Gun Free School Zone Act – Constitutional or NOT Constitutional

This from Ammoland

Federal Judge Finds Gun Free School Zone Act Constitutional

If you choose to dig into the meat you, you might be surprised. I know I was. When I first read the headline, I mentally prepared myself to do battle because I know, I KNOW the ruling is pure horse puckey. To my surprise and delight (sort of) I found far more substantiation for my gut reaction than I hoped. Even so, here I am, all ramped up so I’ll just dump my own self-educated, non-lawyer thoughts.

The key word in our second amendment is “infringed”. Put simply – it means “messed with”. For me, this is enough to destroy every “gun law” on the books. What’s left? Laws concerning criminal actions. That’s what. As inanimate, non-sentient objects, guns cannot commit crimes. Only people can commit crimes. But wait just a doggone minute! You say, “them laws are against people more than guns. Guns don’t go to prison, people do.”

Well, yes… and no. Fact is, most guns involved in a crime (real or imagined) are confiscated immediately. Most of those never see the light of day again and end up being destroyed, IF they don’t make it into someone’s personal collection. That said, you are absolutely correct, people do go to jail, sometimes for a very long time simply for owning the wrong firearm (or firearm part) or possessing one at the wrong time. Notice, no real crime with a real victim or some real loss of life, limb, or property is involved here – not counting the gun itself, of course, is involved here – just circumstances.

Strangely enough, consider the number of times a citizen has gone to the police fearful of someone’s actions – a stalker maybe, or even a jilted or ex lover. What are they told?

“Well… we can’t do anything unless they commit some sort of crime.”

Do observe “stalking” and “threatening” are actual crimes. Trouble is they are hard to prove. My point? That same citizen could well be arrested for acquiring the  means for self-defense. Just the means, mind you, not the actual act of self defense. And if they really do find it necessary to defend themselves? Often they bear the brunt of criminal charges, sometimes losing the right to ever again carry a firearm. How screwed up is that?

Let’s get back to those schools… shall we?

Hmmmm, the “Gun Free School Zone Act” was another knee-jerk reaction to shootings in schools. What has it actually accomplished? Considering this garbage legislation was enacted before the rash of school shootings we’ve seen since, a rash that obscures the initial reasoning for the law in the first place, absolutely nothing good. My reasoning is both sound and logical – those it was intended to stop were already engaging in criminal activities so what did the idiot politicians expect?

“Oh! I might get in trouble if I carry a gun to school now and shoot somebody.”

Yeah. Right. What it really did was open the door for more and more liberties to be legislated away from honest citizens – you know – those of us who would never even think of opening fire where anyone, much less, schoolchildren might get hurt.

Back to the story linked above, we have some power-crazed person granted a position of limited authority deciding to unilaterally ignore the very foundation of legal thought – such as it is – and declare this stinking pile of rotting manure “constitutional”. It’s bad enough when judges decide to re-write the law of the land because they don’t like the original version or those who love to “interpret” the law to give it more meaning or something, but to stand up and decree against every legal principle you are supposed to know, citing previous but equally bad decisions, maybe it’s time to resign, go home, and dig into that comfort food.

For the record, I have my own opinions, typically NOT considered “learned”, by those with far more legal education (like a first-year law student in the first week of class), but I claim my right as a self-governing citizen to speak my own mind and opinions on the laws of our land. If any of it comes down to certain aspects I am forced to accept but still do not like – I can opt to either work to change things by amendment or live with it.

Taking Our Nation BACK – Now THAT’S What I’m Talking About

Every hear of Scott Presler? Probably not. The Gateway Pundit deems him a “Grassroots Hero” I prefer calling him another ordinary citizen. My point is WHO Scott Presler is not nearly as important as WHAT he is doing and the FRUIT he is reaping.

Long story short, Scott Presler is doing exactly what I’m advocating – ramping up the vote with an eye to take the 2024 election by storm. Like me, he isn’t satisfied with simply putting Trump back in the White House

He Wants It ALL

He wants WE the People (okay, “Republicans”) to take state legislatures. No doubt he also has eyes on local boards as well. I heartily agree. My only reservation is after WE the People secure Republican majorities everywhere and anywhere we can,  we then must take the party itself to task.

My own ultimate goal is to eliminate the “two-party” system entirely. Nothing speaks louder to me about this than the response of our “Republican leaders” to Presler’s efforts. First they try to ignore him, then they actively work against him, finally, when he produces results, they take all the credit for HIS work! Screw them.

I want those who desire to represent me to stand on their OWN two feet – and be held PERSONALLY accountable for whatever their actions and views may be. For me, the litmus test is LIBERTY. Thus any proposal must first answer the question: “does this action advance LIBERTY?” Secondly, is this proposal with the bounds of our constitutionally limited government?

The more I learn about Scott Presller, the more I am impressed. He has expanded his efforts nationwide via his Early Vote Action PAC .  The goal is to get as many volunteers on board as possible.

First things first, let’s work with what we’ve got i.e. the Republican Party to get people we can hold accountable in office. THEN we can work on weeding out the “party faithful” and replacing them with the “citizen faithful”.

We DON’T NEED NO STINKIN’ GUNS to Take Back Our Nation

Ran across the article below in Ammoland.

Johns Hopkins: More Gun Control Needed to Prevent Second Civil War

Gee… WHERE do I start? How about with the authors/publishers of this  “work”? The article itself supplies plenty of detail so I’ll proffer the “Cliff Notes” version:

Johns Hopkins is supposed to be a well-respected medical school and health care center. Thus their expertise is medicine NOT firearms and certainly not “Civil War”.  The very title of this hit piece should make it obvious if you also understand there  actually was no first “Civil War” in this nation. Certainly nobody in the South made any attempt to overthrow the United States Government any more than West Virginia attempted to overthrow Virginia. They simply wanted to disassociate themselves from what was becoming an unbearably oppressive centralized power – the exact opposite of the original intent of the formation of our  Constitutional Republic. Oh yeah, that brings up point #2:

OUR NATION IS NOT A DEMOCRACY! Sorry for shouting but some of those statists lurking in the back like to turn deaf ears to this simple fact.  Ours is a republic, formed by our constitution. Taken along with our other primary founding document, The Declaration of Independence, the groundwork was previously laid for the right, nay, the responsibility of a self-governing people to dump oppressive elites, scrap institutions that become too big for their britches and start over. Such is exactly what the Confederacy did. Now get this straight in your head…

It doesn’t matter what their reasoning was or if YOU agree with them. None of that has any relevance to the issue at hand and that is whether the southern states had the right to secede from the union. We all seem to forget this is the crux of the matter and they were well within their rights to take off and do their own thing. The reason I make this point is so many others, particularly fellow conservatives, hold up Lincoln and the Norther Aggression he fomented  in such esteem as the feat of some great and noble savior.  Maybe it was for the best. Maybe it was all ordained by God Almighty Himself. None of this excuses the brutal truth of the lawless and unconstitutional actions of those on both sides of the conflict.

So right in the title of this presentation, the authors begin with false premises while continuing to tout idiocy.  Need I tell you that none other than gun control freak Michael Bloomburg via  his money (at least) is behind all  this? Go figure. It all boils down to the promise alluded to in the title – more gun control is needed to save our nation. Bull Cookies! (If you like Mikey Bloomburg, you’ll love ’em – crunchy and tasty with a creamy center.)

Hey Mikey! If you’re reading this, lemme tell ya from one of those types you hate and fear so much:

We don’t need no stinkin’ guns!

Now that should take the wind out of your sails and leave your crap dead in the water. Hope you’ve stock up on Bull Cookies ’cause I, for one, ain’t coming to get ya.

Look fool, what never seem to understand is WE the People have the law of the land, the constitution on our side. Now granted, when our Southern ancestors tried to right the wrongs imposed on them, the rest of the nation rallied together to brutally rape, kill, and pillage all those who opposed them. If you ask me, they took the wrong approach and it came back to bite them. What is the right approach? It is simple – not easy, but simple.

WE the People must assert our birthright – our GOD-GIVEN authority to govern ourselves. And that means we need to dump, NOT our government, so to speak, but our party system. It is time.

We now have the technology that allows citizens to stand for whatever seat they wish AND we have the technology to hold our representatives and employeesaccountable. We don’t need anyone to ride from house to house with news or gather at the town square to discuss important matters. We can do these things, but we can also do as much from the comfort of our homes, our place of business, or a laundromat – wherever. We have unprecedented access to our government entities and to each other.

Sure we have guns. Lots of them. We have ammo. Many in our ranks also have outstanding knowledge and skills to use them. But we don’t need any of those things. The entire idea of any “insurrection” or armed takeover of our government is ludicrous. Why? Because WE the People ARE the government! What? Are we to rebel against ourselves? Leave it to Brandon to shoot himself in the foot. I’ll abstain, thank you.

If you look at it all this way, it is laughable. Are you getting this Mikey? Yours is a straw man. The ONLY thing your proposals can accomplish is to either overthrow our government by your penchant for seizing our liberty, forcing us to either surrender to your elites or rise up and toss them out on their ears. (No, we don’t need to stinkin’ guns for that either.) To that end, YOU, sir, are fomenting rebellion BY insisting on more unconstitutional gun control.

As for my fellow citizens, I urge you to stand up and be counted. And no, “voting”  alone is not enough. For right now though it is a start, unless you want to see a repeat of 2020. Let’s take action now. How?

Be vocal. Stop biting your tongue and speak up. You need not be loud. You need not be obnoxious. Some of the most effect voices are soft-spoken. While I have zero talent for this myself, do not think because you cannot be heard because you do not raise your voice. It is enough to speak your mind.

Participate. Yes, you’re gonna have to vote but please, please, PLEASE do more, even if it is just a little bit more. Even if it means holding your nose while working with the republican party. Yes, YOUR vote counts but OUR VOTES count more! To this end we need to get more citizens registered to vote and get them to to polls. We need bodies at board meetings to hold our representatives accountable.

Encourage others. The plain truth about our decentralized government is none of us can do this alone. The most daunting problem of our nation today is it is run by a slim few who have slithered themselves into positions of power. Their authority is stolen, or at best acquired by deceit when they were put in place by party bosses who then dictate the terms of their occupation of office.  No matter. It is our job to join forces and put them on notice they were elected to represent US and that they will do or be tossed out. Some will comply, most will ignore us. Nobody said it would be easy, but no one of us can begin the process of reclaiming our nation. We need numbers – big numbers, and as birds of a feather flock together, we all need to encourage those around us to join in.

There’s more to come and I fully expect to see more and better I ideas from other citizens. By all means, let’s hear YOUR ideas and suggestions. How can we get more involved? How can we involve others. How can we band together to retake our nation?



Trump Outrage – The $7.1 million Judgement

Flatly put I have not followed this crap closely at all. I think I know the basis but beyond that… no. What DO I know?

This “person”, I won’t mention any names as my pocket have holes in them, sued Donald Trump for some alleged sexual misconduct. Trump denied the allegations, denied knowing this person, and, well, has not admitted to much of anything about this case as far as I can tell. He was found “guilty”. A civil suit followed where he was just found “guilty” again and the jury awarded damages for “defamation” on “Friday: $7.1 million – $11 million – plus punitive $65 million in “damages!” according to the Gateway Pundit. So why am I putting “guilty” and “defamation” in quotes?

Because I find this garbage hard to believe, that’s why. It is far easier for me to believe Trump was railroaded by biased prosecutors, in biased courts, and found guilty by biased juries. Look at the other trials Trump is involved in. Look at the monkey trails the J6 political prisoners have been dragged through – at least those who have FINALLY been granted their day in court. Bias seems to abound. The Trump trials are no different, in fact, they seem to be monkey trials on steroids.


All this is bad enough but are they really cause for outrage? Absolutely. First of all, if every trial mentioned above I’ve seen strong evidence of constitutional misconduct – meaning the defendant’s constitutional rights have been disregarded – sometimes totally. As I’ve said before JUST on the government’s failure to grant the J6 political prisoners a speedy trial, they should ALL be let loose, their cases dismissed, and reparations paid. I won’t get into how they’ve been otherwise mistreated and abused. Then there’s Trump.

He’s been denied attorney-client privilege, his income tax records have been made public, his home raided with questionable warrants. None of these constitutional issues have been raised by me but by legal experts who have openly brought them to light. It’s all been done right out in the open for us all to see. Dare I say -unabashedly so. But this latest is the worst.

According the Gateway Pundit, the plaintiff

“went on CNN with her attorney Roberta Kaplan went on with CNN to brag about how Carroll was only able to file the lawsuit after New York Democrats changed the laws and extended the statute of limitations for sexual assault in the state.”

Do note, from here, I am expressing my own, NON-LEGAL opinion per my right as a citizen of these United States.

Now wait just one gol-darned minute! What!? Read that again.

“went on CNN with her attorney Roberta Kaplan went on with CNN to brag about how Carroll was only able to file the lawsuit after New York Democrats changed the laws and extended the statute of limitations for sexual assault in the state.

Did anyone else in this nation learn about “ex post facto” laws?

Article I, Section 9, Clause 3:

No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

HELLOOOOO! If my poor, old memory serves correct, “ex post facto” is Latin meaning “after the fact”. What “I” remember learning is this means legislatures cannot pass a law making something punishable by law after something already happened.

Yes, I know this is not the first time. Read up on the atrocious Gun Control Act of 1968 for one heinous example, but come on! REALLY? It seems obvious to me THIS law was passed specifically to “get Trump”.

If nothing else we should ALL be outraged by the total disregard of the law of our land – our constitution. If we don’t have that, we have nothing folks. NOTHING! We do not have a nation. Our borders are not borders at all. The only good news is that would be the elites also have no legal legs to stand on. Our land is a land of anarchy because we have no basis for law. Oops!

Sorry assholes, you can’t have it both ways. Oh don’t worry about them. Once the formal declaration dissolving our constitutional republic is made, the usurpers will have armed enforcers in place to ensure obedience to their new order.

THIS is what we are faced with. The question is how are we going to deal with it? My own thought is we MUST win the 2024 election on the Presidential level and as many lower levels as we can. If we elect another Jack Ass then I see no future for our nation at all. It will only be a matter of time before our nation is formally dissolved.

Until such time as the announcement is made formally dissolving our country, we remain a Constitutional Republic and retain full power and authority as free citizens. We are at a crucial point – use it or lose it.

While you think on this, please do pray for our nation.

A Trip to the Hospital and Current Events

Okay the hospital first. It was a scheduled trip yesterday for a minor procedure. No cause for alarm. The only reason I’m bringing this up is because of one observation I made. It just hit me this morning.

Setting the stage, I had an endoscopy, i.e. the doc put a scope down my throat for a looksee. To that end I was knocked out. (good thing as I’ve got a heck of a gag reflex) Sooo… my wife (or someone) had to accompany me to drive me home.

As I was waiting for the doctor to show up to explain what he’d done, etc. my wife checked her phone. She made a call, then another, then another. I’ll tell you upfront she hates talking on the phone (or so she always told me) so I ascertained she was on there for good reason. She was. You see, she had to take off from her business, right at the start of her busy season, to comewith me. Now I tried to put this off until after the rush period but she would have none of it, bless her  heart.

You’ve probably guessed by now she was taking care of business. In the hospital. While we were waiting in the recovery room for the doctor. So what’s the big deal? Think about this for a moment in context.

She was doing business miles from her office. She could take calls, make calls, and stay connected without stepping foot in her actual  place of business. My epiphany?

If she can do this, WE can do this as citizens. WE can take care of our nation’s business, or our part of it, no matter where we are at the moment. Sorry, but now we have no excuses. How can we insist we are “too busy” to hold our representatives accountable? How can we say we just don’t have time to make our voices heard? We can be “there” from anywhere, no matter where “there” is.

Truly, the technology has arrived to enable us, empower us all to take back control  – to truly do our bit to govern ourselves. We have the technology, what we lack is a framework. We still need to put the infrastructure in place to exercise this power. Now for me, that word “infrastructure” is a bit scary, eliciting visions of roads and bridges and power lines. None of this is what I’m talking about. We have all that. Again, the technology, the tools are available, all we need do is put them in place and apply them.

For instance – Zoom meetings. Now I’m using “Zoom” because we all know what this is so we can envision it. It need not be this specific platform, but imagine a county, town, or school board meeting in a Zoom-like setting. The representatives are all there (or dialed in), as well as citizens both physically present and also dialed in. Meanwhile, we can also all access a forum to address various issues. I like to forum format as it lends itself nicely to segmenting topics so they are easy to track and discuss.

Websites already collect and disseminate documents, calendars, and other information pertaining to government activities. We can make them better, more responsive but the basis exists already.

How Does All This Relate to Current Events?

Let’s start with Trump in New Hampshire. He nailed it and this right after he nailed Iowa. One pundit stated Trump is actively working to rack up better margins than any candidate in history to crush any contention that team Biden won 2020.  At least that is how I read his views. He sort of has a point but in my view, we need massive numbers for a much simpler reason.

We need enough voters to totally overwhelm the cheating elites. Let’s face it, the elites, by cook or by crook, tallied up 81 million votes for Biden. Argue all you want about whether they were legit or not, Team Biden remains in the White House. IF we are going to rout him out we need to roust the whole team. How can we do this?

Turn out in massive numbers. Really, REALLY form that “Red Tide”, or rather a Red Tsunami to put Donald J. Trump in the White House again. WE the People NEED to make a statement and the time to make our voices heard is NOW. We cannot afford to dick around anymore – but simply electing Trump won’t cut it. We need more. We need to establish our presence – to make it perfectly clear we will no longer be ignored. How can we do this?

By taking our participation one and then several steps forward. Trump needs to be elected but we must ALSO give him a SUPERMAJORITY in Congress – in both the House and the Senate – or at least as much of a majority as we can. But that’s not all.

We NEED to make it clear WE SUPPORT TRUMP and thus OUR REPRESENTATIVES MUST SUPPORT TRUMP. We cannot allow a repeat of what happened in 2020. We must weed out the “never Trumpers” and the rest of the RINO bastards. They must go.

Thus we can begin to wipe the slate clean, roll up our sleeves, and clean house. If I had my way, our goal would be to aggressively pursue a limited government – to drastically reduce government programs with an eye to eliminate  the bulk of these worthless efforts.

We need to systematically dismantle the federal gun control farce. I’d start with the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Gun Control Act 1968.

We need to dump the Federal Reserve.

We need to repeal the 16th and 17th amendments – (Federal Income Tax & Senators elected by popular vote) This will dismantle the IRS and restore States’ Rights and their power in the Senate.

If I had my way, ALL taxes would be subject to voter approval before one cent is collected. No more should we hand representatives blank checks. They would need to better account for every dime they spend and then explain in detail exactly why they think they need more money.

It starts now. If you are not registered to vote. Register now. As you are reading this you can likely register online or at least find out where you can register in person. While you are at it, find out how to obtain voter registration forms. Carry some with you at all times so you those you talk to have no excuse.

It matters not one whit whether you agree with anything I have to say. If you are a citizen YOUR voice counts exactly as much as mine does. Make it heard. Let the best citizen be victorious.

WE the People ARE the government. It is time we started acting like it.

More Gun Control? Enough is ENOUGH! Revisited

Ya know? I’d be surprised if anyone else from the “old days” of The Liberty Coalition to remembers why I started this site to begin with. It began with a post, then comment, then guest post on another blog about yet another gun grabbing plot. The response was strong enough where I felt the time and political temperature was right to maybe actually accomplish something – like the rollback of just some of the many gun control schemes hatched over the years. I was wrong. Obviously.

Granted in some areas, such as the growing number of states enacting “constitutional carry” laws is encouraging. On the other hand, rabid gun control freaks have unleashed a smorgasbord of anti-liberty, downright unconstitutional bs laws aimed directly at good, honest citizens. So I’m beginning to wonder – when WILL enough be enough? Will the control maniacs have to actually start prying our means of self-defense from our cold, dead hands before those of us still standing will stand up? Some days, it sure seems like it. Just the other day, I was looking at a thread on rimfire topics when someone from my ex-home state of NY said the statists now require semi-automatic rifles to be listed on pistol permits. Got that? Keep in mind, ALL the time I was growing up, or at least for as far as was aware, in order to own a handgun in NY, one had to first obtain a concealed weapon permit and each handgun that person owned was required to be listed on that permit. And now they’ve expanded this to semi-automatic rifles. How long before single shot .22’s will be included in this madness? Wait for it…

Meanwhile, here in Virginia, the democRATS slithered into both houses of the legislature while Dr. “Death” Northam was governor. They promptly enacted a number of malicious anti-liberty legislation, including one of the gun control maniacs brass rings – universal background checks. This insidious and unconstitutional crap requires state approval of both parties who wish to buy, sell, or trade firearms in a private deal. Private? Not anymore. Thinking on this lead to more troublesome thoughts. Like I said before universal background checks, in fact ALL background checks are inherently unconstitutional. Why do I say that?

Think about this – forcing a citizen to prove s/he is NOT a criminal and thus NOT breaking the law when buying a firearm foregoes the assumption of innocence. The assumption of innocence is a, or maybe THE primary tenant of our constitution. How can this not be unconstitutional? Beyond that, citizens have the inherent right to go about our business without government intervention. The assumption that MUST be made is as citizens, we are NOT breaking any laws. That is for everyday life. Add into this the Second Amendment expressly guarantees that our right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, and my contention doubles down. It doesn’t take a legal scholar, much less an attorney (I am neither) to see this. And it shouldn’t. As WE the People are self-governing citizens, we also have an inherent right to discuss and voice our opinions on the laws of our land – ALL of the laws of our land. But that’s not all…

While I pondered these things, yet another stray thought wandered in and stayed a while. It was a question, really.

WHY are we tolerating this increasingly crushing weight of unconstitutional laws?

Why are these not being challenged? Anyone who has read the landmark novel “Unintended Consequences” by John Ross can relate. There he tells the story of the National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934 and the subsequent Supreme Court challenge it later entailed. Long story short, this horrendous law was duly declared unconstitutional by a lower court, challenged by the Feds at the SCOTUS level and because of distance, poverty, and such, said challenge had no champion for us citizens and was allowed to stand by FDR’s hand-picked Supreme Court. As far as I know, this statute has not been brought before SCOTUS again and so it stands.

As I see it, this THE major advantage held by the rabid statist gun control freaks. Legislation is typically “assumed” to be within the constrains of the constitution unless specifically overturned. While I can see the reasoning for this – no law would have a modicum of respect unless it was run by the courts – challenging every unconstitutional law puked out by our lawmakers is a time-consuming and expensive process – one most of us cannot afford to do. Not only that, but challenging just the gun laws would likely tie up the Supreme Court for decades – IF they were all heard.

Adding to this problem is the gross instability of legal opinion. We now have more than a century of legal precedents to wade through – enough where almost any legal opinion is likely to be countered by a complete opposite view by a jurist with deist aspirations – i.e. they want to play God.

What would be most helpful is a team of true constitutional literalists dedicated to sifting through current legislation to see what holds to a simple standard: does it line up within the framework of our constitution? I contend at least 80% of our current laws would fail this simple litmus test and 100% of gun legislation. Those words “shall not be infringed” are hard to circumvent once you incorporate the meaning of the the word “infringed” into your soul. Go ahead. Call me intolerant. While you’re at it you can bite me too. It means what it means.

So what is the end all, be all, of this? Unless we decide to get real serious about our constitution, and by “serious”, I mean start insisting on total compliance with the absolute law of our land, we are pretty much toast as a nation. There are only two paths from this point – one leads to liberty under our constitution – the other leads to statist rule, by whoever can seize the power from our hands… and I use the term “seize” loosely because, if history is any gauge, they’ll just take what we hand them.

There IS Another Way

It is a long road for sure but this path could also lead the way for our nation to blossom into some semblance of how it was divinely designed. This road also requires WE the People stand up and reclaim our birthright as citizens. The good news is, rather than depending on weak, wishy-washy, or worse, “interpretive” jurists, we can clearly mark the “will of the People”. What is this road? It starts with participation – YOUR participation… and mine.

Short and sweet, we roll up our sleeves and get to work on the business of our governance – self-governance that is. Groan all you want to but its time to play grownup. Here’s the outline:

We recruit and elect individuals who are committed to liberty. That means people determined to flat out refuse to allow our government entities to continue to expand beyond reasonable limitations AND to insist we begin the process of cutting back on government overreach.

Part of this, just part mind you, is repealing gun laws. The ultimate goal should be to eliminate all laws that limit liberty beyond constitutional limitations, but that’s not all. The chopping block should be bloodied from cutting off all those government programs that have gained footholds over the decades. Lean and mean should be our new goal. BTW – while the term “lean” is mostly self-explanatory, no doubt the usurpers will want to define “mean” as “rude or uncaring” such is not the intent here. This term “mean” is better defined as “a quality or way of doing something that is in the middle of two completely different qualities or ways of doing something” (courtesy Cambridge Dictionary Online).

We need to find new ways to solve issues. Rather than trying to grab guns from law-abiding citizens to thwart criminals, we should focus on actually thwarting criminal behavior and so on.

In addition to this, I also propose we citizens work towards the idea of removing the “blank checks” from our legislators. Instead they should be required to ask those citizens they represent for approval of all new spending AND taxes. This idea of simply allowing politicians carte blanche to find new ways to extract money from citizens and spend it however they wish is a complete and utter fail. There has to be a better way.

While “Gun Control” is indeed a major issue that should not be an issue at all, it is a symptom of a greater national ill – government gone wild. How did this happen? I hate to be the one to break it to you but WE the People have only ourselves to blame. Surely we were duped, as were our parents and their parents before them. I get that. But this does not excuse us from what we’ve become. It does not excuse those who simply do not vote. It does not excuse is for accepting the excuses of those who do not vote. It does not excuse is from failing to be informed nor from our failure to insist those we elect and those our representatives hire be held accountable.

The bottom line is we can either reclaim our nation – our birthright as citizens or we can do nothing and allow the controllers, the usurpers, to continue to grab our liberties until we have nothing left.

American Justice – J6 Political Prisoners vs Verizon Class Action

Quite a Juxtaposition huh?  J6 political prisoners and a Verizon class action suit? What on earth do these to items have in common? More than you might think.

Both are directly tied to the our nation’s justice systems. The Verizon civil suit was filed and adjudicated in the New Jersey court system while charges for the J6 political prisoners languish in the Federal court system.

This from the NJ court docs:

On February 22, 2022, twenty-eight plaintiffs filed a proposed class action on behalf of themselves andall similarly situated former and current New Jersey Verizon Wireless

Note the date. The complaint was filed less than two years ago and has now been decided. Meanwhile many J6 political prisoners have yet to have their constitutionally guaranteed “speedy trial”

For what it’s worth, I have posted about the awful and unconstitutional treatment of these innocent until proven guilty citizens, written my U.S. Senators and seen my U.S. Representative, among other things.

Today I got another email from the class action administrator (I think – the a’holes contact me via email – do I know them from a scammer?). Also today I saw this headline in the Gateway Pundit:

CONFIRMED: MORE ABUSE REPORTED – Heating System Shut Down on Political Prisoners in DC Gulag – With Freezing Temperatures Outside!

Think about that. I’m a few hours south of DC and the temperature outside was 17 degrees yesterday morning and heat was shut off in the DC Gulag? No one will ever convince me this was a coincidence. Furthermore, I’d like to know exactly how gulag officials dealt with this situation. Wouldn’t that be telling?

Meanwhile, I can file for my share ($100 Woo HOO!) of the Verizon class action settlement in the warm comfort of my own home. This is justice? By the way, after looking around the net there is some speculation that Verizon has already implement some sort of subsurcharge to cover their costs. Really? You mean the executives aren’t going to dip into their own pockets to pay this? I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you.  Either way, you and I both know where this money will come from. That said there really is some GOOD news…

15. How will the lawyers be paid?

Settlement Class Counsel (see Question 14) will file a motion on or before [DATE] asking the Court to award them attorneys’ fees of up to $33.3 million (which is 33.30% of the $100 million Settlement Fund) plus reimbursement of their litigation expenses.

Isn’t it comforting to know the lawyers won’t starve due to their stellar efforts to bring justice to us Verizon customers? Even better, they need not dip into their own pockets to pay all those expenses they incurred. Here is a link to the entire agreement

Verizon Class Action Settlement Agreement

So, on one hand, we have U. S. Citizens who dared question the results of the 2020 election by going to our nation’s capital and allegedly entered into the Capitol Building i.e. “The People’s House” and… what? It becomes unclear from there.  From the reports I’ve seen they’ve been abused, beaten, starved, denied medical treatment, denied numerous other civil rights – including their right to a speedy trial and still face untold years in prison for far less than many actually convicted of heinous crimes.

On the other hand, we have victims of crappy billing policies by a crappy cell phone provider who now enjoy the right to claim the price of a dinner out (maybe with some change left over) while the lawyers involved each pocket more cash than I’ll ever see in a lifetime.

And that, my dear readers, is AMERICAN justice at it’s finest. Or at least what it has come to.

Tuesday January 9, 2022 Virginia Special Elections!

If this is your first time here or you’ve been living under a rock, I’ll tell you outright – I am now an election official in Virginia. Last year I worked one primary and one election. The primary was a joke as the opponent for the only contended spot bowed out. This primary should have been canceled.

Fast forward to December 2023 – last month. I get a text message from the Board of Elections President in our county. This is how I first learned about the special election. It wasn’t the main topic of the text sequence – it was brought up by one of the recipients. (The Pres mass texts us so…)

Special Election 2024

Turns out the State Senator for our district has resigned for health reasons. As a good citizen I promptly notified at least one politically active group as this seat is very important for the balance of power in Virginia. I’ve heard nothing from nobody about this election.

So much for good citizenship.

Lemme tell ya – JUST voting ain’t gonna cut it no more. Got that?

As citizens in this SELF-GOVERNING nation – we all have a duty and responsibility to participate in the functions of government. Voting is the very least of it all. We’ve gotten ourselves into this swampy mess because of our “set it and forget it” attitude towards governing. It needs to stop and stop quickly because we are about to lose it all.

By all means if you live in one of the two of the above districts – VOTE.

IF there is a special electio0n in your state – VOTE.

At least do that but set yourself to do more.

Hold those in office accountable. It doesn’t matter whether you voted for them or not, they are still required to represent you AND follow the law of the land. Hold their feet to that fire.

Activate – talk to people, write blog posts (you can post them here, subject to approval – I won’t allow any anti-liberty posting here.). How much effort does it take to start and monitor a local F_B group for goodness sake?

Get involved. Stay involved.

Keep the vote honest – become an election official. Already I’ve spotted potential issues and brought them to the attention of the higher ups. I can tell you this much for an absolute certainty – every election official I’ve come in contact with, no matter the party affiliation, is focused on ensuring a free and fair election with an accurate count.

Now is this true everywhere? No. At least I am convinced it is NOT true. Maricopa County, AZ is a prime example. Pennsylvania is another. Michigan is a third. Then there’s Georgia. Every one of those places is suspect. Not to mention the swamp rats in our nation’s capital who promulgated the J6 fiasco. WHY is all this happening? It is happening because WE, the People, have been asleep at the wheel and the wreckage is visible across the country.

It won’t stop unless we citizens stand up, be counted, AND insist on an accurate count.

Confessions of a Poll Worker – Go Ahead – Arrest Me

The subject line above is in response to the meme below. My short response? Bite me.

I just came off of a 15 hour election day. I’m not complaining. It is just a fact. It all started in September of last year when I was mouthing off here about doing one’s part. I put my money where my mouth was and, well, now I am officially an election official in my county. Whoopee.

It was not an easy road. My party head hemmed and hawed about being “full up” or whatever.  Eventually he must have put my name in because I got a letter, did some online training, some group real-time in-person training, worked the primary (even though it was moot by the time primary day arrived – we still had to be there!), got more training, and worked Tuesday’s election. Now I’m ready for the brain dump.

First off all, I get paid. I wasn’t expecting that. It is a now a decent amount. They upped the ante for this last election. Previous officials got peanuts comparatively.  We even get “paid” for training. What a joke. In lieu of the whole ten bucks  (apiece) they are supposed to cough up, we get fed instead. Don’t get me wrong, the food is okay, pizza, usually. This last dinner was actually catered so I had a choice between chicken or ribs. It wasn’t great but it was okay. Anyway, I’m not doing this for free but when I signed up, I wasn’t expecting payment, my intent was to be a good citizen.

Now let’s talk about my coworkers. There were five of us working this polling center. Two from each party. Our chief is an Independent. While they try to balance the political leanings in each group, I don’t think it has to be entirely balanced. I’m not sure the law requires both parties be represented specifically.

As I said, our group is as balanced as they come. The other R in our group was new this election, replacing the R from the  primary.  She was a nice person but there was an issue with the facility that prompted her to ask for reassignment. So what about personalities?

Our chief is a dedicated gal, a hard worker and very conscientious. She’s also very helpful and giving. At our dinner she collected all of our plates and took them to the trash. She just does stuff like that.

The two D’s in the group are both women. (In the primary I was the sole male.) Both are black and both are very nice ladies. One is my age and another is a bit older, I think. Both walk with canes and/or walkers.

The other R in the group this time around is another man. It took me a bit but I finally realized I knew him. I worked on his computer a few years ago. He doesn’t live far from me. He’s a good guy also.

As a group we don’t talk politics. We have talked about a few issues around politics such as taxes, allocation of resources, and such. I can tell you that while we may not see eye to eye on all the issues, we are not all that far apart on any of them. One of the D’s is a former corrections officer. She was talking about the bears in her area keeping her from walking like she should so we got talking about her carrying a gun. She was not at all opposed to the idea. Her greatest concern was the prison Glock she had had too many safety features to be useful. Of course I enlightened her about her choices.

Summing  up, while our group was mixed politically, we are all Americans. We were all there to do our jobs and our job was to help citizens vote and to ensure the vote was fair and accurate. Period. In fact, there is not a lot of room at Virginia polls for fraud. Period. At least not at the polling place I worked. Is it possible some polling places in other precincts could be sullied? I’d say it is possible, but not easy.  Let’s talk about that, shall we?

Let me say first, as an election official, I am still a rookie and on the bottom of the pile at that. I worked at each station there so I can speak about such with confidence. Here, really the only real opportunity to nudge an election, voter-wise, is at the first station – the poll book. The poll book, ours is electronic, is what we use to verify the person standing in front of us is who they say they are AND they are duly registered. Ninety-nine percent (99%) fall into this category. Most hand over their photo driver’s license which is scanned into the system. A couple gave us a voter registration card, also scannable. Now I’d say these cards could be faked so there is a potential for abuse there, but it would take a pretty concerted effort. It is also possible for a voter to simply present a utility bill and vote – a far greater prospect for fraud. These can only vote once but, collect enough utility bills from enough registered voters and wholesale fraud could be perpetrated. I see little standing in the way of dead relatives or friends voting.

As I  pointed out in one of our training sessions, much to the chagrin of the Electoral Board member present, our county is really far too small for anyone intent on massive fraud efforts. He said, correctly, that any potential fraud should be addressed. I agree entirely but I think he missed my point. Sure we should be aware and diligent about any fraud BUT I don’t see it as a festering problem in our county. Someone could flip the whole county to one side and it wouldn’t make a difference in a state or national vote count.

The other gaping hole in our voting system is registration Now Virginia does require a Social Security number to register to vote but I’m not convinced there is a foolproof method of validating this. The issue I raised above concerned bad addresses. If someone’s address is different than what our database says, all the voter has to do is sign a form indicating the correct address. I asked if anyone verified the address. Similarly, if election officials (and I mean those who are charged with validating voters at the system level) are not diligent about verifying eligibility or if the gatekeepers are not kept honest, there is room for fraud. Personally, I’m not convinced security is all that tight.

So let’s move on to the topic of the meme below – start arresting  the poll workers and watch how fast they tell you who told them to cheat. Bite me. Granted there are instances, apparently documented ones at that, where poll workers are suspect. In those cases, by all means, hold them accountable and, yes, election fraud is a prosecutable offence. I am all for prosecution to the fullest. That said, most of us work hard on that day and we are diligent. Our job is is ensure those who vote are legally eligible to do so and every legal vote is counted. In our little group, we did our job admirably, if I do say so myself. Not one of us would even think of allowing cheating.

On the other hand, those who’ve been caught doing stuff they shouldn’t need to be dealt with swiftly and surely.  When this hasn’t happened, the blame rests entirely on those charged with enforcing the law – on every level. If I were to observe fraud, I would report it and I would keep reporting it further up the ladder until someone acted. I would further expect those who did act to act not just on the original perpetrators but on every individual who turned a blind eye up the line. We cannot have this.

A final note.  As I said at the beginning, my day was 15 hours on November 7, 2023. I hear other polling places break the job into shifts. We could not even if it were allowed. (I’m not sure if it is.) The bottom line is, more poll workers are needed. I doubt if our little county is the exception. Why not do your part? Too many gripe and whine about elections and election fraud. Of course our elections should be without question but how can this happen when polling places are understaffed or not properly represented? We invite fraud.

Contact your local Registrar. Put your name in to be an election official.  Come on now, pony up.



Police State Premiers Tomorrow – Not for ME!

Shocking but true, but here’s the thing. I can wait. That’s the gist of it. I’ve never been one to have to be anywhere “just because”. That said, I surely plan on seeing the movie.

Yesterday I saw an article on The Gateway Pundit further elaboriting on the plight of Joseph Bolanos, an elderly New Yorker was arrested by FBI and had his apartment ransacked for participating in the J6 rally in Washington D.C.. The reports say Mr. Bolanos never entered the Capital Building. Nor has any evidence been presented of him doing anything illegal. No charges were ever brought.

Until I saw the short, 56 second video on The Gateway Pundit, I never knew Joseph Bolanos existed. I had no idea of the raid, his arrest, nor of the stroke he suffered while in their custody that day. Why would I? None of this ever should have happened. There is no excuse. This is not my America. It is yours?

Meanwhile, I’m waiting for more information about the availability of this movie before I decide. While I’d prefer to stream it, our internet is somewhat “iffy”. Some things stream quite well while other things simply suck. Amazon Prime, for all the rah-rah and touting, isn’t worth watching most of the time. I avoid it at all costs and when I do watch it, it’s a crapshoot. On the other hand, I watched the entire series “The Chosen” streamed from Angel Studios with very few issues. Long story short, we may be headed for the theater again, depending on the incremental costs.

Police State – Added To My Must See List

I don’t do this often but I gotta tell you the video below shook me to the bone. I first saw this posted on The Gateway Pundit.

It’s very short I’ll add my comments afterwards.


Granted there’s not much information there but I’m going to take things as is. According to this video, the elderly man who was to subject of this raid was simply at the January 6th rally. They specifically state he did NOT enter the capital. So what if he did? What IF he actually went beyond even entering the capital to commit some serious crime. (Note, I am not convinced anyone who entered the capital that day is necessarily suspect of committing any crime – at least one acquittal substantiates this.)

I’ll rephrase -what could this man possibly have done to warrant a swat team busting down the door to his home, bursting in and arresting him at gunpoint. Note by “gunpoint” I’m referring to at least one modern fully automatic machine gun – something us ordinary citizens have to  apply for and pay a special tax on IF we can buy one at all.

In case you were wondering, yes, the question is rhetorical. This is not my America. This is not an action I approve of and as a self-governing citizen of the United States for America, I say such activity needs to stop immediately. This madness cannot be allowed to continue.

Below is the full trailer to the movie Police State. You can see it in some movie theaters now. Soon it will be available for streaming. As my most loyal reader(s?) can affirm, I recently saw the movie “Sound of Freedom” at the theater. It is a good movie and well worth watching but for the time, effort, and cost of seeing it in a theater, streaming is now a better option for me.

I’m adding to to my “MUST SEE” list. I’ll  post a review once I do.


Politics is Dead – Hooray! (Part 2)

In part one of “Politics is Dead”, I laid out the reasons for my contention. Today, I explore exactly why this is not only a major tactical error by the globalists but a cause for celebration among We the People.

The tactical error. It’s more of a blunder and an obvious one at that. Once you’ll see it, you’ll marvel at how idiotic (or most likely, arrogant) the globalists are just before you kick yourselffor not seeing it before. What’s the blunder? The globalists are killing (or have killed) the golden goose that laid their eggs – politics!

The founding fathers understood the danger. They correctly predicted the outcome of party politics, now evidenced in our massive government bodies ruled by usurpers. Here I’ll state plainly: these usurpers, the globalists who think themselves the “elite”, destined to rule over us lessors, got where they are today by the very two-party system they are ready to discard. In their arrogance, they’ve fallen for the fallacy that they do not need most of the people who populate the world nor the political parties from whence they derive their usurped power.

My response? Wonderful! If our two-party system was ever formally buried, I would dance on the grave! The death of this bastion of illegitimate power and authority frees We the People to formulate and install the principles of our Constitutional Republic as was originally intended! Yippee! That said, we are faced with a caveat. The globalists, of course, expect to replace our Constitutional Republic with a central, one-world government. What is their plan, exactly? Bluntly put – not being a globalist, I don’t claim to have any “inside information”. I’m not convinced the globalists themselves know. In fact if you ascribe to the ideas of men like Joel Skousen, you may not be shocked at the idea that the globalists don’t really have any “master plan”. Rather they are broken up into different factions each with a general idea of how to rise to become the world power. Personally, I think Joel’s view is the most plausible of any I’ve seen. Watching said “elites” work earnestly toward the destruction of our political system adds credence to this. How are they destroying our political system? You know the answer.

The globalists on both sides of the aisle have essentially fused together into an ugly Siamese-twin sort of uniparty intent on forging ahead to reach their common goals. Granted their efforts have always been thinly veiled but in recent years the lines marking any differences between the two have blurred. Due to the laws of nature – any political party can only increase it’s power by increasing government. Thus it is unreasonable to expect any party to attempt to reduce government when in power. To do so is suicidal to the party itself. Trump threatened the natural order of politics. As an outsider, he upset the unspoken understanding between so-called rivals. Both sides rallied to rid themselves of what they considered an usurper, ironic as this is. Today, both sides pay lip service if they pay any mind at all to any musings of a limited government. Limitations are the last thing either side desires. As such they have shed the remains of any shackles imposed upon them by our Constitution. As far as they are concerned, The Constitution for the United States of America is of value only as long as it provides the banner hiding their true agenda.

How can this be a good thing? With all pretense aside they must now show their true colors. While they were never all that adept at hiding their aims, now one must be a total fool not to see what’s been in front of our eyes all along. The politicians serve their masters, the money men, first and themselves second. They do not serve the People unless said service somehow benefits their own. More and more, the citizens of this nation have opened their eyes to see this. Currently these truths are the source of anger, confusion, and strife. What can we do about it? They have all the power. They have control of all the crucial components. They have the weaponry. We can do nothing. Really? Not so!

Let’s start with the physical aspects – the army and armament of the bureaucrats. This is mostly true and accurate. The usurpers have dedicated the past few years arming nearly every agency under their control. Not surprisingly, the armaments supplied to their minions include high-end military grade weapons – weapons they’ve denied us citizens by unlawful legislation. Add to this our military capabilities and they have garnered an impressive force to be reckoned with. Right? Maybe. The problem is, many of their minions, the “boots on the ground” guys are also citizens. Many have never seen battle. Almost none have fired upon fellow citizens. Should push come to shove and the globalists turn their army loose, they are by no means guaranteed a win. The lessons Afghanistan should loom large in their minds. Such is a worst-case scenario, one I do not believe will ever happen. This scenario forgets one important fact – a fact, it seems, nobody seems to acknowledge or even see.

We are a Constitutional Republic. Why is this important? Our Constitution is THE law of our land. We’ve lost sight of this – almost entirely. Even those who still hold it dear fail to grasp what this really means. What does it really mean? WE the PEOPLE are the government. WE hold the power.The final say for anything, ANYTHING concerning the governing of our nation rests in OUR hands. This is the truth. The very idea that we should see this truth, unadulterated, for what it really means, strikes real fear in the hearts of the usurpers because they know, even if they would never admit it.

Already I can hear the naysayers standing up to shout “WE CAN’T VOTE OUR WAY OUT OF THIS MESS!” In a sense, they are absolutely correct. Anyone, ANYONE, who blithely thinks the next election or the one after that, or any number of elections alone will save us must live in some fantasy world. Or those who think electing Trump or a “new” Congress will turn our nation around is not only wrong, they are fools. It ain’t gonna happen! So what’s the deal about the Constitution crap? Isn’t it all just the same thing? Well, if we keep on going about with “business as usual”, it sure is. Fact is, we need to break the cycle. We need to shatter the political machines, grind them to dust, and scatter them to the four winds. This is how we take our country back.

Now just HOW do you suggest we do THAT? You may ask. First, take the time to understand what we are facing. The Tea Party very nearly succeeded in seizing control of the republican party. Before that the Moral Majority made massive waves. Both efforts failed. Why? Simply because the wolves slipped into the flock. The party bosses saw the writing on the wall. They charged in to “save us from ourselves”. No, you won’t see this story in ballads or in the Sunday Supplement. It won’t appear anywhere. Just look at what happened in each case. It is more obvious in the Tea Party phenomenon. The experts descended from above and taught the neophytes how to “do politics”. Then they were absorbed by the party.

The moral of this lesson is politics – particularly party politics is the leaven and our goal is to limit ourselves to unleavened bread. Now you may be asking how do we elect representatives without politics? Is this even possible? My answer is… YES!

In fact, today’s technology has armed us common citizens in ways our ancestors never dreamed of. Most importantly, we have the ability to connect and communicate like never before. We have the entire world of knowledge at our fingertips – literally! Knowledge is power and ours is virtually unlimited. This is our edge. The globalists’ only hope was to keep the wool over our eyes long enough to secure their bunkers. In short, we don’t need no stinking political parties. What can we do instead?

Think about it, just for a moment. Think about your own household. Would you hand over control of it to your in-laws? What if they lived next door? Wait! What? No? But they raised your spouse! They were instrumental in forming the person you love most in this world. Yet, you don’t believe they are better qualified to run your household? So why would you hand over carte blance to some total stranger who lives and works far away the authority to define the rules for you and your family to live by? Isn’t this what we’ve done? Well, maybe not. It’s not like we’ve allowed Congress to dictate whether we can use incandescent light bulbs or something. Oh, wait, we actually have. Are you getting me here? You wouldn’t let your in-laws, fine people, I’m sure, run your house but you let total strangers rule almost every aspect of your life. This was not how our forefather’s designed our limited government.

Our Constitution, the very basis for our nation, THE law of the land, first and foremost recognizes each one of us as a self-governing citizen. WE the People are the “elite”, so to speak. Our laws, our rules, begin and end with US. What our forefathers lacked was any sort of way to connect and educate. The citizens of our early nation were separated by time and distance. It took a lot of effort to come together to make decisions. And when they did, how did they accomplish this? They first met to discuss and decide issues locally. Then they chose representatives to join representatives on the next level and so on finally to the Continental Congress. Hello!

Today, we can do this and more. Before we get to the “top”, meaning our national representatives, consider the scope of their representation. For each state, two senators represent the entire population. Originally, the makeup of the Senate was designed to represent the interest of each state legislature, not the general population. This design was intended as a protection of state’s rights. Moving on to the House, each congressman represents about 500,000 citizens. Now can you imagine how overwhelming it would be if we all descended on our congress critter at once? Even simply answering to an active congressional district would require a full-time staff. Moving on to our state representation – the average state legislator represents nearly 90,000 citizens. In my county, even though it is among the least populated, still has nearly 12,000 citizens. What does all this mean?

It means the idea of “writing to your representative” would be folly if we all did this. Such as it is, it would be cumbersome and unwieldy. In short – unworkable. Sad as it may be, the number of truly active citizens is quite low at best. Most of us simply wish to delegate the business of the people and live their lives. That’s okay but each of us are still responsible to do our part and that means we, all of us, (or most of us or a good number of us) should pay some attention to what’s going on around us.

The good news is, we have technology to streamline all of this. We can attend “town meetings” remotely. We can demand and receive summaries of the activities of our government representatives. We can discuss and offer our input which can then be tallied and presented as “the will of the people”. Like any other system, one like this is not incorruptible but it would be far more accountable than what we have now.

Let politics die. Embrace these death knolls. Let them ring in a new era where WE the People actually rule as we were meant to do. Just as we rule our own homes, we can work together within our counties to establish “home rule”. We start right here at home. Once we establish our bulkhead in our respective counties, we can hold our state and federal representatives accountable. One of my own first proposals would be to repeal the 17th Amendment and revert the election of Senators by state legislators. This may seem like an odd thing to support but it would go a long way towards breaking the influence of political parties in the Senate, especially once our legislators are forced to answer to us citizens directly.

As a citizen of this great nation you DO have a voice. What say you?

Adam Schiffty and His Laughably Liberal Whining About SCOTUS

So this post was scheduled for August 5 and somehow never made it to “print”. Late but not forgotten….

So here’s the headline and the article on The Gateway Pundit:

Adam Schiff Renews Call for Democrats to Pack U.S. Supreme Court With Liberal Justices

I do hope you didn’t expect this idiot to have an original idea or something. Why bring it up at all? Bear with me, especially if you are as tired as I am hearing about “packing the Supreme Court”. Ask yourself… what is the real reason behind this ridiculous concept?

Chances are you know the answer already, but look below the surface. Of course it is blatantly obvious they don’t like recent SCOTUS decisions and they want to turn the tide to favor their agenda. We all know they’ve never had a problem when decisions went their way. We all know they are the sorest of sore losers. If ever a politician threw a temper tantrum to make a three-year-old watch in awe, it is a liberal when something, anything, doesn’t go according to their wishes. And when they can’t win… they cheat.

Again, this is all well-documented. They lie and cheat at every turn. How many examples do you need?They cheat on legal matters. You only need to look at the record to verify this. Heck, they even cheat when it comes to Supreme Court rulings. Note the number of times Nobama, as well as Biden, simply decided to ignore decisions against them. They cheat at elections. The 2020 Presidential election is only the last example. Fact is, I am convinced they only lost the 2016 election because they were caught with their pants down (figuratively, thank GOD!) and underestimated the will of the PEOPLE to move away from politics as usual. The list goes on, and on, and on. Now that Trump has shored up the Supreme Court of the United States with justices who actually have some respect for our Constitution, they are collectively (how else?) whining and throwing fits about how unfair the rule of law is. And, of course, they want to change it by… packing the court! But… this is only the dirt on the surface. What lies beneath?

Before I dig into that, let me first say, I am not a huge fan of the Supreme Court myself. This doesn’t mean I feel our third branch of government should be done away with. Not at all. It is necessary. We need the Supreme Court. It is not so much the court itself I have a problem with. My problem is with attitude – OUR attitude when it comes to Supreme Court decisions. I liken it to when the Catholics choose a new Pope. The faithful hover around with an eye to the chimney, waiting for the puff of smoke indicating the church leaders have come to a decision. Then breathe a sigh of relief when the smoke emerges, wiping hand and saying “well, that’s that, all is well.” As citizens we do the same thing except certain segments are always unhappy with the ruling. Well, DUH! The whole reason any court case gets traction at all is because there are two opposing sides. So what’s the deal?

The “deal”, as I see it, is SCOTUS often gets things wrong. Let’s take, for example, one of the more recent decisions causing so much angst – Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. In this case, and I entirely agree as I understand it, the Court ruled that the federal government had no business telling anyone whether they could have an abortion or not. Now I’m sure it goes deeper than this but that is the gist. They overturned Roe vs Wade, likely one of the worst SUPREME COURT DECISIONS ever handed down. Most of the time, I tend to disagree when a court rules in favor of expanding constitutional limits on government and the courts tend to expand governments purview far more often than putting on the skids. Of course the liberals and usurpers always want more government because it means more control for their side.

All of the above is easy to see. We’ve come to accept it as “that’s the way things are”. These days the liberals have a problem with “the way things are” much as I’ve had for most of my life. What’s the difference? Like I said, they tend to cheat. In this case as in “packing the court”. Isn’t there another way? I’m glad you asked. Of course there is.

Like I said before, our tendency as a nation is to simply accept any SCOTUS ruling as the final word and move on. The problem with this is, SCOTUS does NOT have the final word! WE the PEOPLE do! The Constitution is not theirs to manipulate any way they so desire – the Constitution is OURS. It is our law of the land. Sure, as citizens, the Constitution belongs to Supreme Court justices also – but, as CITIZENS they have no more right or say than we do. In other words, it is the right of us citizens of this nation to OVERTURN SCOTUS.

Now, I’ll tell you up front, the politicians know this. Often, the court will rule on a singular point rather than a principle and the politicians have been known to rework certain legislation so it falls in line with a ruling. What the politicians are terrified to admit is, WE are in charge when it comes to the law of the land.

Let’s take Dobbs vs Jackson for our example. Once you see this, it will all be crystal clear as to why the usurpers want to pack the court. Like I said, SCOTUS said, our Constitution does not provide for federal meddling concerning abortions. Now, if the majority of us citizens disagree with this, WE the PEOPLE are fully within our rights to change this. How? By modifying our Constitution via an amendment. I hear you shaking your heads (and my wife claims I am hard of hearing), but the process is not easy for good reason. The last thing we need is what the liberals like to call “a living document”. (Thus suggesting the only other choice is to declare our Constitution dead.) It would be a nightmare if our nation’s decisions were all made by popular vote. This is the very reason we are a constitutional republic and NOT a “democracy”.

For this very reason, the globalist usurpers would rather “pack the court” because they know, they KNOW, the citizens of this nation are not likely to hand over control of their reproductive organs to the feds. So they want to cheat. This is their way because the only way they can win is by deception. Consider their own protests concerning Dobbs vs Jackson. Why, if you listen to them and believe their crap, then you’d be convinced any woman, ANY WOMAN, will soon be forced into illegal back alley clinics where unwanted pregnancies are terminated with coat hangers. Get real. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Research indicates most Americans are quite reasonable when it comes to the abortion issue. Many of us don’t approve of this as a method of birth control but few are opposed to those with limited choices or special circumstances. Personally, I do not feel a limited government has any say at all in such matters until such life becomes viable independently of the mother. Even then I think it is wise to tread carefully. That said, I do strongly object to the idea that abortions should be financed with tax dollars. In other words, if you want an abortion, that’s one thing but do not expect me to foot the bill, directly or indirectly.

So there you have it. Adam Shiffty and friends don’t like limiting government so their solution is to Shifft the odds in their favor by packing the court. It’s no surprise. Far be it for him and his like to accept the decision or vow to work hard to win the hearts of the PEOPLE to make changes.

Now, before I leave you, consider yet another potential SCOTUS ruling that could nuke our government’s stranglehold on our nation. Loper Bright Enterprises vs. Raimondo. (Red State Article)

Once again, this review contests an earlier SCOTUS ruling – the infamous Chevron Doctrine.

The way Red State puts it, this ruling was key allowing federal agencies to run rogue by devising regulations not authorized by Congress. You know, like the ATF suddenly deciding what gun parts can be bought and sold without their express permission? Below is the link to keep you updated.

SCOTUS Blog Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo

Again, my own desire would be to have the National Firearms Act and the Gun Control Act of 1968 specifically overturned, along with the rest of the ridiculous anti-2A laws, and for SCOTUS to make perfectly clear how the words “shall not be infringed” should be understood (to my satisfaction, of course). I’m sure this is too much to hope for but, barring a solid stand by us citizens, I can only dream.

Politics Is Dead (Part 1 of 2)

American politics has always been dominated by two parties. Until I was about thirteen when I showed my Mom the “error of her ways”, she always sided with the democrats. She contended the republicans catered to the rich whereas democrats looked out for the poor. This was in 1971. Even though I despised Richard Nixon – I thought his economic policies were crap and I loathed the idea of opening relations with China – I still felt the republican party was far more inclined to rein in spending than the tax and spend democrat party. It took me a long time to realize how utterly wrong I was and even longer to comprehend the joke our two-party system is on us citizens.

Today, right before our eyes, the vaunted American two-party system is dead – or nearly so. The most surprising aspect of this is who is killing it. What remains to be seen is what will take it’s place. In this two-part series I’ll lay it all on the line as I see it. Who is killing the system and why. More to the point – what they are determined to replace it with. Finally, I’ll offer up an alternative – a real choice that is not only possible but actually within our grasp.

Folks, politics isn’t simply dead. We’ve gotten so used to the smell of the rotting corpse of American politics, we are blind and desensitized to the decay and corruption left behind. Meanwhile, the politicians, laughing at us all the way to the bank, live in wonderlands of their own design in our federal and state capitols. They live lives of honor and privilege while their henchmen, government employees whose salaries are paid for with our own sweat and blood, extract every loose nickel from our pockets while prying free much of the remaining change we are desperately holding on to. They’ve brought to life Robin Hood’s Sheriff of Nottingham in the guise of federal bureaucrats. Meanwhile, they dine in the finest restaurants, live in the grandest houses, take junkets to exotic locations, all courtesy of grunts like you and me. Nancy Pelosi, during her last stint as Speaker of the House of Representatives, insisted her taxpayer provided plane be upgraded to a 747 so she could be ferried back to her San Francisco home district without stopping in flyover country to refuel. Oh, yeah, and, this daughter of a Baltimore politician, is somehow worth tens of millions of dollars. Go figure. And for the record, she’s never been charged with any wrongdoing, irrespective of the allegations of insider trading in the stock market, among others.

Let’s not forget Mitch McConnell who is also a multi-millionaire. Yet another politician with deep, profitable ties with China. Nor Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Obamas, or any of the rest of them. These days much is alleged about the Bidens and I absolutely believe a fair and thorough investigation would result in charges and jail time for all of the above. Do any of them look worried? The closest I’ve heard is when Hillary is said to have stated that if Trump won, “they” would all end up in jail. I don’t know whom the “they” she supposedly spoke of was exactly but I’ve no doubt the potential list is mind-boggling.

So how can I say “politics is dead” when everything appears to embrace the phrase “business as usual”? Remember that rotting corpse I spoke of? The game changed long ago. The more you look back with open eyes the more you will realize our “two-party system” is nothing but an illusion of smoke and mirrors. These days the reality is obvious if you care to see it. The gloves have come off and even the “politicians” are tired of the ruse. While they still wear the same “work clothes” every day, they no longer hide their true agenda. At least this is true of many democrats. The republicans continue to claw at the falsehood they are fighting for us because they have nothing else to offer. True, there are some politicians on both sides intent on shoring up the facade but more and more have “come out” for what they really want. Consider what the democrats advocate:

Green policies

Universal income

Universal health care

Cash Bail Reform

Disarming citizens

Open borders

All of these ideas are linked by a common thread. Each one moves us closer to shifting to a one-world government. Really? How can that be? Let’s look at these one by one with open eyes.

Green policies. Bad enough is the idea of forcing electric cars, stoves, and heating upon us all. To “reduce our carbon footprint”, proposals are now on the table to reduce farm production, power generation from all but solar and wind, and even reduce the world’s population. You heard right, they want to kill us off. You don’t really think any of those folks advocating “population reduction” are volunteering to go first… do you? Some have stated a desired reduction as much as 80%. You don’t get those numbers by attrition. Why? A smaller population is easier to control, silly. How much sense does it make to control such a reduced population via multiple governments? The globalists see themselves as an elite class destined to rule over their lessors and face it, the very term “globalists” is indicative of central control from a single entity. In other words, a one-world government. This “green movement” is a lightly veiled effort to cause economic hardship, even famine, among our citizens. Look back on the first Great Depression and what FDR was able to accomplish for the globalist agenda then.

Universal income is another devious plan to herd the poorest and least productive citizens into financial prisons where they can be controlled with ease. As a recent enrollee into Social Security, I already see the potential hook coming… get vaccinated or lose your benefits. I’ve got news for the bastards. Universal income has yet another hidden feature shared by all “government gimmies”, the more of our money the globalists spend the more they can stress our resources until they break.

This is also one of the main goals behind universal health care. Not only can they control a massive segment of our economy they can also begin systematic reduction of the population by picking and choosing who gets what health care. After all… we can only afford so much – right? This joke on us displays raw evidence whenever a globalist becomes ill. No expense is ever spared to save one of their own – as long as they are useful and in good standing.

On to the elimination of cash bail. Surely this is obvious. The goal is to keep criminals on the streets as much as possible. Granted our “criminal justice system” leaves much to be desired but installing revolving doors at police stations is not the solution. As crime rises, citizens demand protection in the form of, you guessed it, more government and more regulations. What, exactly, is the the most touted solution to violent crime?

Disarming citizens! Hello. Of course they can never call it that. Instead they want to “reduce gun violence” (because knife, and fist, and baseball bat violence are much more desirable ways to suffer and die) and “get guns off the street”. As with every other dialectic, they ignore the real issues while promoting so-called “solutions” that only exacerbate the problems. With every mass shooting, I’ve begun to call for bigger “No Guns Allowed” signs. That should stop ’em.

Then there’s the open borders agenda. They can’t hide this one. Nothing says “One World” better than the eradication of a national borders. This agenda item alone should speak volumes. While the term “open borders” speaks for itself, don’t forget ancillary issues such as “amnesty for so-called immigrants” (illegal aliens), “pathways for citizenship”, along with all the other means of either openly ignoring immigration and naturalization laws or simply ignoring the influx of illegal people and goods flooding our nation. It all adds to the strain of our resources as well as directly contributing to the death and destruction of our citizens and our nation.

The globalists have come out of the closet. They openly and proudly proclaim not only their hate of America but their intent to destroy our nation. They have routed our representatives and elected officials on every level, replacing them with their own sycophants. They’ve seized control of our electoral processes while laying siege to our legal system. Those they failed to control they are hobbling, if not eliminating via lawfare. They own the media. They own law enforcement. They own the courts. There are exceptions. Some voices still cry. Some law enforcement agencies resist. Some judges, including a majority in SCOTUS, still abide by our constitution to some extent. That said, the gloves are off. Politics is dead. The true battle is globalism vs our nation – our constitutional republic. It is the last bastion we citizens need to defend. Is it hopeless? Not at all. But as the globalists have shifted their attacks, we must shift our defenses. They’ve made a strategic error. Now if only we can capitalize on their blunder. To be continued…