally states can NOT interfere with the citizens right to choose (my own words – I really don’t know what, exactly, SCOTUS ruled) will these fools respect this?

Here’s one I’m tossing in at the last minute just because it is interesting.

Burma’s Rebels’ Homemade Weapons vs. Modern Military

Do note I’m not advocating anything but I tend to take interest in these “David vs  Goliath” stories. This very much parallels the biblical account in several ways. First – David was just a lad who was dwarfed by the giant champion. Second – David defeated the well armored battle-hardened warrior equipped with all the latest weapons of war with a simple slingshot.

In David’s case, his ace in the hole was he had God Almighty on his side and as such it wasn’t really a fair fight for Goliath.

Finally, a meme that tugs at my own heartstrings




What does this mean to you?

What if you suddenly saw this power in a new light?

Matthew 9:2-8 (KJV)

Matthew 9:2  And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.
3  And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth.
4  And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?
5  For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk?
6  But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.
7  And he arose, and departed to his house.
8  But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men.

Wait! What?! What does Jesus healing a man have to do with us today?

That word power is the Greek word exousia and is often translated as either “power” or “authority”. Consider the World English Bible (WEB) version:

Matthew 9:1  He entered into a boat, and crossed over, and came into his own city.
2  Behold, they brought to him a man who was paralyzed, lying on a bed. Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, “Son, cheer up! Your sins are forgiven you.”
3  Behold, some of the scribes said to themselves, “This man blasphemes.”
4  Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts?
5  For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven;’ or to say, ‘Get up, and walk?’
6  But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins…” (then he said to the paralytic), “Get up, and take up your mat, and go up to your house.”
7  He arose and departed to his house.
8  But when the multitudes saw it, they marveled and glorified God, who had given such authority to men.

In the next chapter, Matthew 10:1, Jesus gave the 12 apostles power or authority “over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every sickness” (WEB)

How did they exercise this power, this authority? They used their voices! They spoke in Jesus’ name and demons were cast out, the sick were healed, and the dead were raised.

The word “authority” is far more accurate in these usages because while the spoken word indeed carries much weight – it is God Almighty who energizes those words. With this, let us return to the present day.

In case you are wondering, I absolutely believe those of us born again in God’s Spirit, who have confessed Jesus as Lord and believe God raised him from the dead, still have access to the same spiritual authority the first century church enjoyed. Obviously all but a few of us have lost our way but this does not negate the fact God will honor his promises.

That said, now I’m talking about a different set of promises – promises made to our forefathers that they set forth on our founding documents – in particular – the Constitution of the United States of America. This document enumerates our power, our authority, granted by God Almighty, to govern ourselves. This is what terrifies the statist usurpers. They are void of any authority at all and I do mean any authority.

How can I state this with such confidence?  Can those who hold office say they were duly elected? That their authority was granted to them by their constituents? No. They cannot. While I’m sure someone better versed in legal aspects than I could find even more solid ground, I will draw upon the principles in simple, contract law – i.e. a contract based on fraud is void.

All (or nearly all) those who are now in office have been placed there via fraudulent means. Over the decades, and now centuries, the usurpers have built up a web of legalese designed to prevent anyone other than those approved by one of the two established parties to stand any chance at all of being placed into office. Many  government positions are also illegal as they exist outside the principles of our intended limited government.

The short version of the above is our “elected” officials do not answer to those they ostensibly represent.

Instead they answer to the party bosses who, in turn, answer to their masters. Often those masters are groups or individuals who hold the purse strings. The really ironic part of all of this is those purses are chock full of OUR money – funds derived from programs funded by taxpayers, either directly or via preferable legislation favoring the “money men”.

All this points to fraud because “our” representatives are supposed to represent… us! Instead of this, they focus on new ways to expand the power – to usurp more authority – of government. Keep in mind, every new regulation is a new imposition on our liberty.

Doing nothing is no longer an option

Set it and forget it governing is no longer an option

If our nation is to be saved WE the People must reclaim our birthright to govern ourselves, to hold those chosen to represent us accountable and to insist on returning to a limited government.

Start here:

Virginia Voter Registration


GOD BLESS Lara Loomer! Clip Viewed on Lance Wallnau

Every once in a while it happens. Someone, somewhere repeats what you’ve been saying all along. In this case it is Lara Logan in her testimony before WI Senator Ron Johnson. I’m not sure what the context of her testimony was.  No doubt it will be buried in the annals of the Senate archives but it is there.

Lara Loomer on Lance Wallnau Her testimony starts at about 7:30. She’s talking about NGO’s acting as political assassins. About 2 minutes in she says those words “We the People are the government“.

Anyone who has read more than a couple of posts on this blog has likely run across this phrase at least once. I will not stop saying it because it is a basic truth we all need to internalize. Self-government is our birthright as citizens of the United States of America. It is also our duty and responsibility to take our GOD GIVEN authority seriously.

Start here: